The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

Prologue (2) The Chimera Ant

Mikhailis couldn't take his eyes off the Chimera Ant as it scuttled around its enclosure, its metallic legs tapping lightly against the glass floor. The creature's movement seem to have a sense of purpose, its antennae twitching as it explored the small space he'd prepared for it. He was transfixed by its sleek, shimmering body, as well as the way its wings fluttered delicately every few steps while catching the faint light from his desk lamp.

"Rodion, give me a detailed report on its biological functions," Mikhailis said as he grabbed a magnifying glass from his workbench, his could feel his fingers trembling slightly from the excitement of this 'occurrence'.

His eyes locked onto the ant's thorax, analyzing every movement, every twitch. He could feel the anticipation building. This was the culmination of years of research and obsessive dedication.

<Running biological scan now>

When Rodion replied, its voice is as robotic and measures as always, though Mikhailis could have sworn there was a hint of pride in the AI's tone.

Mikhailis leaned in closer to the glass, his magnifying lens held just a few centimeters away from the ant's body. With one hand, he reached for a small tool—an extractor pen designed to harmlessly collect samples—and gently tapped the creature's exoskeleton. The ant paused, its mandibles clicking softly, but it didn't seem disturbed by his touch. It was... perfect.

"There we go," he murmured, more to himself than to Rodion, as he carefully extracted a microscopic sample from the Chimera Ant's wing.

The extractor pen made a quiet whirring noise as it did its work, and Mikhailis set it aside with the precision of a surgeon. Well, it's not his first time doing this, he has been researching for bugs for years in his hobby, it has became as easy for him as breathing.

But sure, he would be banging his head to the walls if he made a mistake and accidentally injured the newly born chimera ant because of his carelessness.

He turned back to the computer screen as Rodion processed the data, displaying lines of code, genetic patterns, and other information only someone like Mikhailis would find thrilling.

<I've analyzed the wing structure, Your Highness,>

<It appears that this particular specimen's genetic makeup allows for rapid adaptability. The molecular structure is surprisingly flexible.>

"Flexible, huh?" Mikhailis muttered, nodding as he process the information.

He took out another tool, a laser spectrometer, to measure the ant's energy output.

The Chimera Ant, despite being so small, had an air of power about it. Or maybe he just imagined it. But anyway, he need to check on it, to make sure either it's his delulu or it's something real.

"That's exactly what I was hoping for. This species... it's almost too perfect. Rodion, based on everything we've collected so far, can you confirm whether this ant can... you know... do the thing?"

<The thing?>

Mikhailis rolled his eyes, feeling the urge to retort and burst.

"Yes, the thing! You know, the whole reproducing based on whatever it eats thing. I've been reading about this myth for years, Rodion. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. This is the pinnacle of our journey!"

<Ah, yes. That thing,>

<Preliminary data suggests that the Chimera Ant's reproductive capabilities do indeed align with the ancient legends. Based on what it consumes, it can integrate genetic material into its offspring, effectively producing hybrid creatures.>

Mikhailis grinned. "I knew it! So, this little guy could technically produce offspring that are... part ant, part... I don't know, frog, or lizard, or whatever it eats, right!?"

<Correct. Theoretically, this species could combine the characteristics of any creature it consumes into its progeny.>

Mikhailis stared at the ant in awe, his mind racing with possibilities he could make. It's a dream of any children to combine animals, and make a chimera, or make a unicorn, or make a dragon by breeding animals! But for this case, combining them in the ant's stomach!

"Imagine the potential... The way evolution could take an entirely new path. It's no wonder these things were nearly driven to extinction. They could easily tip the balance of entire ecosystems."

Rodion's voice interrupted his thoughts.

<Indeed, that may also be the reason why the species nearly vanished. According to ecological data and historical reports, creatures that can manipulate their genetic makeup so easily could pose a threat to natural selection. Their unchecked adaptability would have allowed them to dominate other species, leading to a destabilization of ecosystems. And ended up got eradicated by nature itself>

Mikhailis frowned slightly while nodding.

"Yeah, I can see that. If they were left unchecked, entire food chains could collapse. Other species wouldn't even stand a chance. And if they started producing hybrid offspring, the resulting creatures could introduce new predators or disrupt the balance entirely. No wonder they were hunted down. It's almost like they were too dangerous to exist. I see, I see..."

