The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 90

Greetings now

“The Duke and Lady of Ambrose… this time, let me apologize for my concern”

“Yes, no, even if you’re awed that way……!

My wedding with Master Wilhelm is over.

From what I heard later, apparently I was the only one who didn’t know. Lilia knew, too, so many times she would have said “it’s okay” to me. I wish you could tell me, but I don’t think so.

And my parents seemed to know the facts, too, and they ended the wedding without confusion. Now if you’d kept it to my parents, there might have been a lot of confusion.

Around there, it looks like Mr. Edward stood around properly.

And today, one night after the wedding.

Me and Master Wilhelm, side by side, are in the Mansion of the Duke of Ambrose House – its reception room.

And sitting in front of me and Master Wilhelm like that is my father, Gilliam, and my mother, Elizabeth.

Of course, they’re all dressed for everyday wear, not wedding attire.

“No, it’s a little embarrassing to say this again…”

“Yeah… I guess so. We’re a little confused, too.”


He couldn’t say hello to my parents like this because he kept it from me and proceeded a lot.

Even though it is a marriage that His Majesty the King has also recognized and on which his parents are properly in favor, do we have to say hello as a courtesy for once?

Nevertheless, I can see that my father is confused by such greetings from Master Wilhelm.

My mother has the usual faceless expression. Me, you may never have seen my mother confused by something.


My mother raised her mouth slightly. Since when did you see your mother put a grin on her face like this?

“It’s hard to do, Lord Wilhelm”

“… not really, don’t say that. Elizabeth.”

“I, too, remember playing with Lord Wilhelm a lot at a young age. I never thought my daughter would marry someone who was my father’s best friend.”

“… so, I guess”

“But now I’m here as Carol’s mother. As a mother, wishing is only one thing for my daughter’s happiness. Lord Wilhelm, do you swear that you will make my daughter… Carol happy?

“Oh. I swear.”

To Mother’s words, Master Wilhelm was immediately answered that way.

No gaps, instant.

When you make me happy – that’s all, my chest is shaking.

“Then I will say nothing more. And then there’s Gilliam, you.”

“So you can approve the marriage of Non and Carol, okay?”

“I’ve already mentioned it to the wedding, and you won’t admit it or not. Hehe…”

“So, Lord Wilhelm. And then… well, in terms of which it belongs…”


Master Wilhelm has a slight eyebrow in his father’s words.

Apparently, the story seems to come together well.

Most importantly, it is quite a more forthcoming greeting because, indeed, as Mother said, we are already having our wedding in front of His Majesty the King. I just said so loudly that my father wouldn’t admit this, because it doesn’t make any sense.

“Lord Wilhelm is… the three sons of the Viscount Eiblinger family, may I ask you”

“Oh. My brother was the predecessor of the Viscount family, and now my brother’s son is in charge. No matter how much misfortune descends upon the Viscount’s house, there is no doubt that Noun will succeed the governor.”

“Then even think it’s possible to belong to our home?

“There’s no problem. None of the effects on my parents for abandoning my Eiblinger surname.”


You’re talking about the last name you’re going to name.

In the event of marriage, it is customary to change one surname or the other to unify the surnames of the couple. In this case, either Master Wilhelm’s last name will be Unblouse, or my last name will be Eiblinger.

And in the case of a aristocratic family, it can often work just because it belongs to that house. At least the attribution to our home of a warring Knights Commander named Master Wilhelm only has the effect of enhancing our home’s voice over the military.

I don’t know about the court’s political relationship around here.

“Then… after that, you will be named Wilhelm Amblouse. As for the governor, when something happened to my son Alberto… it would be the second right of inheritance.”

“I understand.”


I had a little admiration for naming myself Carol Eiblinger, too. It looks strong.

But I’m still glad that Master Wilhelm is going to be naming you the same last name as me. That’s all, I kind of have a real feeling about getting married.

But Mr. Wilhelm just coughed up one of those.

Then, against my father and mother, I was bowed my head greatly.

“Oh, uh, Lord Wilhelm…?

“I’m so, so sorry…… Gilliam, Elizabeth. I don’t think it would be pleasant to have such an old man marry his daughter.”

“Dear Wilhelm!

Unexpectedly, I get confused, too.

In that way, there is nowhere, such as the need for Master Wilhelm to make an apology. Because I am the one who said all I can, and I am the one who wholeheartedly admired Master Wilhelm.

But Master Wilhelm controlled me with his hands.

Leave it to me – yes, like I’m just talking with my eyes.

“I know what it’s like to worry about my daughter’s future. Where I married an old, short old man, he might think I’d be a widow soon. But… Non loves Carol wholeheartedly. This life may be short ahead… but I swear I won’t let Carol struggle after my life crushes”

“… Wilhelm, Dear”

“Yes… if you could hear Lord Wilhelm’s words like that, that would be fine”

My mother smiles.

In fact, I was the one who unilaterally approached Master Wilhelm, and Master Wilhelm just responded to my thoughts like that.

But Master Wilhelm…

Unlike me, who just ran as I wanted and didn’t think about anything.

Really, you were thinking about your future with me -.

“No, it’s really fun. Don’t you think, Gilliam?”

“Mm… hmm? Fun?”


Ugh, and.

My mother looked at Master Wilhelm with her eyes narrowed.

“You don’t mind me calling you Mother-in-law, Lord Wilhelm. Of course, you’re my stepfather about Gilliam.”

“Oh, hey, Elizabeth!?

“Mmm… but is that the truth…”

“Why is Lord Wilhelm endorsed by it too!?

I kind of imagined it.

I call my mother-in-law Wilhelm so young that she seems to be my sister with me.

I wonder why.

Me and Master Wilhelm are a couple, my mother is on my mother, no problem anywhere.

Even so.

It’s only uncomfortable.

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