The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 33: Throw a Glass

"What happened today? Why did you send me that text message?" Zhang Huan asked.

Zhang Yansheng sneered and said, "Someone thinks that he is a young master. Not only do you have to pay him a salary, but you also have to pick him up and drop him off using the family's car. That someone will not be satisfied if he was not served well."

She told him what happened in the morning. As a matter of fact, she also told Zhang Huan: “You have to make it clear to this kind of person. What's the use of saying those kinds of half-contained words? People don't have that string in their minds.”

Zhang Huan was very happy: “But you understand.”

Zhang Yansheng was speechless, and Zhang Huan said indifferently: “Those people… it doesn't matter if they understand or not, they won’t be able to turn the sky over anyway.”

Seeing Zhang Yansheng's disapproving expression, he took a sip of wine, and said leisurely: "Yanyan, you are young now, black and white, jealous and hateful. You have to grow up to understand that there are some things you have to be confused about. Just talk about these relatives, they cannot be broken. For people like us, that kind of relative will never be broken. Apart from anything else, you know that your grandmother is such a powerful person, but look at her side with a lot of relatives’ misdeeds, does she still have to take care of them?"

Zhang Yansheng said in a cold voice, "That would also give you some points. At least the cousins and aunts on Grandma’s side are not white-eyed wolves."

"Did Xiao Liang do something more?" Zhang Huan said, "If he is a white-eyed wolf, wait for him to do something. But for now…he has not."

Zhang Yansheng looked at this old man, was he confused? His eyes were very clear.

Zhang Yansheng knew that she had always underestimated her own father.

He understands everything in his heart.

He just weighed things. When the situation was within his control and acceptable level, he would open one eye and close the other.

Just like in her previous life, the contradictions between Zhang Yansheng and Liang Yingying, he was blindly confused.

Because he wants to make himself more comfortable.

Zhang Yansheng felt something astringent in her mouth. She bit the straw fiercely and drank loudly, concealing her emotions.

Zhang Huan didn't notice it.

These days Zhang Yansheng gave him a feeling of a grown up and maturity, which made him very happy. He enjoys such a peaceful and intimate conversation with his daughter, and is happy to teach her some truths in life.

It's just that Zhang Yansheng doesn't agree with his ‘truth’. She hated his philosophy of life that pretended to be confused with understanding.

"But there are some things that cannot be corrected and controlled in time." She calmed down and raised her eyes. "In the end, you will lose control and won’t be able to bear the end result."

For example, Zhang Yansheng's death and also Zhang Shuocheng's crime.

At that time, Zhang Huan could no longer be ‘confused’ anymore, but he was already old then, so he would eventually be bitten by these results.

Zhang Huan laughed: "You are quite prepared for the rain."

He is not Zhang Yansheng and he does not know the future. He was still full of confidence at this time, feeling that everything in this family was within control, which could make him comfortable, relaxed, and happy.

Zhang Yansheng tugged at the corner of her mouth.

She can work hard to change her future, but it is tiring to change Zhang Shuocheng's future, and it is actually not her responsibility. After all, she persuaded Zhang Huan: “Forget about anything else, Zhang Shuocheng, you have to manage him well. With his current personality, if both of you, husband and wife, continue to get used to it like this, you will suffer from it in the future.”

All of a sudden, Zhang Huan's good feeling that he thought he was in control of everything was broken.

“Oh, Shuoshuo, this kid…” He couldn't help but murmured, “It would be great if your mother was still here. She is the best at taking care of children.”

Once upon a time, his late wife had disciplined her daughter well. The home is warm and comfortable, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

But as soon as he spoke, he knew he had said the wrong thing!

If the late wife is still alive and there is Zhang Shuocheng, an illegitimate child outside, could the late wife be able to discipline his illegitimate child for him?

Without a word, Zhang Yansheng grabbed the glass and threw it at his feet!

The glass fragments, ice cubes, and liquid were splattered everywhere, making Zhang Huan shake his pants.

