The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 170

170 Offer (2)

Caleb sat back in his chair, slightly frustrated she thought he would want something out of doing a good deed for her. “Why can’t you just accept my offer? I don’t know what type of people you came across but I don’t want anything out of this. I’ve even turned it into a job offer.”

“What happens when you and I are not on good terms? Will you still want my parents to live in your home? It won’t be easy for me to have to make them pack up and leave. Even if it is a job offer, I don’t want to be indebted to anyone. I’m going to work hard and own a home by myself. However, I appreciate you trying to help. Please keep this from Alessandra,” Sally begged him. “I don’t want her to be concerned about it.”

“Then the last person you should have told about it was me. Now I can’t stop being concerned. Sally, just take the offer. We will have a contract that I won’t ever kick them out or fire them when we argue. Trust that I am a good person.”

“Had I known you would have cared this much, I wouldn’t have said anything? Please let it go, Caleb. My family and I will deal with our problems alone. You can honestly stop looking for someone for me to date. I have no time for it,” said Sally.

“What are you two doing?” Alfred stopped by the waiting room to ask. He was certain the two would end up together and one would have to be fired in the end.

“Nothing, right Caleb?” Sally looked at Caleb for him to let the issue go.

“Right,” Caleb muttered.

“It didn’t sound like nothing. The butler said lunch will be ready soon. I’ll inform the Duke and Duchess shortly,” said Alfred.

That sounded like a bad idea to Caleb considering the fact Edgar did not want to be disturbed. “I don’t think you should disturb the two of them. A little heir might be in the works and you would only halt the process. Is there a possibility for lunch to be pushed back a bit?”


“I will have a word with the butler. I am making some tea to enjoy while the rain continues to fall. If you two want some, please come to the kitchen. Carry on with the nothing you two were doing. Remember, save your fooling around for night when the Duke and Duchess won’t need you,” Alfred smiled then walked off to the kitchen.

“W-Wait! Alfred!” Sally called after him. Her face was red from the embarrassment. “We are not together. Why does he think that?” She looked to Caleb for an answer.

Caleb shrugged his shoulders as he also did not see why the others seemed to think he wanted to be with Sally. Sure she was pretty and her personality went well with him. She was funny and he enjoyed seeing her glare at him. However, he was not going to fool around with the Duchess’s maid. His relationships never lasted long and Edgar truly might kill him if the Duchess were to be upset by a failed relationship between the two.

“You’ll have to find that out from the butler,” he stood up from his seat. “Honestly Sally, think about my offer or I will blackmail you.”

Sally folded her arms. “How on earth can you blackmail me?”

“I will tell the Duchess. You didn’t want her to know, right? Either you accept my help with no catch or debt on your end, or you have the Duchess constantly worrying you. Goodbye,” he innocently smiled then left her alone before she could potentially try knocking him out.

“What the hell,” Sally muttered in disbelief. “Caleb!” She yelled before chasing after him.


“Is it me or did you hear someone yell?” Alessandra looked at the door where the noise came from. “Do you think someone wants us?”

“Not unless they want to be fired. Ignore them and take it easy on the wine,” Edgar took away her glass. He lost count after the fifth glass and as much as he contemplated finding out what her limit was, she had enough. “I hope you don’t indulge yourself in alcohol and rum while I am not home?”

“No, I only drink it when I am eating. You left me stranded by myself once to eat dinner alone. I had two glasses because of it,” Alessandra held up two fingers. “Normally, I only drink juice for dinner.”

“My mistake,” he apologized. Edgar sat sideways facing Alessandra to enjoy the sight of her letting loose with the wine in her system. She certainly wasn’t drunk which made him curious about how much wine or rum the cook used to sneak her when she used to live with her father.

“You did not need to apologize. You went to get rid of the rumors for me. I have just gotten used to eating with someone rather than being all alone in my room.”

Edgar wrapped a damp strand of her hair around his finger. Why it amused him, he did not know. “I will try not to miss the times we eat together in the future. I will leave threatening someone for after that time.”

Alessandra covered her mouth as she laughed. “I don’t know whether to take that as a joke or you being serious but sure. You must not have anything to do when we are meant to be eating together.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like a wife. Should I expect a scolding any day that I am late?”

“No. Expect a cold shoulder. I’d rather not waste my breath with a man like you. You can flip the situation around and make me feel like I was the one in the wrong. Edgar, I think it’s time we get out of this water,” she showed her hands. “I don’t like the way my fingers are starting to look. Is your hand the same?”

“No,” he replied after inspecting his hand.

“The world just loves proving you to be perfect, doesn’t it? I am getting out with or without you,” Alessandra stood up but quickly released her problem. “Is there anything to dry off with? I’ll drip water on the way back to our room.”

“There should be some towels here,” Edgar stood up, no longer interested in staying here if Alessandra was leaving. He exited first to find her a towel and to help her out. “Are you putting back on your dress?”

“Of course!” Alessandra looked at him like he was crazy. “I am not bold like you to walk around with hardly any clothes on and if I was to do that, the servants would talk about me and ruin my reputation.”

Edgar wrapped a towel around his waist and then helped Alessandra wrap one around her body. Instead of letting her have to get her dress wet with her damp undergarments, he lifted her into his arms after her towel was securely wrapped around her. “Before you object to me carrying you, this is meant to be our honeymoon. The servants will find this perfectly normal.”

“Okay but I must be too heavy-”

“There would be a big problem on my end if I cannot carry my wife. It seems I’ve been training all my life for this moment. Now, stay still and enjoy the feel of your wonderful husband carrying you.”

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