The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 35

Friends attacked

“… Robert”

“Hey, I’m glad your lady remembered your name. So, lady? If you want to learn how to cook, I have a longer cook history here than Chris. I’ll teach you.”

All I can think of is some disgust for Robert, who laughs slightly.

Plus, Chris is very underrated. Robert isn’t very good, I guess.

You don’t want to teach Robert to cook like that.

“… no, fine. If you don’t have Chris, we’ll see you later.”

“I didn’t say that, lady. I don’t have any weird ideas.”

“Fine, that’s what I said”

Okay, let’s go back to your room.

It’s a shame they didn’t teach you how to cook, but nothing needs to be taught today. At least for the whole month, I’m free.

From now on, I need Chris to tell me about my day off.

“Don’t say that, lady.”


So, Robert grabbed my arm.


“Um, what kind of food would you like? I can teach you. Huh?”

“Let go, please!

I’ll try to wave Robert, but I won’t leave.

My powers are weak. Though a cook, you can’t beat the power of Robert, a man.

I’m scared.

I’m afraid a man will touch me.


“Don’t let go of that filthy hand!

Natalia was there, tapping her fist into Robert’s shoulder.

That’s Natalia. You can count on it.

With Robert groaning at the pain, he took his hand off my arm.

In that gap, hurry and escape behind Natalia.

“Ouch… what the hell. Don’t interrupt.”

“Didn’t you hear the lady hate you? If you think it’s the servants who force you to hate them, submit your resignation now.”

“Shit… hehe. Shit!”

So finally, Robert turns his back.

Apparently, you gave up.


“Natalia, that’s enough. Let’s go home.”

“Lady…… I understand. Robert, I would like to report this matter to my husband and his wife. There’s a servant in the Duke’s house who doesn’t deserve it.”

Hmm, and I’ll take Natalia, who has a rough nose, and I’ll just get out of the kitchen.

At all, what the hell is Robert thinking? I never thought I’d have such a bad attitude before.

And for some reason Michelle, closest to the entrance, apologizes, and I’ll just go home.

Until dinner, what shall we do?

Return to your room and sit on the bed first.

You can keep enjoying your nap, but that’s going to make me useless.



“I will report back to your wife on the matter ahead. Exactly. That attitude is not acceptable.”

Natalia is angry.

Sure, Robert’s attitude earlier was serious as a servant. It’s also true that I reacted a little intensely because I’m not good with men.

How can Robert work at home while continuing with that attitude?

And there.

The door to my room was knocked on.


“Ma’am, excuse me.”

Coming in with my voice is a man over forty.

This is Richard, the family ordinance, who has served my family for a long time. He is an all-powerful man who heads a servant and sometimes assists his father in his clerkship. The difficulty is a little, will you just look at Natalia’s chest?

After you walked into my room today, you looked at Natalia’s breasts first and at me. Wouldn’t you like to hide it a little?

“What’s wrong?

“To the lady, a customer is here. May I let you through?”

“Sir, is it? Who is it?”

“Dear Lilia, I was named”


Surprised by the unexpected name.

Lilia Anderson is one of my few friends. The only thing you might even say.

He was the only friend in my school life who was studying and pickling. I didn’t expect you to come visit me like this.

“Let me through.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard takes a glimpse of Natalia’s chest and then closes the door.

It’s good to see you before you change into a room. If you’re dressed now, there’s nothing wrong with welcoming a customer.

But Natalia sighed slightly.


“… no, it’s nothing. Richard is versatile in his work, and he can be respected as a person…”

“I hear men prefer big breasts. I have no choice.”

I’m tolerant around here. Not only Richard, but men almost look at Natalia’s breasts, so there’s no harm done to me.

Even if he’s going to hide it, you know it well, don’t you?

I’m not interested in Natalia because Master Wilhelm and… I hate to line up in the same row, but isn’t it about Robert? Even Zach watched it when we first met.

So, hello, and the door slammed.

Apparently, you’re here.

“Excuse me… it’s been a while, Carol”


Vertically curled golden hair with a slightly fishy eye. I’m a little taller than I am, but my body’s ups and downs are much the same as mine. Lilia was there, looking the same as before.

Probably stopped by on the way home from school. I’m wearing a school uniform. I don’t deserve to wear it anymore, so I envy you.

The Anderson family is a Marquis family whose house is slightly less qualified than the Ambrose family. But as a nobleman, Lilia is also naturally accompanied by an escort.

Those, too, were the ones I used to see at school.

“Deborah, it’s been a long time.”

“You don’t have to say those words to a servant like me, Dear Carol. I apologize for spanning the Duke’s house like this, though with my husband”

Mr. Deborah will bow his head. Nothing, it’s not like I’m my servant, and I don’t have to show that much respect.

Mr. Deborah, by the way, is almost no different in stature than Natalia, but has a more muscular appearance than Natalia. I wonder if you have about my thighs, such as upper arm muscles.

With its appearance, it is very strong. Maybe Zach would kill you instantly.

“Deborah, don’t you have a story to pile up with Natalia, too? No, Carol and I don’t need an escort, so you can talk to Natalia.”

“Yes, no, that’s not how…”

“I don’t mind, either. Natalia, you may remove your seat.”

“Oh, my lady…”

Just as Lilia and I are friends, so are Natalia and Deborah, each other’s escorts. Though, when Lilia and I were together, we used to talk, so much so.

I’ve seen Natalia and I train for occasional hand-to-hand combat on several occasions. You fell in love with the awesomeness of the two moves.

“Deborah, you know what I’m saying?

“… I understand, Dear Lilia”

“What is it, Lilia?”

“It’s nothing. Natalia, you heard the story, didn’t you? Deborah will need to talk to you, and you two can take your seats off.”

“… I understand, then, my lady. Let me take your seats off for a little while.”

Natalia bows her head and quits.

What the hell is this all about?

I don’t know, but if Mr. Deborah and Natalia are going to deepen their friendship, I have nothing in particular to say no to.

Close the door, the two of you are leaving.

I think we should serve about tea, but what do we do? Should I brew it?

I don’t want to go near the kitchen.

“Sit down, Carol”

“This is my room.”

“I’m a guest.”

You’re right about that, too.

Lilia wasn’t much liked from around because of her pushy personality like this. And I was just studying, too, and not very involved with the people around me.

So one day in school class, they told me to make a pair, and I had no choice but to get along with Lilia since I got together.

“So, Carol,”


“Can you explain what the hell this is all about?

In that way, the look on Lilia’s face sitting on one of the couches facing each other.

It was amazing, I was angry.

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