The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 53: Save the Beauty

Zhang Yansheng did see a familiar face dangling at the subway entrance, but she had gone down. She was also a little surprised of how the girl would go to take the subway, because she also had a car to pick her up.

But that has nothing to do with her. She is not in Class 8 in this life.

Even if it is Wang Qian, she was actually a plastic sister in her previous life, and it seems that her other girlfriends are actually her rivals in love.

For the others…the words ‘a pack of rogues’ are just right.

Zhang Yansheng recalled that, in fact, she didn't have any sincere friends in her previous life. Most of the people surrounding her rushed at her money, and others rushed at her face, either for her money or for her looks. She does have a lot of money, but she is not happy having money. On the contrary, money washed away her life.

Day and night turned upside down, drunk and crazy.

The crazier she lived, the emptier her heart was.

Zhang Yansheng didn't know that there was a group of bad girls who didn’t like her under the subway station rolling up their sleeves and planning to teach her a lesson. With a slight sigh in her heart, she walked around the subway station, got in her own car, and went home.

At home, Liang Yingying is now having a low profile, not as arrogant as before, and the air in the whole home is much more comfortable.

Zhang Yansheng asked Zhang Heling to check Zhang Shuocheng's homework every day, and if he didn't do it seriously, she would spank him.

Zhang Shuocheng was very distressed. But this is the ‘discipline’ he begged while crying, and he has to obey while kneeling. Anyway, as long as he can finish his homework seriously, his sisters don't care how he play after. As soon as he gets home now, he will do his homework quickly. After he finishes writing, he will be able to have fun.

The weekend passed peacefully and Zhang Yansheng received a call from her maternal uncle.

Zhang Yansheng's mother and Zhang Huan were university classmates, and they studied abroad together. Her grandma likes her mother very much and thinks her mother is a very independent woman. Zhang Huan and Zhang Yansheng's mother got married when they returned to China after graduation.

From the campus to the wedding dress, they used to be a beautiful couple, but before it got to the end, everything changed.

Both her maternal grandparents have passed away, and now there is only an uncle and aunt and little cousins. However, her uncle settled in S City because of his business, not in the same place as Zhang Yansheng.

Her maternal grandfather’s family is not as rich as the Zhang family, but it can be regarded as a family with good conditions.

When she was in middle school, her uncle deliberately talked to her face-to-face, fearing that her stepmother would treat her badly, and wanted her to live with him in S City. But at that time Zhang Yansheng just lost her mother. Although she was always arguing and hysterical, she actually didn't want to lose her father as well in her heart. So, she refused to go with him.

Later, as she grew up, she became more extreme. When her uncle heard about it, he tried to persuade her. But she had already stopped listening to people at that time, and gradually became estranged from her uncle.

Her uncle knew that Zhang Huan had sent her to Yi High School. One month after the start of school, he called to ask how she was in school and whether she was adapting well.

Zhang Huan showed off to his mother and brother's family that she was admitted to the preparatory class, and Zhang Yansheng felt very ashamed. But listening to her uncle's voice, which was a bit unfamiliar in her memory, Zhang Yansheng couldn't help but tell her uncle: "Well… I studied hard for two months during the summer vacation and was admitted to the preparatory class after taking the placement test before the start of the school. Yes, it’s the preparatory class. Our school has a top class, two preparatory classes…"

It's not ‘showing off’, but just ‘telling’. She wanted the person on the other side of the call to know.

But when she said this, she suddenly became ashamed again. She is no longer a elementary school student. Why is she talking about this?

However, her uncle's voice was surprised: "Really? Yanyan is so amazing!”

Her uncle mentioned these fragments: “Your mother was better than me at studying. You have been smart since you were a child. When you were a child, you always took the first place…”

It was all in the past, but there was deep concern in those trivial thoughts. Zhang Yansheng listened, her eyes suddenly became sour and unbearable.

After she was reborn, she also thought about calling her uncle. But every time she touched the cellphone, she felt timid in her heart, so she kept dragging it until her uncle took the initiative to call her.

“Uncle, don't worry about me, I'm not a kid anymore." She said, “There’s nothing to be afraid of that woman, I just ignore her. No matter what, I am my father's biological child, he will not treat me badly.”

On the call, her uncle breathed a long sigh of relief: “It’s good that you have figured it out.”

He added: "Don't delay yourself because of others.”

If she had figured this out in her previous life, she wouldn't be dead, right?

