The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The First Night (3) Continuing

"Now, where were we?" Mikhailis asked, trying his best to muster his handsome-guy voice while leaning in once more, ready to pick up where they had left off.

As Mikhailis leaned back in, capturing Elowen's lips once again, he could feel something. There is something that felt different this time. The warmth was still there, the softness of her lips meeting his, but... there was hesitation.

A subtle change in her body, in the way she moved.

<Favorability Decreased>

Of course, what appeared on his glasses is not a real system that gives you help in terms of your relationship so that you could make an unbeatable harem or such.

It's Rodion's doing his awful joke which Mikhailis regretted ever programmed him with it.

Shut up, Rodion.

Her kiss wasn't as urgent now. Not like before, when she'd pulled him in with that fire burning between them.

Now, her lips were softer, slower, almost as if she was holding back, keeping something from him. Her hands, once gripping his tunic like it was the only thing keeping her grounded, now rested calmly on his chest as she has a complete control over herself. There was no more trembling, no more scratch of her nails against his skin.

Mikhailis could feel it.

As if the whole thing was just a performance.

She's holding herself back...

Her composure was back. The queenly mask she wore when she ruled Silvarion had returned, even in this intimate moment. Elowen kissed him, but the passion... the rawness... it was restrained.

He wasn't going to let it stay that way.

Not now.

This eccentric virgin guy has his own idealism, and it's to have a real passionate sex with his queen in this world.

Mikhailis tightened his hold on her as his hands sliding down her back again, urging her to come closer. She responded, but only just. Her body pressed against his, but not with the same intensity as before.

She's hiding.

Instead of pulling away, Mikhailis deepened the kiss, his tongue moving gently but with purposeful teasing as if he's a master, trying to draw her back into that moment. To make her forget whatever was holding her back now.

Am I moving right? I've practiced with a jelly candy but it couldn't speak so I don't really know if my movement was right or not.

Elowen let out a soft sound, her breath hitching, and for a second, Mikhailis thought she might give in.

Did it works?

But then.

He could feel her responding, but it was still controlled, still careful.

That won't do.

His hands moved lower, resting on her hips again, pulling her even closer. He could feel the magic in the air still humming from Serelith's blessing, but he focused only on Elowen. Her body against his. Her lips moving with his. Her breaths, quick but measured.

Come on... let go.

He shifted, angling the kiss deeper, teasing her lips with his tongue, hoping to break through the wall she was holding up between them. His fingers brushed the edge of her dress again, lightly touching her skin underneath, feeling the warmth of her body.

Elowen's grip on his chest tightened slightly, just for a second, but then loosened. Her lips parted a bit more, and Mikhailis took the opportunity, pushing the kiss further, more intense. He wanted her to feel it—to remember the fire they had just moments ago.

The fire isn't gone... I know it's not.

Good, let this god of virgins take care of you, Elowen.

Her hands moved up his chest, and for a brief moment, her fingers tangled in his hair again, pulling him closer. But then, just as quickly, she slowed down, and her movements turn careful. Mikhailis could feel her struggling, holding back, trying not to lose control again.

She's holding herself back because she's scared? Or maybe... it's something else.

But instead of backing off, Mikhailis pressed on. He kissed her harder, his hands moving back up her body, fingers brushing her waist, her sides, trying to find that spark again. He wasn't going to stop until she gave in, until they were both lost in each other again, like before.

"Elowen..." he whispered her name against her lips, hoping the sound of it would pull her back to him. To the moment.

Or what he justified himself, but it's just inspirated from other 18+ 'resources' that he studied profusely.

She let out a soft sigh, her body relaxing just a little bit more, and Mikhailis felt her grip his tunic tighter once again. It wasn't as strong as before, but it was something.

I'll get you back. Just trust me.

He kissed her again, slower this time but deeper, hoping to coax her into letting go of whatever was holding her back. His hands moved along her back, pulling her closer still, making sure there was no space between them. He wanted her to feel him, to know that he wasn't going anywhere, that he was there with her.

Elowen's breathing grew heavier, her chest rising against his, and Mikhailis could feel her finally starting to give in, just a little. Her fingers tangled in his hair again, pulling him closer, and he knew that if he just kept going, she would break. She would let go of that composure, that control, and they would be back where they were before.

