The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 165

165 Closer (2)

“Edgar,” Alessandra popped her head into the room with the bar where the butler told her Edgar was last spotted. She found him laying on a long couch with his hand covering his face and an empty wine glass on the small table beside the chair. “Is he sleeping?” She questioned after receiving no response from him.

Alessandra entered the small room with the basket the butler was more than happy to prepare for her. She closed the door behind her to give them some privacy from the servants if Edgar was truly sleeping.

She carefully placed the basket on the table next to the empty glass and stooped down beside where Edgar lay to get a good look at him. “You have been really tired. I’m sorry for waking you up early this morning and having you hold me in the carriage while I slept,” she whispered enough that he might not be able to hear it if he was awake.

“You’re not awake and playing with me, are you?” She reached out her hand to poke his cheek. “Ah,” she gasped when Edgar grabbed her hand. “I knew you were awake. Why didn’t you respond?”

“I wanted to see what my wife would do while I slept. I must say it wasn’t as satisfying as I wanted it to be,” Edgar opened his eyes and removed his hand from covering his face.

“Did you expect me to try ravishing you in your sleep?”

“It would have been nice,” Edgar honestly replied. He scooted around in the chair to provide her some space to sit. “What did you need?”

“I had a basket prepared for us to go and have some fun. The butler said there is a bench outside for us to use. It is so weird for me to say butler and not think of Alfred. Anyway, there is wine, sandwiches, cake, and pastries,” Alessandra opened the basket to see what else was on the inside.

While she did that, Edgar glanced at the window where tiny droplets of water were running against the glass. He certainly was not going outside in any kind of rain only to end up with a cold. “I take it you did not realize the rain has started to drizzle.”


“It’s raining?!” Alessandra turned around to look out the window and saw that it was raining as Edgar stated. “How? I looked outside before I came here and the weather was fine.”

“It can be a little unpredictable here. It doesn’t look like it will rain for long. It will soon pass,” he tried to cheer her up.

“But the ground will be wet. I wanted to go outside instead of staying inside. We’re always inside. Hopefully, the sun will dry up all the water soon so that we can go outside later. I will leave you be”

“Why?” Edgar stopped her from standing up. She came to do something with him so why was she trying to leave already? There was no harm in staying in this room and enjoying each other’s company. “Stay. We can still enjoy what was prepared in the basket here. We need to pass time while the rain is falling anyway.”

“Okay,” Alessandra sat down on the chair beside him. “It seems you already had a bit of wine. Are you alright to drink more?”

“I only had one glass before laying down. I can handle more,” Edgar said, watching her every move while she took things out of the basket. “What made you come to spend time with me? I doubt you quickly became bored of looking around the house.”

“Sally recommended we should spend time together since we haven’t been around each other lately unless we are at dinner or going to sleep. I’m sorry for rushing off instead of trying to find something for us to do together,” she apologized.

“No offense Alessandra but I did not care. The trip was meant to be something for you to enjoy. We would have found time to do something together at some point unless you planned to completely forget about my existence?”

Alessandra shook her head. “It would be hard to forget about you, Edgar.”

“Really? Why is that?” Edgar found the perfect moment to tease her.

To his surprise, she was honest with what she thought. “You are too special to be forgotten. You are Edgar Collins after all. And you are my husband.”

“Oh boy,” Edgar grinned and covered his face with his hand once again. Alessandra was starting something she certainly would not be able to finish. “This trip is off to a good start but depending on your next answer, it can get better. How comfortable are you with me right now?”

“Enough to be sitting on this couch with you and not feel awkward,” Alessandra replied. “Why?”

“I have a better location for us to enjoy your basket. Excuse me,” Edgar sat up from the couch , careful not to push Alessandra off of it. “I will be back.”

Alessandra quietly watched Edgar walk to the door and exit the room. “Should I be worried?” She muttered.

She tapped her fingers against her knee awaiting what Edgar had in mind for the two of them. If only it had not begun to rain the two of them would be outside right now.

Minutes passed but for Alessandra it felt like an hour. To pass time she placed everything back in the basket.

She was starting to think Edgar had forgotten he was meant to come back for her. The more she was alone the more she thought about what he might have planned. As she stood up to go look for him, the door opened.

“Did I make you wait long?” He asked as she was standing up instead of sitting down.

“No. Is everything ready? Can I know what it is?” She asked as her curiosity was reaching its limit.

Edgar walked to the couch and picked up the basket. “No, it’s a surprise. Here,” he held out his free hand for her to hold. “I should have brought something to cover your eyes.”

“Why? This was supposed to be my surprise but now you’ve taken control of it.”

Still, Alessandra followed behind Edgar, anticipating what he prepared. She was so excited that Edgar might be able to hear her heart beating quickly.

Edgar took her two doors down from where they previously were.

“It’s ready,” Calvin exited the room with a maid. He blocked Alessandra’s path from seeing what was on the inside. “No one will disturb the two of you.”

“Good. Close your eyes, Alessandra.”

“Why? We’re already right here,” she closed her eyes and allowed Edgar to lead her into the room. After a few steps she heard the door close behind her. “Why am I hearing running water?”

“You can open them now,” Edgar released her hand and set the basket to the side.

Alessandra opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of a large tub with water flowing into it from behind large rocks. “Why are we...” She trailed off and looked away from Edgar taking off his shirt.

“A great investment, isn’t it? I should have one added back home. Let’s see how comfortable you truly are,” he decided to test her.

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