But if she didn’t die and be reborn, she would just walk into the dark one by one and won't be able to figure it out at all, right?

Zhang Yansheng thought for a long time, but felt that there was no solution to this problem. But either way, in this life, she can't fail the people who care about her, nor can she let down herself.

As soon as she entered the class on Monday, a classmate greeted her, then came one after another for early morning greetings.

Zhang Yansheng was a little surprised, not knowing why the classmates in Class 2 suddenly became enthusiastic about her.

She didn't know that she was too beautiful, tall and cold, and had a strong aura, which made these classmates inexplicably look away from her. She hadn't had any dealings with these ‘good kids’ in her previous life; and in this life, she couldn't feel that everyone was keeping their distance from her.

As a result, the rich handsome guy in Class 8 chased after her; but without saying anything, she punished the kid. Then suddenly, the classmates in Class 2 changed their attitudes.

Anyway, first of all, this girl is not a gold digger. That's great. At this age, they are still very noble and virtuous, especially these good students, all of them have a sense of independence in their hearts. They would rather choose to cry in the back seat of the bicycle than laugh in the BMW, and they also look down on those who laugh in the BMW. Zhang Yansheng's operation, on the contrary, made everyone get closer to her.

In any case, it is a good thing for Zhang Yansheng. When she asked her classmates to give her the topics of their lecture for the day, she felt that her classmates were more enthusiastic about her. They also took out their workbooks and problem sets, she didn’t know where they came from, and shared them with her.

Zhang Yansheng was a trash from Class 8 in her previous life. She didn’t know where to scour these things. She asked humbly for advice, only to find that these students have their own magical powers. There is always a way to find these things. You can get it from another district or from another city. They all communicate with each other as well.

Zhang Yansheng felt that she had already worked very hard during the summer vacation, and she could not help breaking out in a cold sweat when she really understood the amounts of questions these students were doing daily.

The top class and the two preparatory classes in Yi High School are all in a circle of elimination. This movement happens once in the middle of the semester. If you learn better, you will go up. If you fail to learn, you will go down. There are also those who fall from the preparatory class to the ordinary class, and the ordinary class rushes into the preparatory class or even the top class. It's all possible, depending on the individual's level of effort.

Although Zhang Yansheng worked hard all summer vacation and rushed into the preparatory class, if she didn't keep working hard, she would still fall.

From here, Zhang Yansheng secretly made up her mind not to lag behind, and Wang Qian over there was going to explode with anger.

Because it was weekend after Friday, this anger of not catching Zhang Yansheng had accumulated for two days!

Wang Qian's temper was not small, she was unable to contain herself on Monday and couldn't wait to go out of school after all the classes ended. So, she took some girls to block Zhang Yansheng directly in the toilet at noon.

After Zhang Yansheng washed her hands, she looked up and saw Wang Qian and several girls behind her staring at her from the mirror aggressively.

She knows and understands all these girls. She couldn't be more familiar with the posture they put on!

Zhang Yansheng suddenly felt a pain in her head.

Are they going to ‘teach’ her a lesson?

So bold, they are still at the school. What's wrong with Wang Qian?

Zhang Yansheng turned around, ignored the girls, and walked straight out: "Excuse me, please.”

Not only did the girls refuse to let her pass, they also squeezed each other with a sneer, blocking the door of the toilet in an impassable manner.

But Zhang Yansheng didn't realize it, and continued to walk forward. Seeing that she was about to collide with the girls, Zhang Yansheng stretched out her hand…

When Zhang Yansheng got out, the girls were still very confused.

“Why did you give way to her?”

“I didn't!”

“You squeeze me to let her go!”

“No, she grabbed me! As soon as she pulled me, I couldn't stand it!”

"Yes, me too!"


"It’s true! She is very strong!"

"Hey Wang Qian, where are you going?"

They chased out and stopped Wang Qian: "This is inside the school! My mother said that Yi High School has strict rules and I am not allowed to cause trouble in the school, otherwise she will cut off my pocket money!"

Wang Qian was so angry, but she was still pulled back to the class by a few of them.

Xu Lichen was still like that in the class. He was scornful. When they came back, he teased her: "You still go to the toilet in a group?"

However, Wang Qian felt that the more ruffian he looked, the better he looked. Wang Qian's mind became even more determined to teach Zhang Yansheng a lesson.

