The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Wedding Day!

You know that in the morning, the least thing you want to hear is the sound of an alarm ruining the great dream you're currently have?

And yeah, today, it's happening to Mikhailis.

"Mikhailis, you're manlier than I ever thought you are, you're the greatest man I could ever have," The melodious voice that Mikhailis heard is no other than the voice of the Queen, Elowen.

His Queen.

And now, he's her Prince Consort.He wipe his mouth as he made a nasty grin.

"Hehehe~ You're the greatest woman I would ever have as well, Elowen..." He could feel the air started to become pink because of the atmosphere between them.

It's fine to take a kiss now, right?

Mikhailis decide to held her chin, and approach her face. her beautiful, brown-skinned face became closer with him in every second, and right when he about to touch those beautiful lips-


Beep! Beep! Beep!

The familiar, relentless sound of Rodion's alarm echoed through the room, again, pulling Mikhailis from the depths of his dreams.

"No!!!! My kiss!!!!" Mikhailis shouted, but without even waiting for him to regain his composure, the robotic voice appeared from his side.

<Mikhailis, it's 6 AM. Time to wake up. Today is your wedding day.>

Rodion's voice was calm but carried an unmistakable weight to it.

Wedding day.

Wait. Wedding day?

Mikhailis's eyes shot open, excitement surging through his veins.

He bolted upright, the sleepiness vanishing in an instant.

<It is bad for the body and the brain to raise your body in such a surprise, Mikhailis>

"Right! The wedding!" he exclaimed, completely ignoring Rodion's ramblings while throwing the blanket off and practically jumping out of bed. His mind raced, a whirl of anticipation mixed with nervous energy.

It wasn't every day you married a queen in a magical world, after all!

Before he could get too far into his mental checklist of what needed to be done, a soft knock came at the door.

Mikhailis straightened up and ran a hand through his messy hair to at least tidy it a little bit.

"Come in!" he called out, anyone could realize that his voice is more cheerful than usual.

The door opened, revealing Lira, the maid he had become somewhat familiar with over the past two days. She stepped inside with her usual composed demeanor, but today, her expression held a softness—perhaps even a hint of excitement.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Lira said with a small bow.

"Today is the day of your wedding. Queen Elowen has requested that preparations begin immediately."

Mikhailis grinned from ear to ear.

"I figured as much. It's not every day you get to marry a queen, right?"

Lira's lips curved into a subtle smile.

"Indeed, Your Highness. The entire kingdom is already buzzing with anticipation."

"Then I guess I'd better get ready to blow their minds," Mikhailis said, rubbing his hands together. His excitement was palpable.

He knew this was more than just a wedding. It was a statement—to the kingdom, to the nobles by Elowen herself. But still, there is no harm for him to be excited, right?

Lira motioned toward the large wooden wardrobe that stood against the far wall.

"Your ceremonial attire is prepared. Shall I assist you?"

Mikhailis chuckled.

"I'm not sure how much help I'll need, but hey, I'll take whatever I can get. Let's make sure I look good out there. But first is bath, I need to make sure I have every inch of my body clean like a baby's butt,"

"Of course, your highness," Lira smiled, and with a single glance, the other maids immediately prepare for his bath.

Mikhailis's current bath is long and he cleaned every part of his body with greater detail than ever. And as he finally finished, he let out a satisfied sigh as he stretched his body.

As he came out of the huge bathroom, Lira moved to the wardrobe, pulling out the elaborate royal attire, Mikhailis felt a surge of curiosity about the ceremony itself. He had seen enough royal events back in Ruslania to know the pomp and circumstance that surrounded them, but this was a different world, with different customs, of course.

I need to make sure I didn't embarrass myself, of course Lord Rodion would be there to help me in every moment.

"Lira, how exactly does a royal wedding go down in Silvarion? Is there some kind of ancient ritual, or is it more of a 'walk down the aisle' kind of deal?"

Lira's hands worked quickly and efficiently, laying out the ceremonial attire.

"The wedding will take place in the Great Hall, beneath the ancient trees of Silvarion Thalor. Right in front of the royal castle, your highness. There will be a short magical blessing given by the high priestess, followed by a binding ceremony. It is... simpler than you might expect, but rich in tradition,"

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow.

"A magical blessing, huh? Sounds intense."

Lira nodded.

"It is said to connect the royal couple to the land itself, ensuring harmony between the rulers and the magic that sustains Silvarion Thalor,"

Mikhailis felt a shiver of excitement. The idea of being bonded not just to Elowen, but to the kingdom's magic, intrigued him deeply. Perhaps he could really get the system that he wanted to have, unlike the prank Rodion pulled up against him.

"Well then, let's not keep everyone waiting," he said, moving toward the wardrobe.

As he dressed in the ceremonial attire—a blend of rich silks and shimmering magical threads—Mikhailis couldn't help but admire how the outfit felt simultaneously light and powerful. The deep green and silver colors were fitting for a kingdom built within the massive trees of Silvarion, and the intricate patterns embroidered into the fabric seemed to pulse faintly with magic.

"Rodion, how do I look?" Mikhailis asked with a grin.

<I would say you look... quite royal.>

Rodion's voice was dry, but Mikhailis could detect the hint of approval.

A tsundere type now, aren't you, Rodion.

Lira stepped back, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. Then make a satisfied smile.

"You look perfect, Your Highness."

