The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 192

192 Drunken antics (1)

“Alfred, were you waiting for us?” Alessandra asked as Edgar helped her out of the carriage. After being away for more than two hours, they finally returned home.

“I always make sure the two of you have returned home safe and sound. Did you enjoy your time out, Duchess?” Alfred sat up from the chair he had brought outside to sit on while he waited for the two of them to return home.

“Yes. Alfred, sometimes I hear you call Edgar without his title. You can do the same for me. You are more of a family member to him than a servant so you are like that to me. Please call me Alessandra instead of Duchess,” Alessandra requested from him.

“No can do. Alfred and I have a special relationship which is why he gets to call me so casually. You cannot just-”

“Very well, Alessandra,” Alfred ignored Edgar and happily did as Alessandra wanted. “I should- What is happening here?” Alfred was about to head inside when he noticed Alessandra and Edgar were holding hands. Sure there were many times he found the two to be touching each other, specifically Edgar touching Alessandra, but there was something odd about them tonight.

“What?” Alessandra looked behind her and Edgar at the carriage moving off.

“Not there. There,” Alfred used his finger to point at where they were holding hands. “Did something good happen tonight?”

“Of course, nothing gets by you, Alfred. I’ve given Alessandra my heart and she has given-Hey!” Edgar exclaimed. He quickly released Alessandra’s hand and rushed to hold Alfred before his body could hit the ground. “This is what I mean when I say you are too dramatic, Alfred.”

Alessandra blinked repeatedly, trying to process the fact that Alfred had fainted. “Is he alright?” She asked and walked up to where Edgar had luckily caught Alfred. “Edgar, is it honestly this bad that we are giving our hearts to each other?”


She didn’t see why Alfred would faint just from learning she and Edgar were going to open their hearts to love one another.

“Don’t mind him. Alfred is just being dramatic like always. Honestly, we should sign him up for- What the hell?” Edgar flinched after Alfred had reached up and pinched his cheek.

“Is this the Edgar that I raised?” Alfred asked.

“I am going to drop you, you old fool. You almost scared the hell out of us,” said Edgar.

“It is you so why...” Alfred looked up at Edgar while he lay in his arms. This had to be a dream as it was impossible for Edgar to already be opening that cold heart of his. “Did I fall asleep while waiting for you?”

Edgar sighed, tempted to toss Alfred out of his arms for being ridiculous. It was only due to how much he liked Alfred that he refrained from doing it. “Alfred, I should seriously open up a theater and let you be an actor.”

“I agree,” Alessandra stooped down beside the two men. “That fall was spectacular.”

“That was a real fall but thank you,” Alfred muttered. “So, you two will start loving each other? You are not messing with me, Edgar?”

“No, and if we were, why the hell are you singling me out?”

“Because Alessandra is not as troublesome as you are. Oh,” Alfred quickly sat upright, almost hitting Edgar’s head. “This calls for a celebration. We need some wine. The entire Collins estate needs to have a party to celebrate this.”

“Why?” Alessandra asked.

“Many of the workers have been there for years. We must celebrate Edgar finally opening up his heart. I have waited so long for him to love someone. I thought we all failed him,” Alfred covered his mouth with his right hand as he held back tears.

“We? You’re not my parent-”

“Hush,” Alessandra pinched Edgar’s hand to shut him up. Just as it was an emotional moment back then when Edgar brought up getting rid of the contract, she understood why Alfred was starting to tear up.

Alfred would have been by Edgar’s side as he rejected the marriage offers his mother set up for him. As Alfred got older, it would be natural for him to worry about Edgar being all alone when his time in this world would come to an end.

From the first day, Alessandra walked into Edgar’s home, it was evident Alfred was wishing for the two of them to be something more than what was written on the contract. It was confirmed the day Alfred had plotted for the two of them to use the tub at the same time.

“I take it all back,” Edgar announced much to Alessandra and Alfred’s dismay. “You are acting like you are ready to move on from this life and leave me now that I have her. It’s best we go back to the way things were before our date.”

“I have no plans on leaving you, Edgar. I have already made up my mind to raise your child just as I have raised you. As long as the world permits me to be healthy and alive, I will stay with you until your child has reached the age to marry,” Alfred declared.

“You want to be that old and watch little versions of me? Do you honestly want to torture yourself?” Edgar said so that Alfred could realize what he was getting himself in for. “You could barely handle one of me in the past.”

“No offense Edgar but with a mother like Alessandra, your children are not bound to be little devils like you were. I will make sure of it,” Alfred said as he would free the world of having to deal with many more Edgars. “Wait! Little versions as in more than one? Do you wish for more than an heir now?”

“Time for us to leave,” Edgar took Alessandra’s hand to walk around Alfred before he could be dramatic again. They had a game he was patiently waiting to start and had no time to spare with Alfred right now.

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