The Dragon-Slaying Samurai In The Pirate World

Chapter 90 The Sloping Sea [Please Support]

"Bang bang...boom boom..."



"This damn wall!"

"Damn it, I can't shake it at all..."

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

On the ice in front of Crescent Bay, accompanied by sparse gunfire, all Marine personnel have retreated into the bay.

The surrounding walls, which were tens of meters high and extremely thick, were activated one after another, blocking the way forward for the pirates.

There are pirates from the Whitebeard pirate group who carry rocket launchers and directly pull the trigger to fire. Fiery shells hit it, but they are unable to shake the extremely thick and extremely strong iron wall made of special alloy.

The huge mace hit the surrounding wall. Not only did it fail to leave any trace on it, it actually made the tiger's mouth numb and even the mace shattered.

Let those pirates despair.

One black cannon after another kept spitting out fire.

Huge cannonballs kept attacking, exploding in the crowd from time to time.

One after another, someone screamed and fell in a pool of blood.

And at the rear.

Hundreds of pacifists lined up to attack, and began to cooperate with the "483" team of the Marine Bombardment Department in the bay to encircle and kill these pirates.

Dense laser light waves kept coming, causing violent explosions.

A large number of pirates screamed.


Whitebeard, who had already attacked, stared blankly.

His right fist was clenched tightly, condensed with a blazing halo, and he suddenly punched out!

"Crack, click, click" the atmosphere was shattered.

An astonishing shock wave came out.

"Keng————" hit the thick iron wall directly.

Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing, the fierce wind pressure made people almost unsteady on their feet.


Marco, Diamond Jozi, Knight Ranger Doma and others all couldn't help but change their expressions and couldn't believe it.

I saw that their father Whitebeard's terrifying attack directly using the Shock Fruit ability only left a shocking deep pit on the iron wall in front, and it was still unable to penetrate.

The whole area is covered with potholes, broken bodies and limbs, and the blood-drenched ice is extremely tragic.

And I don’t know when.

In the corner of the huge surrounding wall, there was actually a figure several times larger than the giants, an extremely exaggerated and ferocious figure lying there, dripping with blood.

Astonishingly, he is the pirate captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the descendant of the demon "Oz of Destiny" from five hundred years ago - Little Oz.!

His extremely heavy body was pressed there, making it impossible for the surrounding wall to rise normally.

But Marine had already discovered the blind spot, deployed heavy troops there, and was ready.

Once a pirate sets foot in that area and tries to break into Crescent Bay from there, he will be bombarded mercilessly by a dense rain of bullets and artillery shells immediately.

Bloody corpses fell there, telling the story of the cruelty and danger of this road.

"Dad, everyone..." Fire Fist Ace's face was full of pain, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

After seeing so many people, in order to save him, he took it upon himself to ignore the advice and insisted on leaving the Moby Dick alone to pursue the traitor Blackbeard Marshall D. Fang was captured alive and even given to Marine. The captain of the second team who triggered this war that should not have happened paid his life.

He was in agony and full of regret.

"Akainu, melt the ice so they have no place to stand!"

Seeing that the Whitebeard Pirates have been surrounded, they have no way forward and no way to retreat.

Ignoring Fire Fist Ace's mood at the moment, Marine Marshal Sengoku, who stood aside to pay attention to the battle and command the battle with full authority, gave the order in a deep voice.

"Then let's get started!"

The second high platform below the execution platform.

"Akainu" Sakazuki stepped out with a cold face.

The arms directly turned into extremely red, bubbling hot magma, and boiling thick liquid.

"Meteor Volcano!" He waved his fist brazenly and hit the sky.

The magma-formed arms turned into afterimages.

A large number of magma fist prints were blasted high into the sky one after another at an astonishing speed and disappeared.

Let those pirates be surprised.

But in a flash——

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There was volcanic ash all over the sky, and little sparks appeared in the dark sky.

More and more, bigger and clearer...

"Boom boom boom..."

"Damn it, it's a volcanic bomb!"

"The ice is melting!"


"Dad, help!"

