The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 76

Unexpected Reunion

“Now, go back with care.”

“Yes, then excuse me”

At the entrance to the garrison of the Knights of the Rokflowers, you will be escorted back that way by the Anastasian Commander.

Return with one female knight as an escort on the road. I know it’s okay because Natalia is here, but Master Wilhelm likewise put a knight on the escort on the road, so he’ll treat me the same way.

Such lady knights, a little behind me and Natalia, follow with vigilance. Thankful.

“Leave it to me on the road, I’ll be vigilant to make sure nothing happens to Carol.”

“Thank you, may I ask your name?

“Ha. My name is Rimlil, the first knight of the Rokka Knights”

She looks serious, she’s a woman with short hair. But your name is adorable.

The Rokka Knights garrison costs you enough to walk from the mansion, so it would be helpful to give you an escort in this way.

You’ll be the talker on the way home.

“Mr. Rimrill, have you been in the Knights long?

“It’s the sixth year.”


Mr. Rimlil is the one who was in the front seat during today’s lecture.

I remember it well because I was eager to study. He also positively asked me questions.

So you can also give a supplementary course at this time.

“Was there anything in today’s lecture that you didn’t understand?

“Right… it’s how to use a triangle towel…”

Walk home, answering Mr. Rimrill’s questions.

We teach you how to use a triangular scarf, how to stabilize your arm during fractures, how to treat cuts, and how to treat bruises. We also teach you how to easily build a stretcher, but there are many other ways you can use it.

Oral around it only, but I’ll tell you. Basically, it’s just practice, but there’s no harm in remembering it.

“… and that’s why”

“I see…… sure, if you remember that sounds ok”

“Yeah. And then the injured and the sick basically have to be put to rest. But if you lose consciousness, it’s important to lay down your body first. As I taught during lectures, people can lose consciousness and block their airways with their own tongues.”

Pelo, and put out your own tongue, point your finger and teach.

A tongue basically doesn’t block the airway when you lie down. But when you lose consciousness, you lose power from the roots of your tongue, and you can block your airway as it is. And if you get blocked your airway, you won’t be able to breathe, which can be a very dangerous condition.

That’s why it’s important to keep them sideways and at rest. That way, the tongue will stay out.

“This is called tongue root sinking. So the most important way to resuscitate in an emergency is to secure the airway.”

“Yes, I’ll be careful”

“Is there anything else?

“No, it’s all right now”

Good. Looks like you’re convinced.

I added a few from the first lecture to teach you how to CPR in an emergency as well. One of them is to secure the airway. For now, as long as we have a path to breathe, that alone will reduce the number of deaths.


Ha, and exhale small.

“… Still, people die”


“No, it’s nothing”

Master Wilhelm went to war.

War is a dispute between a nation and a nation. Let it be fought with soldiers and soldiers of the state. There, there will be no fewer deaths.

Five thousand knights were marched with Master Wilhelm this time – how safely will you return in time?

“Lady, it’s time…”

“Right. That’s enough, Mr. Rimlil. The mansion is here.”

“Yes, I’m sorry for all the questions. Thank you for your continued support.”

“Yeah. I’ll see you when I get the next chance.”

Mr. Rimrill will thank you greatly and keep your back.

Drop that back off with Natalia before entering the mansion. I’m tired today.

But I have to make materials for tomorrow. Mary will also be tired of working during the day, but I need you to do your best.

Shall I tell your mother and talk to her so she can hire another read-writable samurai?

“I’m back now”

“Welcome home”

Richard and Mary, apparently working at the front door, welcomed me as I was.

Looks like Mary’s mostly used to her job, too, and like in the beginning already, she obviously doesn’t look tired. Was it also a good idea to start giving holidays properly?

Most importantly, Mary is already cut off from her parents, the Baron Hopkins family, so she’s spending time in a given room in our house.

Maybe next time you’re off with me, you can go out with me.

“Mary, when dinner is over, please make another dossier”

“Yes, I understand. Lady.”

It’s easy today. Because there will be two of us, Mary and Natalia.

But sure, Mary should have been off tomorrow. Just a little bit, make more material than usual. Otherwise, it’s tough because you and Natalia are going to be together tomorrow.

Then I’ll take a little break in my room, too – yes, I’ll go up the stairs.

We don’t have that much time until dinner, but we should get some rest. My legs are tired because of my standing job.

Phew, and up the stairs with a carefree leg, the room ahead.

The door suddenly opened.


“Well, I’m sorry to bother you. For more information, see you later.”

“Yes… well, I also intend to…”

“I know. Now it’s time for the carriage to pick you up…”

Whoa, there, a man suddenly comes out and looks at me.

Beyond that, there is Father. Apparently, he was talking to your father about something.

I’ve got eyes.



We both raised our voices out of the way in between.

I’m a father customer, so I just thought you were someone I didn’t know, but you’re a face I’ve seen.

In the middle of a date with Master Wilhelm, who was introduced.

“Is that…? Sure, Mr. Wilhelm’s grandson…?

Certainly named, Edward Raul.

The enemy was there.

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