The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Royal Aides Discussion Routine

The morning sunlight barely kissed the edges of the towering trees outside the royal palace of Silvarion Thalor as Queen Elowen strode down the grand hallway. It's the usual face of her, her golden eyes gleamed with her usual confidence, or perhaps more confident than ever. Her steps were light and graceful, but the power behind them was unmistakable. Today, the Queen, she felt a little lighter, her mood lifted by the events of the night before.

Mikhailis. He had called her "wifey."

It's just a simple phrase considering the long night the both of them have together.

But the thought made her lips twitch into a small smile as she continued her walk, the soft murmur of her maids behind her barely registering in her mind. Despite the mounting pressures of the kingdom, today she felt a rare sense of contentment.

It had been a long time since she had felt this... happy.

The great doors of the royal court loomed ahead, and as she approached, the pair of royal guards standing beside them snapped to attention, their armor clinking softly in the quiet hall. They pushed the doors open, the echo of their effort filling the space beyond, and Elowen was greeted by the sight of her most trusted advisors and allies: Aelthrin Vorys, her sharp and cunning Prime Minister, Serelith Malanor, the mysterious and ever-watchful Court Magician, and Vyrelda Thaeloris, her fiercely loyal Queen's Knight.

The trio stood near the grand throne, deep in conversation, but all heads turned as the queen entered the room. The early morning light spilled through the tall, arched windows, casting long shadows across the marble floor and bathing the court in a soft glow.

"Your Majesty," Aelthrin was the first to speak, his voice a smooth blend of respect and subtle amusement. In fact, looking at the queen's face, he couldn't help but contain his grin.

The man was tall and lean, with silver hair that fell just past his shoulders and sharp blue eyes that missed nothing. He was always one step ahead, his mind a constant whirl of plans and strategies.

He's the great benefactor of the brain to maneuver wise political movement of the crown.

"I trust you slept well?"

Elowen caught the teasing undertone in his voice immediately, but she refused to let it faze her. She offered him a serene smile, the kind that could have been taken as either an acknowledgment or a challenge.

"I did, thank you, Aelthrin. Quite well, in fact,"

Serelith, her court magician, was standing a few paces behind Aelthrin. She looked the same as always—draped in flowing black robes that seemed to swallow light rather than reflect it. Her violet eyes glittered from beneath the hood that obscured most of her face, but Elowen could feel the magician's gaze, intense and piercing, taking in every detail.

It's the curious gaze of her childhood friend.

"A good night's rest does wonders for the soul, does it not?" Serelith's voice was smooth, almost too calm. 

Elowen gave a small nod, keeping her composure steady, though she could feel the subtle teasing coming from both her Prime Minister and her magician. She knew them well enough to recognize when they were fishing for information. Not that they didn't know—or at least suspect—what had transpired the night before.

It's a common thing to do for married couple in the first place.

The heavy steps of armored boots approached, and Elowen turned to see Vyrelda Thaeloris, her Queen's Knight, approaching with a stoic expression as always.

Vyrelda was a formidable presence—tall, broad-shouldered, and every inch the warrior she was trained to be. Her long blonde hair was tied back tightly, and her pale green eyes were always alert, scanning the room for any hint of danger.

As strict as always.

"Your Majesty," Vyrelda said with a bow of her head.

"You seem... in good spirits this morning."

There it was again. That hint of teasing, subtle but present. If it had been anyone else, Elowen might have been more direct in her response, but with Vyrelda, it was different.

The Queen's Knight had always been straightforward, and her loyalty to Elowen was unquestionable. They had fought side by side in the war, and Vyrelda had been by her side through the most difficult moments of her reign, and not just as a queen, but as just herself, Vyrelda has always been there for her since childhood just like Serelith.

"I am, Vyrelda," Elowen replied with a smile.

"It's a new day, after all."

Aelthrin cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to him.

"A new day indeed, Your Majesty. And one filled with the usual... challenges. Shall we begin?"

Elowen glanced at each of them in turn. There was a warmth in her chest that hadn't been there in a long time—a sense of calm and control that came from knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she could face them with grace. The thought of Mikhailis still lingering in her mind only added to her mood.

"Yes, let's begin," she said, moving toward the grand table at the center of the court, where documents and scrolls awaited her.

As they took their seats around the table, Aelthrin began.