"Despicable Marine, you want to completely melt the ice so that we have no place to stand..."

The extremely violent volcanic bombs slammed down from the air with astonishing force.

It directly shattered a large area of ​​ice, and the terrifying high temperature continued to melt the surrounding ice. Pirates were also directly hit and burned to the point where no bones were left...

The Moby Dick and several other pirate ships in front of Crescent Bay had already been blasted through by the huge fist of magma, and even caught fire in the blink of an eye, and were drowned by the raging flames.

A doomsday scene appears.

Countless pirates screamed in agony.

Some people lost their foothold and fell directly into the extremely hot sea water boiled by magma, struggling desperately and wailing in pain.

It makes people's scalp numb and hairy.

"Jozi!" Whitebeard's eyes darkened, and he growled at Diamond Jozi in the distance.

Before he finished speaking, his whole body jumped up.

With its amazing jumping ability, it flew dozens of meters away.

He kicked hard on Diamond Jozi's big hand that was already in front of him.

"Come on, Dad!!!" The ice cracked and collapsed under the pressure. Diamond Jozi gritted his teeth, veins popped out in his arms, and he threw Whitebeard's tall and heavy body high into the sky, leaping over the siege alive. wall.


The extremely heavy body fell heavily into the bay.

The shock caused the ground to tremble slightly, and it seemed to fall on the hearts of the Marine personnel gathered in Crescent Bay, causing them to tremble uncontrollably.

The complexion is pale and the discharge is pure!


Sengoku's brows jumped and his expression changed drastically.

Many Marines couldn't help but change their colors when they saw this...

"Woohoo-" At this time, Phoenix Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' First Team, also turned into a big green bird, with green flames, fluttering its wings.

The two strongest members of the Whitebeard pirate group broke into the bay directly.

"Whitebeard has invaded the bay!"

"Phoenix Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates 1st Division, is also here!"

"Everyone, come on, take down Whitebeard's head!"

"For justice!!!"


A large number of Marine generals, under the orders of those Marine Vice Admirals.

One after another, they gritted their teeth, showed ferocity, and waved their weapons without fear of death as they rushed towards Whitebeard and Phoenix Marco.


He stared coldly at the Marine coming forward.

The naginata slammed into the ground, and Whitebeard's claws protruded.

The ten fingers seemed to be clasped on the solidified rubber, suddenly clasping the air.

It's so jaw-dropping that you can't believe your eyes.

Pull hard!


The atmosphere was shattered.

The pupils of Buddha Sengoku and others shrank sharply.

His expression changed with horror.

In an instant.

The sky spins and the earth spins.

The whole island, the whole sea, the whole sky...

Everything is upside down!


“Hua la la⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ la la la⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯”

The entire island was shaking violently.

Countless Marines were unable to stand steadily and suffered bloody injuries from their falls.

But under Whitebeard's control, although the pirates in front of Crescent Bay were also beaten to pieces, their losses were relatively small.

The sea stopped flowing and tilted at an exaggerated angle. One Marine warship after another was swallowed up by the huge crack in the current...

The doomsday-like scene is full of visual impact and extremely shocking!

Countless Marines were so shocked by this exaggerated and unimaginable scene that their faces turned pale and they broke out in cold sweat.

All of them opened their mouths and were speechless.

"Boom!" 4.6, "Boom!"

Veins popped out in Whitebeard's arms.

In an instant, both fists were punched out again.

But instead of hitting the embarrassed Marines in front of them, it hit the sky and the earth directly.



The earth shook violently and continued to break apart.

The originally airtight surrounding wall was badly damaged, torn apart from Crescent Bay, and collapsed one after another.


"The bay is cracked!"

"Get out of the way!"

"help me!"

There are exaggerated cracks one after another, all over the place.

It swallowed up a large number of Marines who had no time to dodge.

The entire Crescent Bay was torn apart, and became extremely dilapidated in the blink of an eye.



"That guy actually broke the situation in this way!"

"How careless!"

Sengoku, Akainu, Tsuru Vice Admiral and others saw this.

They all couldn't help but look down.

Some are extremely ugly!

This is trouble!

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