Mikhailis winked.

"Thanks, Lira. Now, let's make sure this goes off without a hitch."


As Mikhailis stepped into the grand corridor leading toward the Great Hall led by Lira, he was greeted by the sound of soft music echoing from ahead. The air was thick with anticipation, the walls glowing faintly with the magical energy that hummed through the veins of the ancient trees supporting the castle.

The grand doors leading to the hall loomed ahead, guarded by two knights who bowed as he approached.

"This is it," Mikhailis muttered under his breath, feeling the weight of the moment.

He squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath before stepping through the massive doors.

The sight that greeted him took his breath away.

The Great Hall was an enormous, open space, with towering columns of living wood that seemed to reach endlessly upward. The ceiling was a canopy of intertwined branches, woven with glowing magical orbs that bathed the hall in a warm, ethereal light. Hundreds of guests—nobles, courtiers, and foreign dignitaries—were seated in the hall, their attention focused entirely on the central platform where Mikhailis would soon stand beside Elowen.

At the far end of the hall, Elowen stood, resplendent in her own ceremonial attire. Her long, silver-white hair flowed down her back, and her dark skin glowed against the deep green and gold of her dress. Her golden eyes met his from across the room, and for a moment, the entire hall seemed to fade away.

Mikhailis swallowed, he could feel his heart pound in his chest.

She's stunning.

More like, that look of her could literally stun people on the place.

Elowen's eyes held a quiet strength, but there was also something else—something softer, almost vulnerable. This wasn't just about politics or power. There was a connection between them that went beyond their roles as ruler and consort.

This is not my imagination, right?

He stepped forward, walking down the aisle with a steady, confident stride, feeling the eyes of the kingdom on him. Whispers followed him, but he kept his gaze locked on Elowen.

In moments like these, Mikhailis would often lost his cool and couldn't help but act unlike what he wanted.

But it's not a bad thing.

As the moment he act unlike he wanted, means that he's acting in his natural, muscle-memory acting, which is the attitude and demeanor that has been existed within him since he was born.

It's the demeanor befitting a royal, the prince of Ruslania.

When he reached the platform, he joined her, standing by her side. He could see Elowen giving him a small, almost imperceptible nod—one that spoke volumes for him.

He smiled in return, the excitement in his chest now mingled with something deeper.

This is real.

Everything is real.

The high priestess, an elderly woman with flowing robes and a staff carved from the wood of the ancient trees, stepped forward to begin the ceremony.

"We gather here today," she began, her voice rich and resonant.

"To witness the union of Queen Elowen Nyphara and Prince Consort Mikhailis Volkov. This union is not just of two souls, but of two forces—magic and intellect, past and future,"

The words are simple, but he could feel the depth from those chosen words of the high priestess.

Mikhailis felt a thrill at the mention of intellect. It was a recognition of who he was, and what he brought to this new world. Perhaps it's not intended for him, but he could feel being included on those words.

"As tradition dictates," the priestess continued.

"We will now conduct the blessing, calling upon the ancient magic of Silvarion Thalor to bind this union,"

She raised her staff, and the glowing veins of the hall seemed to brighten in response. A soft hum filled the air, vibrating through Mikhailis's bones. He could feel the magic pulsing around him, alive and ancient.

The priestess held her staff over Elowen and Mikhailis, her voice taking on a rhythmic chant in the ancient tongue of a certain race that Mikhailis don't recognize. Perhaps it's an ancient tongue of the elves.

As the words flowed over them, Mikhailis felt a strange warmth spread through his body, starting at the symbol on his wrist where he had bonded with the Chimera Ant.

It was as if the magic of the kingdom recognized the bond he already carried. His connection to the Chimera Ant seemed to resonate with the energy in the room, deepening the sense of unity between him, Elowen, and the land itself.

When the chanting stopped, the priestess lowered her staff, he could see her eyes twinkling as she looked at them.

"The blessing is complete. Your bond is now intertwined with the magic of Silvarion Thalor,"

Elowen turned to face Mikhailis fully now, her golden eyes soft but unwavering.

"Are you ready for this?" she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Mikhailis grinned.

"I've never been more ready."

The high priestess raised her arms, signaling the final part of the ceremony.

"Let the binding be completed."

Elowen took Mikhailis's hand, and together they placed their palms on a small, glowing stone set on the platform. As their hands met the stone, a rush of energy flowed through them, and the symbol on Mikhailis's wrist glowed bright, responding to the magic.

In that moment, Mikhailis felt everything—the connection to Elowen, the kingdom, and the magic that bound them all together. It was powerful, overwhelming, and deeply personal.

The Great Hall erupted in applause as the binding was completed, and Mikhailis looked into Elowen's eyes with a mixture of pride and affection. They were bound now, not just by tradition, but by something much deeper.

As the applause swelled, Mikhailis couldn't help but grin.

"Well," he said softly, "I guess that makes us official."

Elowen smiled, her golden eyes twinkling. "Yes, it does."

And as they stood there, side by side, Mikhailis knew that they were not just bound by tradition, but by a new adventure they were about to embark on together. The applause around them was deafening, but in that moment, it felt like just the two of them standing in the middle of the hall. For a brief instant, Mikhailis could see it—his life in this new world, as both a prince consort and as a man deeply intertwined with the magic and history of Silvarion Thalor.

But this was only the beginning.

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