After school, she didn't want to make the same mistake again, so she didn't go to the subway to wait for Zhang Yansheng. She blocked Zhang Yansheng directly on the way to the subway.

“Zhang Yansheng, come with us." Wang Qian said, “Let’s talk."

She lifted her chin, getting angry.

In the previous life, Zhang Yansheng mingled with her, probably just like this.

“???" Wang Qian, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yansheng put down the hand she used to cover her eyes and said calmly, "Nothing.”

She just didn't see it. Thinking that she used to be so stupid, she can't wait to go back in time and erase this black history.

She asked, "What do you want from me?”

In this life, she is not in Class 8 and has no interaction with Wang Qian. However, Wang Qian still ran to find her… Zhang Yansheng probably guessed that nine out of ten it had something to do with Xu Lichen.

Wang Qian sneered: "Why do you waste so much talk? Let's go, take her away!"

With that said, the two girls came up and grabbed Zhang Yansheng's arms from left to right. Zhang Yansheng didn't struggle, and asked, “Where are you taking me?"

The girls also looked at Wang Qian. Wang Qian hesitated for a moment and said, "In the subway station!”

There are students in Yi High School around who have already begun to stop and look over them.

Zhang Yansheng wanted to study in high school so well and didn't want to make trouble. If they’re going under the subway station… then it’s okay!

So, she steadily agreed: "Let's go then."

The two girls clung to her arms tightly, lest she escape. However, Zhang Yansheng was very obedient and followed them to the subway station without resistance.


Xu Lichen had already gotten in his car, and the car had already started to move more than a hundred meters away. Because there were too many people picking up children after school, he was stuck there temporarily unable to move for a while, so they moved forward slowly.

At this time, Xu Lichen received a call from a classmate: "Xu Lichen! Wang Qian and the others took Zhang Yansheng from Class 2 away!”

Xu Lichen froze for a moment and immediately thought of the reason — Wang Qian chased him very tightly. She must have been jealous and wanted to teach Zhang Yansheng a lesson.

“Stop the car!" Xu Lichen shouted immediately.

The driver stepped on the brakes subconsciously, and Xu Lichen jumped out of the car before the car stopped steadily. While running back, he asked, “Where did they take Zhang Yansheng?"

The classmate told him: “They got in the subway station!”

Xu Lichen held the phone and ran wildly.

Although they had only been classmates for a month, he could see that Wang Qian is a kind of girl who is cruel to the bones. In a conversation, he also heard how she ‘taught’ people when she was in middle school.

Xu Lichen sweated on his forehead and ran wildly.

Down the long stairs in the subway station, he rushed down almost at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

However, halfway through the rush, he suddenly saw Zhang Yansheng.

Zhang Yansheng was standing on the escalator and was going up.

“Zhang Yansheng!" Xu Lichen shouted, then he turned around and ran up again!

He has quite a good physical shape. He rushed all the way, rushed down the stairs, and rushed up the stairs, unexpectedly catching up to stop Zhang Yansheng.

“You, you, are you okay?” He asked breathlessly.

Zhang Yansheng looked at the boy with a flushed face from running wild, and said silently, "Don't tell me you are here as a hero trying to save a beauty?"

Xu Lichen sized her up. She still looks cold and indifferent, but her clothes and hair are neat, and there are no scars or tears on her face, everything looks as usual.

Xu Lichen put his hands on his waist and looked up to the sky, then lowered his head and said, "It seems that there is no such opportunity, huh?"

Although Zhang Yansheng didn't like the young Xu Lichen in this life, in fact, Xu Lichen was really good to Zhang Yansheng in her previous life. It's a pity that they couldn't be a couple in the end and were separated from each other as friends, then they gradually drifted away.

Zhang Yansheng recalled this and looked at Xu Lichen with a rare smile.

Having ruddy lips, the corners of her lips curled up.

Xu Lichen was stunned.

Zhang Yansheng put on her sunglasses: "No.” Then, she stepped forward and walked outside.

Xu Lichen suddenly remembered: "Hey, what about Wang Qian and the others?" What really happened? Didn't Wang Qian bring several girls to clean her up? Where did they go?

Zhang Yansheng didn't look back, only gave him a gesture. She pointed her thumb to the back of her shoulder.

Xu Lichen turned his head and looked in the direction she was pointing at. It was a long staircase leading down to the subway station. Looking back, Zhang Yansheng's long legs had already stepped out of the subway station entrance.

In the autumn light, her figure looks particularly slender.

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