"There's news from the western border, Your Majesty. The scouts have reported increased activity from the Technomancers' League. They've spotted a few more of their constructs, likely testing new designs. It's nothing we can't handle at the moment, but we should stay vigilant,"

Elowen nodded, listening intently. She could feel the weight of the kingdom's troubles pressing down on her once more, but it didn't feel as heavy today.

She then glanced at Serelith, who was already watching her.

"Have your sources discovered anything new?" Elowen asked.

Serelith tilted her head slightly, her eyes glinting beneath her hood.

"Not much, but we are picking up strange magical fluctuations in some of the Technomancers' controlled territories. It's possible they're experimenting with something more dangerous—something that blends magic and technology in ways we haven't seen before."

Elowen's lips pressed into a thin line. She knew this would happen eventually—the Technomancers were relentless in their pursuit of power. The truce might have held for now, but they were always probing, always testing the limits. The peace might not hold out too long.

"What do you suggest?" Elowen asked, her gaze flicking to Vyrelda.

The Queen's Knight straightened in her chair after thinking for a moment.

"We should prepare our forces for a possible skirmish. If they're testing new constructs, it means they're planning something. We can't afford to be caught off guard."

Aelthrin chimed in, his tone measured but firm.

"Agreed. But we also need to be cautious. Engaging them too soon could escalate tensions, and right now, Silvarion is still recovering. We can't afford a full-scale conflict."

Elowen sat back in her chair, considering their words. She had always valued the advice of her advisors, but today, something was different. Today, she felt as though she could see beyond the immediate concerns, as if a weight had been lifted from her mind.

"Mikhailis will be a factor in this, eventually," she said quietly, more to herself than to them.

Aelthrin raised an eyebrow.

"Your husband? He's still confined to the royal chamber for the time being, isn't he?"

Elowen smiled softly, her thoughts drifting to Mikhailis and the strange sense of peace he had brought her.

"Yes, but not for long. He'll play his role when the time is right."

Serelith leaned forward, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"And what role, exactly, do you see him playing, Your Majesty?"

Elowen didn't miss the hint of curiosity in the magician's voice, nor the careful neutrality in her expression. Serelith had always been one to keep her cards close to her chest, but Elowen knew she had her own reasons for asking.

"That depends," Elowen replied, her tone cryptic but playful.

"But I have no doubt he'll surprise us all."

Aelthrin let out a small chuckle, shaking his head.

"I look forward to it, Your Majesty. Though, I must admit, I didn't expect a man like him to catch your interest. Especially not the attention of the 'Bloody Regina',"

Elowen turned her gaze on the Prime Minister, her smile still in place but her voice edged with steel.

"Mikhailis is more than meets the eye, Aelthrin. You'd do well to remember that,"

Aelthrin raised his hands in mock surrender, though there was a gleam of amusement in his eyes. And curiousity could be taken to a whole new level by this guy, it's a fact that Elowen knows very well.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I'm merely intrigued."

The conversation turned back to the kingdom's matters after that, with Aelthrin updating Elowen on the latest political developments, and Serelith sharing more about the magical fluctuations they had detected near the Technomancers' territories. Vyrelda, ever vigilant, gave her insights on the kingdom's military readiness and proposed new training regimens for the troops.

But through it all, Elowen found herself smiling more than usual. There was a lightness to her today, an ease that came from knowing that, for the first time in a long while, she wasn't facing these challenges alone. Mikhailis might have been confined to the royal chamber for now, but she knew he would be a part of this kingdom's future—just as much as she was.

As the meeting drew to a close, Aelthrin couldn't help but throw one last playful jab her way.

"Your Majesty, if I may... you seem unusually cheerful today. Perhaps the confinement of your husband has left you in a better mood than expected?"

Elowen met his gaze, her smile never faltering.

"Perhaps, Prime Minister," she said, her voice as smooth as silk.

"Or perhaps I simply have more to smile about these days. Now time for round two," Elowen stood up. They've discussed things that need to be discussed efficiently without the playing of words and battle of formalities that usually happened in the royal court when ministers and the nobles are present.

Now it's time to let them enter the board and play the next game.


Elowen could only let out a sigh, but she then once again smiled. The warmth from last night still linger to her until now. Perhaps today, she could perform better in the court.

"Time for The internal political game,"

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