The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 81


– When Non came back from the war… let’s get married.

Promise me.

Be sure to come back and say so.

It’s such a lie that such a Master Wilhelm was killed in battle. It’s decided to lie.


I promised. I promised.




Before I thought about it, my body was moving.

Earlier, the Knights were triumphant, that’s what he said. I’m sure it’s up to Lilia to make a mistake. If the Knights are returning, I’m sure Master Wilhelm will be leading them.

It can’t have been done, like a war death.

Master Wilhelm is one of the strongest in Freakista.

Through the doors of the mansion, we go outside. I’m in my room, but that doesn’t matter.

Anyway, anyway, I need to see Master Wilhelm as soon as possible.

Triumph should mean a war that ended with victory. Then you don’t even have to think about it. Because it’s not normal to keep a victory in the war, and that commander, Master Wilhelm, is dying in the war.

You’ll keep your word.

That promise that you would make me your daughter-in-law…

“Ma’am! Wait!


Natalia seems to be following me properly, behind me.

But I’m sorry. I can’t stop.

I’ve been waiting for Master Wilhelm to return.

Run, run, head to the Knights garrison. Probably about to make the triumph, the crowd was coming out in large numbers. Run through those people, anyway. Only now, I’m glad I’m small.

Wow, with the cheer, Triumphed Knights – I see the beginning of it.


“Dear Wilhelm…?

Master Wilhelm was not present.

Leading the way is Deputy Vector. Behind it are the people I saw in lectures, such as the Alexander Battalion Commander, the Gazette Battalion Commander and Sergeant Kruger. Some Julius sanitary knights.

It’s just – it’s just what Mr. Wilhelm looks like, which he should have led at the beginning of it, but he doesn’t.

I don’t know what that means.

Why is Wilhelm, the Knight Commander, not leading the way?

“Oh, my lady! Ha… good.”

“Nata, Leah……”

“Yes? Lady……”

“Now, señor…”


I’m not here.

Lieutenant Vector will come past me. The horseback riders can see their faces, but the infantry can’t see them hiding in the crowd.

But it doesn’t mean that Wilhelm, the Knight Commander, is not on board. This means that you will always be in the position that I can see as well.

And yet, I’m not here.

“Oh, my lady…”

“Master Wilhelm is not here…”

“Oh, calm down, please…”

“I’m not there! Nowhere!



Why, Master Wilhelm!

Everyone around you will look at me because of the loud noise.

But that doesn’t matter.

To my voice, Deputy Vector raised his face. I see each other. What look do I have now?

Against me like that.

Deputy Vector, sorry to hear that, laid his eyes down.

I don’t believe it.

I don’t want to believe it.

I absolutely thought it was a lie.

I absolutely believed it was a lie.


Why, Deputy Vector?

When it comes to being the way home to victory, it is sunk so far.


“Because! Master Wilhelm is nowhere! Where are you! Master Wilhelm. Ah!

“Oh, my lady! Not too loud……!

“Master Wilhelm. Ah!

I call you desperately.

But I don’t have a voice to respond to.

I don’t see your big body, your white hair, your mustache.

There is no Master Wilhelm anywhere, anywhere…

“Hey, Carol!


“You, what are you shouting about!

“… Zack”

Not Master Wilhelm, no.

It was Zach who was there. Apparently, Zach was able to get back alive.

My brother, too, was behind it. Good. Thank you for coming back.


“Zach! Brother! Master Wilhelm! Which is Master Wilhelm!


“… that, ha”

It’s like they’re asking me something that’s hard to say.

So much, how can you look disgusted?

You just have to tell me.

You think we’re a little late for the triumph?

What can I do for you?

As a matter of fact, you think I will lead the lord?

Really, I wish you could tell me…

“The captain… was killed in battle”

“It’s a lie!

“I’m not lying! Carol, calm down!

“No! Absolutely lying!

“Oh, already! Just come here! It’s too conspicuous here!

Zach pulls his root out of the crowd.

Stay with my brother and Natalia, they even took me to the alley.

Everyone around me was wondering what was going on, looking at me screaming.

“Ha… here would be nice”

“Carol… are you calm?


Peetan, and I’ll sit on the ground.

Hold still, hold still, I’ve seen the Knights triumph. Until the end, the march of triumph is over.

Nowhere, Master Wilhelm, is there.

“Why, why…”

“The captain was killed in battle. That’s all I’ve heard, too.”

“… why”

“I don’t know. If you’re a lieutenant or a captain, you might know, but that’s all we hear.”

Master Wilhelm died in battle.

Absolutely lying, even though I believed so.

I would have believed that if you would have definitely come back.

I don’t like it.

I don’t like it anymore.

All the time, all the time.

I just kept waiting for you to come back.


“Oh, oh, oh…!

That’s the truth.

I’m overflowing with tears, and I can’t stop.

Why, why, have you been killed in battle, Master Wilhelm?

Would you have made me your daughter-in-law?

Be sure to go back, didn’t you promise -!

“Master Wilhelm Ah!! Ahhhhh!

My brother and Zach sank me crying, and I never stopped.

He just watched me cry over the overflowing tears, over the cries of sorrow.

Master Wilhelm will never return…

I’m Carol, Ambrose, sixteen-year-old.

From the world, the colors disappeared.

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