The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 46

One end.

It’s a holiday.

I’m like a holiday every day, but in general, today is the holiday. Specifically, the school is the day off.

And that’s why I’m having a tea party with Lilia today.

“Um… first of all, I want you to know that my house – the Marquis Anderson – doesn’t mean looking down on the Duke of Ambrose house or anything like that.”


I told Lilia the whole story.

When I told him that I had been kidnapped, he suddenly made a noise of spraying tea. It’s always a big response, Lilia.

And Lilia, who explained things like Richard’s faults and Robert’s truth, was on the brink for a long time.

“What are you talking about?”


“Is the Duke of Ambrose only incompetent?

“That’s spicy.”

To Lilia’s words, shrug your shoulders.

Even if she doesn’t have such an intention, you can also take it in the wind that the Ambrose family will be above the Andersons for once as a qualification, so they are denigrating our home. But I guess that’s not what you’re going to do to Lilia.

She’s all kinds of, you know, direct.

“Because… first, was it Robert? You’re really the Duke of Ambrose’s old man, Carol’s uncle, aren’t you?

“Yes, it will”

After that, I also got an explanation from my mother.

He says Robert is the real son of your grandfather, Duke Ridd, and he’s going to be your mother’s brother. The truth is, Robert was going to inherit the Duke of Ambrose house, because it was true.

But there are a lot of circumstances, and you think they stripped Ambrose of his family name?

“You realize the reason they stripped you of your family name is sexual assault on more than one girl, which is strange as a human being at the moment.”

“… well, that’s right”

That was Robert’s situation.

I haven’t heard the details, either, but when I was just a young man, did you do a lot of things with the name of the Duke of Ambrose house on a casket? Especially among them, he put his hands on a handsome junior aristocratic girl and silenced her using her family name.

The junior aristocratic girl had no choice but to cry and the offense didn’t appear bright for a while, she said, but it was revealed by the fact that several of them had lodged their children. And if one speaks out, the other victims took the form of following it, and it was Robert’s fault.

It is a fine assault on women in the light of the law and is punishable by imprisonment. But Grandfather Duke Ridd, then Duke of Ambrose, did he manage to turn his hand?

And he stripped Robert of his family name, but he didn’t throw it out to the city well, and he kept it as a servant in our separate home. There must have been a grandfather’s wish to make corrections, but at the same time there must have been a monitoring role.

For that reason, Robert was totally unusable, taking credit from Chris, and having such a bad attitude over and over again, he never banished our house.

You can’t banish them badly and get evil done out of sight.

“The credibility of the house will be discredited when a nobleman makes such a case in the first place. If it weren’t for the Duke of Ambrose, you might have been at risk of falling. At least the Andersons would be locked away in the dungeons of their homes if their brother-in-law imitated that.”

“… Really?”

“It’s a strange story that I was using you as a servant in the house with what a futile desire to correct, without such reasonable treatment. I made a case in the first place, and it’s impossible to get my family name back again as a nobleman.”

Lilia is spicy, isn’t she?

But I guess those kinds of treatments were inherently right. But didn’t your sweet grandfather still want to give Robert the opportunity?


“… well, at least we were adults until we had this kidnapping”

“Didn’t they tell you over and over again that you had a bad attitude?

“Yeah. I’ve been told for a long time that you have a bad attitude towards the chef. But since our chef is a young woman… well, I guess it’s also a matter of obedience, so it was retained. Other than that, you took it seriously without taking a break from work.”

The truth is that both your father and mother have been delayed in dealing with it because of it.

The appearance was fixed that way, so I guess the attitude is being corrected anyway. My mother said that if the moon flowed without a thing and Robert died, I could put his remains in the tomb of the Duke of Ambrose’s house, so much so that I would have forgiven him?

No way, he didn’t even think about kidnapping me or anything.

For that reason, I was apologized to my father and my mother many times.

“Hmm… Well, that’s the Duke of Ambrose house, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?

“Sweet, I mean. I didn’t do anything to His Royal Highness, Rayford, like you.”

Lilia is certainly right.

From mother’s point of view, he is the real brother who divided the blood. There, you can’t say that the affection of the flesh parents is insignificant. Like Brother Alberto for me.

“Um, Richard, are you okay?

“From the doctor’s point of view, the wound will be blocked in another week,”

“Well, that would have been nice. But you can’t just acquit me, can you? It’s like Carol was kidnapped because of Richard.”