He took a step back from the glass, still holding the magnifying glass, and gazed at the Chimera Ant as it continued to explore its surroundings. It was incredible to think about. This tiny creature could have been a threat to entire civilizations, capable of producing offspring that would have wreaked havoc on ecosystems everywhere.

"Rodion, has anyone else recorded data on this species? Any chance there's still a colony out there somewhere?"

<There are no known colonies currently,>

<But records suggest that Chimera Ants were once widespread across various regions before their population sharply declined. Their rapid adaptability, coupled with the danger they posed to the natural world, led to extensive hunting and extermination efforts. The last known sighting was over a century ago.>

Mikhailis leaned back in his chair as his thoughts drifted.

"So, it's just me and this little guy, huh?"

<Correct, Your Highness.>

He couldn't help but smile at the thought. An extinct species, revived through his research. He felt a swell of pride—this was the kind of discovery that could put his name in history, if only he weren't more interested in insects and anime than fame.

Well, getting into interviews and stuff would be sure disturbing and tiring for him.

As Mikhailis reached into the enclosure to gently lift the Chimera Ant onto his hand, he marveled at its grace and intelligence. It crawled slowly and steadily across his palm, its delicate wings fluttering slightly, its metallic body shimmering under the lights of the room.

"You really are something special, aren't you?" he whispered, completely absorbed in the moment.

Somehow, his heart is pounding, as if he's going on a first date.

But once again, bugs are not his fetish, for god's sake.

<A bug-loving pervert> Rodion suddenly said.

"But no, no, I'm not into that kind of thing. I still love women sexually, this is just a hobby, for god sake,"

Then, suddenly, he felt it.

There's a shift in the air.

He stared at the chimera ant that is looking at him innocently with the eyes saying 'Are you the one behind this?'.

The room grew unnaturally still. His skin prickled as if the very atmosphere had changed, like something was pulling at the edges of reality itself. He glanced down at the Chimera Ant, which seemed unfazed by the change, continuing its slow march across his hand. But then, from the floor beneath him, a faint glow began to spread, forming intricate lines and symbols, a perfect circle wrapping around his feet.

"What the hell is this?" Mikhailis muttered, his eyes widening in confusion.

The glowing symbols pulsed once, then twice, before he could react, there was a flash of light—a soundless whoosh of energy—and the world around him disappeared.

He blinked, disoriented, his heart racing.

The sensation of being pulled through space left his stomach in knots, but as the light faded.


He found himself standing in an entirely different place. A grand hall, far more extravagant than anything he had ever seen before, unfolded before him. The walls were made of a smooth, polished wood, intricately carved with patterns of vines and leaves. Glimmering veins of metal wound through the design, giving the space an ethereal glow.

It's a very... Interesting architectural concept...

And there, standing at the center of the hall, was a woman.

She had brown skin, the color of rich earth, and long, silver hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. Her eyes, a piercing golden, met his, and Mikhailis immediately felt a jolt of something—respect, awe, maybe even fear. She wore a crown, delicate and refined, and her body was draped in flowing robes of green and silver, complementing the natural elegance of the room.

Oh, and her chest was... well, he'd have to say it—wow. Magnificent.

While her ears, are pointy like 'that' race he often read in fantasy books.

No, no. This must be wrong. Am I dreaming?

Mikhailis rubbed his eyes, but saw that the scene and the sight is the same.

"Welcome," the woman said, her voice melodic but commanding. He could feel the air of the ruler from her.

"You must be the one I summoned."

Oh. So this is a real woman.

Really? A real one?

If this woman is real, then does it's true?

She's an elf? No, judging from her skin, a dark elf?

A brown-haired beauty with gorgeous silver hair that looks like silk with elven ears, and a wow-worthy breasts.

No, this is not the time to get seduced by those sinful breasts.

Yeah, truly sinful breast indeed. Such a fine shape with the hint of majesty on it, wait.


Mikhailis blinked again, his mind struggling to catch up. "Uh... summoned?" His eyes flicked from the woman to the grand hall, and back to her. "Wait... what just happened?"

Wait, wait, wait.

Is this the usual pattern of those isekai fantasies that I often talk trash about!?

The thing about a filthy story that only give birth to creepy otaku nerds that filled the world with delusions and contaminate people!?!?

The woman smiled faintly. "You've been brought here... by me."

He glanced around the room again, then back at her, and finally, he managed to form a coherent thought. "Well, this is new."

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