He wasn't going to stop until she did.

This time, they wouldn't be interrupted.

Mikhailis could feel the shift in Elowen's body, her resistance slowly melting away as their kiss deepened. It wasn't as urgent as before, but she was no longer holding back entirely. Her fingers, still tangled in his hair, pulled him closer again, and her body pressed against his with more heat this time.

Good… finally…

His hands began to wander, sliding down her back, feeling the curve of her waist, the smoothness of her dress. The fabric felt cool against his fingers, but he knew that underneath, her skin was warm, alive. He wanted to feel more of her, to close the gap between them even further.

Slowly, deliberately, his hands moved lower, fingers tracing the edge of her dress. Elowen's breath hitched, and he could feel her tense for a moment, but she didn't pull away. He took that as a sign to continue. His fingers brushed her bare skin lightly, sending a shiver through her that he could feel against his chest.

Mikhailis let his lips trail from her mouth down to her jaw, pressing soft kisses against her skin, feeling her body react to each touch. Elowen let out a quiet gasp, her hands tightening in his hair for just a moment before they moved down to his shoulders, holding onto him as if steadying herself.

He could sense her still trying to maintain control, but the way her body responded to him told him she was close to letting go again. Her breaths came in short, quick bursts, and Mikhailis could feel the rise and fall of her chest against his. He kissed down to her neck, feeling the soft skin under his lips, his hands now resting on her hips, pulling her closer still.

"Elowen..." he murmured her name again, his lips brushing her neck as his hands continued to explore, moving under the fabric of her dress. He could feel the heat of her skin now, the softness of it, and it made him want more.

Elowen's body pressed against his, her breaths became quicker now, and her chest rising and falling against him. She then let out a small sound, something between a gasp and a moan, and Mikhailis felt her grip his tunic tighter, pulling him closer.

He moved his hands up her body, exploring every curve, feeling the tension in her muscles as she tried to hold back. But he wasn't going to let her stay in control. Not anymore. He wanted her to feel what he was feeling, to let go completely.

He kissed her neck again, slower this time, savoring the way she shivered under his touch. His fingers grazed her back, slipping under the fabric of her dress, feeling the warmth of her skin. Elowen's breath hitched, and he could feel her body tense again, but she didn't stop him.

She's letting go... finally.

Mikhailis's hands moved lower, tracing the line of her spine before resting on her hips again. He pulled her closer, his lips trailing down her neck, kissing the soft skin just below her ear. Elowen let out a quiet moan, her body pressing against his with more urgency now, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly.

He could feel the tension between them building again, the heat rising. His hands moved back up her body, pulling her closer still, until there was no space left between them. He could feel the warmth of her skin, the way her body responded to his touch, and it drove him to want more.

Elowen's breathing grew heavier, her chest rising against his, her body trembling slightly in his arms. Mikhailis kissed her again, this time slower, deeper, trying to coax her into letting go completely. His hands moved down to her waist, pulling her against him, feeling the heat between them growing with each second.

He could tell she was close to surrendering, to giving in to the moment like she had before. But there was still that hint of restraint, that last bit of composure she was clinging to.

Mikhailis wasn't going to let her keep it.

He kissed her deeper, his hands sliding lower, brushing the edge of her dress again. This time, when his fingers touched her bare skin, Elowen gasped, her body pressing against his with more urgency. He could feel her trembling now, her hands clutching at his shoulders as if she needed to hold onto something, to keep herself from falling completely.

Good... just let go...

He kissed her neck again, his hands exploring her body, feeling the tension melt away with each touch. Elowen's breath came in short, quick bursts, her chest rising and falling against his. She let out a soft moan, her body pressing against his, her hands clutching at him as if she couldn't hold back any longer.

Mikhailis could feel the change in her now. She was no longer holding back, no longer trying to maintain control. She was letting go, giving in to the moment, to him. And he was going to make sure she didn't regret it.

He kissed her again, slower, deeper, his hands moving along her body, exploring every curve, every inch of her skin. Elowen's body responded to him, her breath coming in quick, quiet gasps, her chest rising against his. She moaned softly, her fingers digging into his shoulders, pulling him closer.


He could go further.

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