The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 96

Doubtful Lunch

We decided to grass pull in the garden with Natalia until lunch, then gently wipe the sweat before lunch.

Even though it’s still cool, it’s just hot when you’re grass pulling in the sun. I sweated so much that my clothes stuck on it that I decided to get dressed and put it out for laundry. Mary didn’t like it though. Sure, you don’t want to hold someone else’s sweaty clothes.

And we have a request for something light for lunch, so we made a sandwich while it was easy.

It’s a pinch of ham and vegetables. You can eat this lightly, right?

We’re ready, so we’re going to wake Master Wilhelm.

“Dear Wilhelm,”


“It’s lunch…… could you take some more time off?


Speaking to Master Wilhelm, who slept on the bedside of your room, he woke up feeling asleep.

They exhale heavily as they hold onto their eyes. There will be a slight aroma of alcohol, so I guess it hasn’t come out yet.

If you’re not feeling very well that way, you may be taking some more time off.

“I’m sorry, Carol. Wake up now.”

“If you’re tired, you can rest a little more…”

“No, there’s no problem. I don’t sleep much on holidays, but I can’t sleep at night.”

I see, I do know how you feel about that.

If you devour your sleep too much during the day, you can’t sleep at night. And sleepless nights are a long one.

And you’re in a busy position, Master Wilhelm, and you have to get a good night’s sleep, right?

“Okay. Sandwiches are available for lunch”

“Mm-hmm. I’ll head to the dining room as soon as I get dressed. Just give me a minute.”

“Yes, I’ll make you some tea.”

Well, then let’s make some tea.

I am not going to see Master Wilhelm change, and I am leaving the room first.

Perhaps you should let Natalia prepare the tea, but I will prepare it for you today.

It’s okay, Master Wilhelm.

Because Carol will be the right woman as Mr. Wilhelm’s wife.

I’ll head to the kitchen.

There’s a proper teapot there. And I usually leave it to Natalia.

In such a teapot, fry the herb leaves and add the smoked ones. This is what Julius taught me to make and split the leaves a little bit.

He taught me his own formula when I was teaching a pharmacy teacher, but apparently he did well.

“Huh… sorry, Carol”

“Yes, please, it’s tea”


Place in a teacup and serve straight to Master Wilhelm.

Smells good. Only for what you are smoking, it has a firm flavor.



It’s amazing, it’s bitter.

Master Wilhelm, who included a bite, opened his eyes and immediately lowered the cup.

Wow. You didn’t throw up.

Before, when I put this one out on Lilia, it erupted in a grand way, and then I got pretty pissed off.

“Ooh…! Hey… what the hell is this…?

“Yes. It’s tea that was smoked by frying herbs. I was taught that it works well for hangovers.”

“Let me, at least, say something…”

It seems to work well.

When they get used to it, they can drink it deliciously for the price. The pharmacy teacher who taught me said I got used to it every morning while drinking because I get hungover a lot.

Oh, and you can hold your head with a tired face.


I just served tea that works well for hangovers.

I’m not mad at you.

“Totally…… but it does seem to work”

“Um… Master Wilhelm. Last night, why were you so late?

“Mmm… well, that’s it”

Kohon, and Master Wilhelm were coughed up with a little agitation.

Probably went for a drink. That’s about all I know. But why are you so late?

Nothing, I’m not blaming you.

However, if the days continue to slow down like this, I’m in trouble.

Last night, there was a little miscalculation.

“Misuse, is it?

“Oh. I can’t say sooner… Well, I was going to be able to get back before the day changed, but I had a few unexpected visitors. Here comes a new merchant who wants to wholesale weapons, equipment, etc…”

“Is that the kind of person that Wilhelm does?

“Right. Essentially, equipment used in the Knights is outsourced. But when we prepare ourselves, there are soldiers who come to war with cheap things that are not very well made. Exactly, weapons still have to be uniform in quality, such as armor. To this end, we have allowed outsourced merchants to maintain some quality of weapons to be wholesaled…”

Ha, and I get a small sigh of relief.

I know you have a lot of work to do, but you’re really busy.

“This time, someone wants to be a new customer. If there is such a person, the performance, price, etc. will be determined based on comparison with the currently purchased weapon. And the military needs to cut expenses too… if we can offer something cheaper with the same quality, we should change the purchase there. I made adjustments around it until late at night.”


“In the end, I settled on the shape of purchasing only leather armor belts for a moment… If the future deal goes well, you might want to expand the scope of your purchase a little bit. In the end, these kinds of jobs have the best credibility. It’s not that easy to make big deals with the seemingly”


It’s a story I’m not sure I understand.

I just know that it’s a necessary job for Master Wilhelm. So I’m not jealous.


I don’t know who Angelina and I are, but I’m not jealous.

“Alcohol is…”

“Mm… um, did you still stay? I’m off duty today, but I have some paperwork I’d like to check first thing this morning. That’s all I wanted to do before I went back and had a light sleeping drink in the clerk’s office before taking a nap. A little, maybe a lot.”

Non can laugh at herself as if she was weakened by alcohol.

Well, even though it’s certainly an off duty day, there are urgent paperwork and so on, right?


Carol will be the right wife for Wilhelm.

Is that true – as such, we will not question you.

“But for one thing, for today, I’ve got all my work done. In the afternoon, why don’t you go somewhere?

“Is it good? Tired…”

“What, they let me sleep till noon? At least I could hang out with Carol this afternoon or so.”


Thankful words.

Then I’d like to spend some time with Master Wilhelm. I just want to be with you, not especially if you’re going out or what you eat.


Because of that, and why don’t you join us?

“So, Master Wilhelm”


“We’ll do some grass pulling in your garden together in the afternoon”

“… ugh, um? Grass Pulling?”

Good, I’ll make progress with this.

I haven’t even finished half of it in the morning. I’ll have to get Natalia to clean the mansion in the afternoon, and it was good.

Maybe this will be over by the end of the day.

“Ku, grass pulling, or…”

“Well, we’ll be ready when you’re done eating.”

“Oh, oh…”

If you can pull the grass firmly, make it in your garden as well as in your vegetable garden.

They plant vegetables and stuff in their spare time. Once you have the right vegetables, you arrange them on the table.

If you’re satisfied with the vegetables I made, you’d be happy.

It’s a large garden, so it looks like it could be made in a variety of ways.

Let me start by telling the Duke’s gardener to prepare the seeds for something simple.

Also, it gave me more fun.

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