The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Incredible Improvement

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At night, many stars lit up the sky, and the moonlight shone upon the ground like water.

The window of Ye Sheng’s room was half-open, and he could see the bright glow of the moon, but he wasn’t interested in it at all. He shut his eyes and waited quietly.

The Earthlings were now looking at the three manuals that he’d passed on to them.

This planet had 1.4 billion people and they were all Chinese, so this Earth was completely different from the one he used to live on.

“If only it were the same planet as the one I used to live on. Then I could destroy countries and empires that I didn’t like.” Ye Sheng had gotten bored while waiting, so he’d started thinking about random things.

“But 1.4 billion Chinese isn’t a bad thing either. At least they know all about how to understand and cultivate martial arts. Someone else from another country probably couldn’t understand any of this,” Ye Sheng mumbled to himself.

Ye Sheng didn’t understand why his dantian was the Earth, but he couldn’t be bothered to think about why at this moment. The most important thing right now was to move out of the house he was living in.

“The father of this body is a really heartless man,” Ye Sheng thought quietly. His father’s heart was icy cold.

Ye Sheng could count the number of times he’d seen his father during the last 16 years on one hand. He had seen his father fewer that five times, and each time, either his father had glared at him coldly or had reprimanded him. His father had never treated him kindly.

Even when his mother had died, the young Ye Sheng had had to grieve all by himself. Lord Ye had never come by to see him.

“The only warm spot in the memories of the young Ye Sheng was probably his Eldest Sister,” sighed Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng had eight older brothers, three older sisters, and six younger brothers. He was number twelve in line and was the most disregarded among all the children.

All eight older brothers had come of age and left the manor. Some of them had gone to become court officials, some of them had found a teacher and entered a cultivation sect, and some of them had joined the army.

His three older sisters had reached marriageable age. His Eldest Sister had married the emperor to become a consort, and she hadn’t returned home for a visit since then.

Second Sister found a teacher and left home without ever coming back. Only Third Sister remained at home and lorded it over everyone else. She enjoyed training with knives and spears, but her cultivation level was very poor, so she was often chided for it. But the Old Lady was very protective of her, so she also lived without many inhibitions.

The only person in the entire Ye Manor who had ever been nice to Ye Sheng was his Eldest Sister.

Ye Sheng lost his mother at a very young age and nobody came to visit or send condolences. Only his Eldest Sister had come to arrange for his mother’s body to be carried out and buried in Xishan. After that, she came every day to visit Ye Sheng and was gentle toward him as well as protective of him. She would speak up for him and fight back for him whenever Ye Sheng was bullied.

Ye Sheng remembered the year when his mother died, he was all by himself with nobody to fall back on, and there were many house servants who bullied him. They gave him food that was left over, sometimes cold, and sometimes it had even gone bad.

After Eldest Sister found out about this, she hit the roof. Her expression became so cold that it made everyone shiver. Then she tied up the servants who had been in charge of serving Ye Sheng and beat them in front of all the servants in Ye Manor. She continued to beat them until they died.

Ye Sheng remembered this scene very vividly. Eldest Sister was normally so gentle and endearing, elegant and well-mannered. Nobody would have thought she could be this terrifying when she got angry.

After that beating, none of the house servants ever looked down on Ye Sheng or dared to serve him badly again. But the only person in the entire house who Ye Sheng felt close ties to was still only Eldest Sister.

Unfortunately, three years ago, Eldest Sister had been chosen to marry the emperor to become a consort. The year before, she’d given birth to a daughter and was enjoying much luxury in the palace. She didn’t come back to visit.

“If Eldest Sister were at home, then Ye Qing wouldn’t dare to bully me at all,” sighed Ye Sheng.

The one who had the biggest say in the house was obviously Lord Ye, but he wasn’t home often. And, even when he was at home, he wouldn’t bother himself with the affairs of the household and left everything in the hands of First Madam.

So, in reality, First Madam was the one with the most power in the house, but whenever she saw Eldest Sister, she never dared to even talk loudly to her. Only the Old Lady had the nerve to shout at Eldest Sister. However, ever since Eldest Sister had left the house, First Madam was the one overseeing Ye Manor.

First Madam was neither nice nor nasty to Ye Sheng. As long as Ye Sheng didn’t give her any problems, she didn’t pay any attention to him and just ignored his existence completely.