Zhang Huan backed away in embarrassment and apologized again and again: “Dad was wrong, Dad was wrong. Oh, this mouth doesn't listen to orders, talking about your mother blindly!”

Zhang Huan was remorseful. What does he owe to his f*cking mouth to speak about that person? It's over this time, his daughter will be hysterical again!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yansheng was just standing there, her chest was rising and falling violently, she was obviously extremely angry, but she didn't say a word.

She stared at Zhang Huan, and the anger in her eyes made Zhang Huan imagine how hard she gritted her teeth, but she still pursed her lips tightly. Zhang Huan was embarrassed and worried by her, but in the end, Zhang Yansheng just turned around and left.

Zhang Huan shook his pants and looked at his daughter's back with a sigh of relief.

Why are people so cheap?

In the past, his daughter was noisy all day long, screaming hysterically and shedding tears when she was agitated, and he only felt annoyed.

Now that his daughter is obviously mature and grown up, she can even control her intense emotions, and that’s a good thing. But why is he so lost in his heart?


He raised his eyes and saw an aunt probing her head at the door, he beckoned: "Hey, hey, clean this up."

He pulled a few paper towels, wiped his pants, and polished his shoes’ surface. While sighing, he walked up to go upstairs. As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he heard the voices of Liang Yingying and her nephew.

Liang Zheng complained: “Isn't it embarrassing for me to drive the car that those aunts use for grocery shopping?”

Liang Yingying said sternly: "Of course not! If you don’t want it, then don't drive it and just take the bus!”

Liang Yingying said that she would give Liang Zheng a car to drive, and told him that it was a BMW. Liang Zheng was so excited at first, but was afraid of everything in contrast. When they went to the garage to take a look, he found that the BMW was a small worn-out car in front of the other cars.

Liang Yingying also leaked her mouth, letting Liang Zheng know that this BMW turned out to be a car for the aunts at home to buy groceries. Liang Zheng’s mood suddenly changed from joy to dissatisfaction.

His vision of looking at the car was suddenly lifted by the garage of the Zhang family.

What is a BMW? It’s just a street car. He took a fancy at the Rolls-Royce Cullinan in the garage. That is even better than Liang Yingying's Ferrari! That is a man’s car! A man should drive that kind of car!

But that was Zhang Huan's car, a big off-road car that cost more than 6 million. Liang Yingying didn’t dare to have him drive it.

When facing the Zhang's family, Liang Yingying and Liang Zheng are one whole, as they are both from the Liang family. In order to prevent the Liang family from being looked down upon by the Zhang family, especially Zhang Yansheng, Liang Yingying had to protect Liang Zheng no matter what.

But when there are only two of them, they are two independent people, each with their own positions and interests.

Liang Yingying rolled her eyes at the time and choked him: “What are you dreaming about? Since it cost more than 6 million, if you rubbed its paint, you can't afford it even if you lose your salary for 10 years!”

This price really made Liang Zheng's feet soft, and it also made his heart fiery.

It's a pity that he pestered Liang Yingying for a long time, but Liang Yingying still didn't let him drive the Cullinan. He complained in his heart that this little aunt was too stingy.

Liang Zheng didn't know that his aunt was not unwilling, but could not let him instead. She had blown the world to the sky in her natal family, but in fact she did not have a high status in this family that Liang Zheng thought. She couldn't take Zhang Huan's car to give Liang Zheng a favor.

Liang Zheng was dissatisfied and felt that he was not an outsider with his aunt, so he couldn't help but complain. Who knew that Zhang Huan happened to walk to the top of the stairs and had just ascended two steps when he heard it?

Zhang Huan stopped and didn't leave.

Liang Yingying and the two walked through the corridor before seeing him. Liang Zheng was still thinking about it, Liang Yingying immediately gave Liang Zheng an elbow and told him to shut up.

Zhang Huan was smashed by his daughter. Of course, he owed it to his mouth and he couldn't blame his daughter. However, this does not mean that he is not angry in his heart, but it is just that this anger cannot be directed at Zhang Yansheng.

This is just right, someone hit the muzzle of the gun.

