The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 60

One Resolution

I think about it every time.


“Is the Duke of Ambrose’s house under any kind of curse?

“What does that mean?

The temporary lecturer’s job at the Knights is closed for the weekend. The school is also closed for the weekend, so it’s a tea party with Lilia.

But that’s what Lilia said when she explained how things were going, still grumpy.

Me and watching Mary standing trembling behind me like that.

“I understand that His Highness the Fool said something that I don’t know why, and he rammed himself up and seized me. ‘Cause all of a sudden when I thought I stopped coming to school, I said I’d be a little quiet or something.”

“Tranquility, is it”

“With that said, it would essentially be house arrest. At least the right to inherit the throne should be removed. Well, all I’m saying is you deserve it.”

You’re certainly right.

By the way, the second throne inheritance right is His Royal Highness King Raul, brother of His Majesty Gallius, and the third throne inheritance right is the son of His Royal Highness King Raul. I’ve never met you, but rumors say you’re wise, so the future of the kingdom will be cheap.

But Lilia remained displeased and stared.

Not me, mainly Mary behind me.

“Dealing with Your Highness is good. Well, you made more of an idiot out of me than I thought, which is the real deal.”

“That’s spicy.”

“The problem is then. Why are you using Mary as a samurai?


I could see Mary roaring so small at Lilia’s strangulation.

Well, you don’t mind because it’s about you.

“I thought I wanted a dedicated maid.”

“Then you just have to hire the right woman. You don’t have to bother making Mary a samurai. Mostly, Carol quit school because of this woman. I don’t know why I’m giving this woman so much warmth.”

“For once, for a reason.”

“I guess I can predict. I went to school, so at least I can read and write. I have a lot of knowledge. That’s why I thought it would be useful in terms of material production.”

What do we do, you’re right.

All I needed was someone to work on the dossier, so I was the one who was clearing the area once and for all. It’s not uncommon for a woman in Shirai to be unable to read or write. Even Natalia often doesn’t understand difficult words.

or so, it costs money to hire a noble courtier. In that regard, Mary has a weak taste, and she was happy to offer it to Baron Hopkins when she explained the circumstances to him.

But to my attitude like that, Lilia sighed heavily.

“Um… you think Mary’s gonna work seriously?

“Yes, no, I, seriously…”

“I didn’t ask you. Shut up.”

Giro, and Lilia stare at Mary.

Always, Lilia’s eyes are bad. I don’t think that’s why I can’t have friends. I won’t tell the person.

“Well… if you run away from home, Mary has nowhere to go”

“That’s sweet of you to think about. If I were in Mary’s shoes, I’d use every hand. By and large, you could even be guilty of overthrowing the state at a time when you disenfranchised your royal highness with the right to inherit the throne. That doesn’t make it any stranger when you die because of Carol’s change of heart than death is inevitable. You think I’ll ever obey someone like that?


I didn’t think that far.

Ha, and I sigh loudly, and Lilia drinks tea. By the way, it was Natalia who prepared this tea.

Because I haven’t left Mary with a job where she can mix poisons, like drinks and food. Exactly, it’s not that easy to trust.

“I know a hundred things about His Highness being an idiot, but can you say that the same thing doesn’t happen to Carol’s brother? When you realize that Mary is caging Alberto, you can say that the next Duchess will never be seated.

“… only on my brother, I don’t think so”

“It’s not a zero chance. If you can have the slightest chance of rocking the house, you shouldn’t hire a samurai like that. If Carol said she wanted to be a samurai, it should have been Madame who should have stopped it. ‘Cause I don’t see the point in agreeing to be a samurai like this, as a matter of course. That’s why I said it. Does the Duke of Ambrose have a curse to sweeten against others?

I have no idea that my brother will. I like muscled Chris.

I’ve been feeling a little good with Chris lately, and I think he said it before.

“So what do you think Lilia should do?

“Hire a new samurai now, without putting Mary under house arrest around the dungeon for life”

“Oh, how about that! Forgive me!

To Lilia’s harsh opinion, yes, Mary got to her knees.

Lilia’s gaze at Mary like that doesn’t feel the temperature at all. It’s cold.

“Yes, but? What’s Carol going to do?

“Well, we’ll leave it as it is. I’ve already educated you as a samurai.”

“‘Cause. Good for you, Mary.”

Look, and I see Mary stroking her chest down.

Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean Lilia can do it.



“I know you’re too sweet. Well, that’s the kind of Carol that I like, but some people use it, so you better remember that.”

“Yeah. I’m counting on you, Lilia”

“… that’s who you are, so I can’t leave you alone.”

Phew, and Lilia laughs.

Likewise, I laugh.

It’s about Lilia, so I’m sure the rooting is all over. So don’t worry.

In the first place, I suppose Lilia’s purpose is to terrorize Mary by telling me that.

Otherwise, you’d be telling me where you’re not in person.

What Lilia came out with like that was a few documents.

“For one thing, I’ll hold this… but I’ll use it relentlessly when I have to.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind.”

“Mary, you see?

“… to?

Yes, Lilia urges me, but Mary is leaning her neck.

You certainly don’t know what the paperwork is.

But – this is the paperwork that will shape Mary’s future.

“A series of statements that caged His Highness and the names of those who will be witnesses to it. And then there’s the record of a single lie. Carol told me that the dress she complained about was broken, and she showed it to an expert, and she twisted and tore it herself. Don’t worry, we have all the other evidence in our house.”


“You’re just too guilty, aren’t you? If we submit this in due course, it could be something like a 30-year lockdown. Maybe the Baron Hopkins house was stripped of their title and confiscated their property.”

Come on, and Lilia smiles like a bad person.

It’s pale, toward Mary.

“But don’t worry, Mary. Your husband, Carol, is generous. As long as you’re serious, they’ll hire you in this house.”

“Ugh… ah…”

“I come to this house regularly for tea. I hope nothing’s wrong. If you decide that you’ve done something strange, you’ll be sanctioned immediately.”

“I will work seriously! Please, have mercy!

To Lilia’s words, Mary bows her head with all her might.

I really can count on Lilia. Because in the school after I left, you looked into all this evidence and so on.

On top of that, you’re drawing my thoughts and taking on your own hatred for Mary.

Now Mary won’t be able to do anything bad.

When Lilia decides she’s done something strange, it’s like the end of her life.

In the Duke’s house. Still, Mary can’t get her hands on Lilia.

I mean, keep working seriously, there’s only one option.



When you see Lilia laughing like that looking down at Mary, who gave in completely, you always wonder.

It’s something we got along so well, me.

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