Ye Sheng wasn’t a character who often caused trouble either. He had always been quiet, reticent, and never competitive, so he never clashed with First Madam.

If he continued on in this way, then Ye Sheng would have just grown up like any commoner, and he would have been sent out of the house with a small property of his own.

But over the last three years, Ye Qing’s mother, Hu Mei, had started to rise in the ranks in the house. She now seemed to be of the same standing as First Madam and went around causing a lot of conflict. Ye Qing was doted on by both his mother and the Old Lady, so he’d started to behave very arrogantly as well.

The only person in all of Ye Manor who really hated the sight of Ye Sheng, wanted to chase Ye Sheng out, and even wanted to kill Ye Sheng was Ye Qing.

And actually, he had achieved his aim. Ye Qing had indeed killed Ye Sheng with one punch, and the current Ye Sheng was someone else who’d taken over his body.

“Ye Qing got a huge amount of resources as well as help from the Hu family, so even though his constitution for cultivation is only average, he’s managed to reach Acquired Level Sixth Stage by the age of 16,” thought Ye Sheng.

Lord Ye had more than a dozen children, and, besides Ye Sheng, everyone else was allowed to cultivate.

Only Ye Sheng wasn’t allowed to. He had been strictly forbidden from learning any martial arts and was only allowed to study.

“What about me makes you so afraid that you have to strictly forbid me from practicing martial arts? Is it just because my mother was the Sacred Lady of the Reincarnation Sect?” Ye Sheng’s expression was cold and distant. Thinking about Lord Ye made him angry.

Lord Ye was the most highly skilled martial artist of Great Qin, the representative of the army, and someone who killed without batting an eyelid. To Ye Sheng, this man was just a cold and emotionless robotic man.

Many thoughts continued to appear in his mind, and Ye Sheng slowly fell asleep while thinking about these things and slept till the next morning.

The next day, the rooster crowed just when the sky was beginning to brighten up. Ye Sheng opened his eyes and quickly turned his focus to his dantian.

The blue planet was slowly rotating.

Ye Sheng turned his focus on Earth and started checking on their progress.

He had passed down three manuals to Earth, and all 1.4 billion Earthlings had seen them. Even though many didn’t believe in them, there were still many who had decided to give it a shot.

760 million people had decided to give this cultivation a shot.

By morning, the number who had successfully cultivated hit 107 people.

All three techniques had people who’d managed to hit the Beginner stage, and this added up to a total of 107 people.

Ye Sheng’s eyes lit up. As long as ten people on Earth cultivated successfully, he would automatically hit the Learnt stage. Once 100 of them were at the Learnt stage, he would automatically reach the Beginner stage.

The number of people who had successfully cultivated any of the three techniques added up to just a little bit over 100 people, so even if they didn’t fulfil the second condition, they had certainly fulfilled the first one.

He had automatically learned the three techniques.

Ye Sheng felt the Earth shake slightly, then a large surge of energy entered his body and his mind, causing him to shut his eyes tightly.

Rolling Rocks Boxing Technique! Fallen Leaves Sword Technique! Typhoon Steps!

He had automatically learned these techniques.

Ye Sheng felt Qi slowly flowing through his body, especially within his chest area. This was the place where he had suffered the most severe injury, and Qi was now nourishing the area.

After about 15 minutes, much of his injury had healed. Ye Sheng opened his eyes. He was pleasantly surprised.

“I’ve hit Acquired Level First Stage.” Ye Sheng clenched his fist and a huge amount of energy appeared. The strength he had was at least 300 pounds.

Acquired Level First Stage meant one’s strength would be at least 300 pounds and the body could generate Qi.

Ye Sheng had attained all of this. Once he activated the Qi in his body, his strength would also increase.

107 Earthlings had started their road of cultivation, and even though none of them had reached Acquired Level First Stage yet, they probably only needed a few more days before all 107 of them would reach Acquired Level First Stage.

That would be equivalent to giving Ye Sheng a total of 107 times the strength of Acquired Level First Stage.

“In another two days, I think I won’t have to be afraid of anybody below Acquired Level Fifth Stage anymore.” Ye Sheng clenched his fists excitedly. This Earth was a gift that was simply too wonderful to him.

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