It’s hard to say.

Earlier, Lilia said thoughtfully, ‘The Duke of Ambrose is sweet’. In this state, I’m going to be outraged.

But I won’t be able to, without telling you.

And so Concon, and the door was knocked.

It’s been a long time since Lilia arrived, so maybe she brought me a cup of tea.

“Excuse me, ma’am, Master Lilia. I brought you a tea replacement.”

“Thank you, Richard”

It was Richard with a bandage around his head who opened the door and came in.

Lilia looked at Richard suspiciously, and at me, frowning.

Richard put tea in me and Lilia’s cup, then took a quick look at Natalia’s breasts before going outside. I’ve seen it like that and it hasn’t changed.

“What do you mean?

“Richard has been asked to do indoor work for a while.”

“You mean acquittal?

“Only because Robert is the bad one…… Richard was accidentally attacked the day he took his place as an escort…”

Take your eyes off Lilia and answer.

Lilia like that narrowed her eyes, and kept frowning, looking at me.

“… Carol, you didn’t say”

“What is it about”

“It was Richard’s eyes that inspired you to get caught. So, Robert, too, was attacked with a gap by letting Richard use his color eyes because he was an escort. I mean, it’s all Richard’s fault.”

I’m afraid of Lilia’s eyes.

I’m looking at everything. I know all about my shallow wisdom.

“You… you decided it was a coincidence that Richard was on the escort?


“I just heard it from you, and I don’t care what you think, Richard is bad. You’re the only one who can do that by chance.”

“… yes”

Richard is an excellent family ordinance. I just don’t have eyes in a woman’s chest, that’s all.

And you can’t lose such a good servant because of me. He also agreed that he would only do indoor work to prevent this from happening again.

In this state, I am not as ghost as I tell my mother.

“Ha… Damn, the Duke of Ambrose house is so sweet”

“… you have no words to give back”

“Well, if Carol’s okay with that. Besides, if Richard’s just going to work indoors, there’s no danger in the future.”


“Natalia, on your day off, make arrangements that you can do something about.”

“… Yes, Master Lilia”

To Lilia’s words, Natalia bows her head.

But what’s the point of saying this? Actually, the biggest cut I was supposed to be able to help quickly was Natalia.

Where you don’t have to worry about anything because of the holidays, did Natalia come all the way out to see how things were going and to the road connecting the Knights with the Duke’s mansion, to shop?

So it was Natalia who discovered the bloody Richard and quickly reported him to the Knights.

At work the next day when I was helped, I kept apologizing for crying, sorry, sorry.

It wasn’t Natalia’s fault.

“You’re gonna end up with this.”


“I’m glad you’re safe.”

and Lilia smiles.

Sure, with all the twists and turns, I’m safe. I’ve been supported by a variety of people, and as a result, I’m safe.

“Lilia too, thank you”


“Men have steep groins, because it was Lilia who told me. In an emergency, I was able to kick Robert’s groin and escape.”

“… uh”

Lilia is just having a bit of a bitter laugh.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about it. About that.”

“But thank you”

“Speaking of which, what happened with Master Wilhelm anymore… than that?

While Lilia illuminates, so change the subject.

Always, Lilia changes the subject when she praises. You must be ashamed.

Lilia like that is cute, too.

“Yes, I was, listen!


“To tell the truth, there has been progress between me and Master Wilhelm!

It’s a pleasure.

Now my path to becoming Master Wilhelm’s wife is one step forward.

“What do you mean, there’s been progress?

“The next day, he asked me to be his wife again.”

“Heh. So, what happened?


I had an extraordinary smile.

When I think of what Master Wilhelm said that day, that’s all I get overflowing with joy.

“Master Wilhelm responded positively that he would do well to make me his wife!

“… Huh?

You said, “Be positive and be good!” Carol is a fruit payer!

“… What’s wrong with me? Oh, what’s changing that?

Shh, and I’ll shake your head.

When I think of the day I will now be Master Wilhelm’s wife, that alone will overflow my joy.

“From your friends, as a wife, I went up positive and good!

“… oh yeah. If Carol’s happy, that’s fine.”

“Yes, Carol is happy!

Dear Wilhelm, please wait.

This Carol Ambrose is still immature.

I’ll make sure you become a lady, the wife of the Knights Commander deserves it -.

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