Zhang Huan stood on the stairs and said with a smile: "That BMW is indeed worn-out.”

Liang Zheng was shocked and overjoyed, thinking that his uncle was going to help him speak and improve the grade of the car for him.

“But it doesn't matter, anyway, you won't live here for so long, so you will only drive it for a few days." His uncle said, “Find a house as soon as possible. Remember to look for more convenient transportation, like taking a subway or bus going to work."

He thought for a while and then kindly told Liang Zheng: “There are many young people in the company who rent houses and find co-tenants. You can go to the Human Resources department and ask.”

After speaking, he walked upstairs. Liang Zheng was dumbfounded.

He opened his mouth to talk, but Liang Yingying quickly stomped on his foot with her sharp eyes, and he let out a cry of pain.

Zhang Huan heard it on the stairs. He pretended not to hear it, and continued walking up slowly.

Liang Yingying pulled Liang Zheng aside in the corridor and asked him vigilantly: “What are you doing, what did you want to say just now?"

"No, this…" Liang Zheng was angry, "Is he driving me away? I'm his nephew! Is there any other uncle who is like this?"

“You keep your voice down for me!" Liang Yingying hurriedly pulled him further away, for fear that Zhang Huan would hear them.

"Auntie, aren't you angry? I've only been here for a few days, but he already started telling me to rent a house! Why can't I live in this such a big house?"

“No matter how big it is, it's not your home!" Liang Yingying said angrily. She still hadn't figured it out. Obviously, Zhang Huan had promised to let him live at home before Liang Zheng came, but then he changed his mind later.

She said, “The car will be driven by you first, then you have to find a house as soon as possible.”

Zhang Huan is not a stingy person; he is not stingy with money or things. But he has already said it twice about letting Liang Zheng rent a house by himself, which shows that he is really unwilling to let Liang Zheng continue to live here. Liang Yingying didn't dare to defy Zhang Huan's order, so she could only urge her nephew to move away quickly.

Liang Zheng became even more annoyed: "Are you still my aunt?"

“I'm not your aunt, I don't care where you ask for food!" Liang Yingying spat, “Don't be ignorant of good or bad, the work has been arranged for you, so what else do you want?!”

"I am ashamed to say it! I am embarrassed to tell my friends that I am just an intern in my own company!"

In fact, when Zhang Huan arranged for Liang Zheng to start as an intern, Liang Yingying was also quite dissatisfied.

But now that Liang Zheng is complaining about her husband, she has to stand on Zhang Huan’s side again, so she scolded him: "Who didn't start as an intern in the first place! Let me tell you, when your uncle entered his own company as an intern, no one knew who he was. He had really started from the grassroots level, but look at your uncle now!”

Liang Zheng said: “Nonsense, if he becomes an intern again, he will be the boss sooner or later. After all, he is the real boss of the ‘company of his own family’. Can that be the same with me?”

He was very dissatisfied and wanted to fight for himself again. Whether he lived in Zhang's house or a position in the company, he had to say more.

Liang Yingying went on but suddenly looked behind him.

An aunt had cleaned up the glass dregs and was about to throw the garbage, but Liang Yingying saw it with her sharp eyes.

"What happened?" she asked the aunt.

The aunt saw that there was no one around. Zhang Huan and Zhang Yansheng both went upstairs and whispered, “Miss Yanyan lost her temper just now and threw a glass. It splashed on the Master's pants.”

Liang Yingying and Liang Zheng suddenly realized almost at the same time.

The culprit who made Liang Zheng unable to continue living here has been found!

Zhang Yansheng must have forced Zhang Huan to drive Liang Zheng away!

This excess baggage!1Original words are 拖油瓶 (dragging oil bottle) – referring to the children of the ex-husband who remarried women in the old society and brought them to the husband's house. In fact, the correct statement should be "dragging sickness" rather than "dragging oil bottle".

  • 1Original words are 拖油瓶 (dragging oil bottle) – referring to the children of the ex-husband who remarried women in the old society and brought them to the husband's house. In fact, the correct statement should be "dragging sickness" rather than "dragging oil bottle".

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