The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 11 – The Aftermath

Tyrannus woke up with a start, seeing himself in an unfamiliar wooden room. He was dressed only in his storage underwear, but fortunately he had his storage ring with him which had his clothes inside. 

He looked around to find that besides the simple wooden bed, filled with straw and feather pillows, there was only a simple wooden table and chair in the room. 

Right at that moment,Kitsune walked in, dressed in a simple dress. 

Tyrannus immediately got out of bed and got onto his knees with tears in his eyes. 

"Please..... forgive me. I lost control and....and I defiled you" he said, bowing his head to the floor. 

"Tyrannus.... please get up and look at me" she said gently. 

He slowly got up, still with tears in his eyes and looked at her beautiful large brown eyes. 

"I have lived a long life. In that long life I have been raped, tortured and abused. But I have also had wonderful and passionate lovers. What happened yesterday was me doing my job and saving the life of the princess. 

There is something very dangerous inside you. Your parents told me about you when I met them. That was the reason why you were kept in Broken Tooth since young and didn't expose you to the outside world. They hoped that maybe the Academy would be able to help you. 

I do not know if whatever it is inside you it is a good thing or bad, but it is very powerful. So in the meantime, you will not be seeing the princess. Instead, you will be following me as we travel to look for answers.

There are other Sage-like existences throughout the 9 continents. Perhaps an answer can be found in our travels" she said. 

"But.... but what if I lose control again?" he asked

"If you need a can use my body. Although it still hurts, my body is able to take it and heal sufficiently" she said.

"But I can't...." he stammered. 

"Tyrannus! I will have you know that in the demon realms, sex isn't always pleasurable. Sex with other types of demons can be brutal, sadistic and torturous. I have experienced that and even those demons didn't hurt me the way you did. 

If you lose control again, do you think you will be sated by shooting your seed in the forest like your father taught you?" she said bluntly. 

Tyrannus blushed, unable to answer. 

"I will be here for you. Don't worry about getting me pregnant. Only beings as powerful like you father can get beings like me and your mother pregnant. And even then, we the females have to consent. Otherwise, we will be able to reject fertilization by your seed" she said clinically. 

Tyrannus looked at Kitsune and remembered enjoying her body

"But don't look at me like that. I will help you only when you cannot resist. I don't intend to be your daily strumpet" she said, her eyes threatening him.

He sobered up immediately and looked away.

"Since you are up already, get ready. We will be leaving in 15 minutes" she ordered as she walked out of the room.

"Where will we be going?" he asked

"Elvendar!" she replied

"Elvendar! Where is that?" Tyrannus asked.

"The home of the Elves!" Kitsune answered, wondering how he did not know of the legendary city. 

His parents never taught him any geography besides that of Broken Tooth and the surrounding towns and forests. As his parents never put any emphasis on geography or history, he never bothered reading any geography or history books in the Academy Library either. 

Even the strange knowledge that randomly bursts out from within him had no interest in the geography or history of the land, since it apparently has no gaps of information to fill. 

"Elves!" Tyrannus said excitedly. He knew nothing about them, only that they were an ancient race that appeared from another portal, and that they were good archers, had their own type of magics and were very beautiful people. 

He brought out some leather clothes and wore them over his storage underwear. He hoped that if Donna still had hers he would be able to feel her presence if she wore them. 

As he exited the small hut, he found Kitsune outside with two griffins by her side. 

A griffin is a creature with the body of a lion, but with a head, wings and front talons of an eagle. 

"Ready? Let's get going" Kitsune said as she climbed onto one of them. 

Tyrannus was excited as griffins were rare where he came from, so he eagerly got onto the other and they both took off simultaneously. 

The griffins flew swiftly, faster than any land creature and before long, they were leaving the boundaries of Avalon. 

As they traveled, Kitsune thought some geography to Tyrannus.

"This continent that we are on is called the Northern Isle, one of the nine major continents of their world. There were 7 human nations on the continent of which Avalon was one of them. 

The other nations six were Shangri-La, Cockaigne, New Haven, Utopia, Arcadia and Domi. 

As you may have noticed, the names of most of the nations are traditional symbolic names to some sort of Utopian paradise. This was because after the cataclysm many nations tried to portray their nations as paradises to attract more people to settle in their land. 

The exception was the nation of Domi, or as they like to call themselves Domi-nation" she explained. 

"The Domi...nation?" Tyrannus scoffed.

"Yes, but this is not merely a play of words. King Domi was a fierce and aggressive man. His nation is named after him and is the most war-like and have conquered roughly one third of the entire continent. King Domi himself is a peak Level 5 Grandmaster, but his army has thousands of level 4 masters and hundreds of level 4 masters making his army the most fearsome in the land. 

It is fortunate that they are on one corner of the island and surrounded by the Dark Forest which houses of the Orc Nation, several goblin cities and other dark creatures that cages in their desire to conquer more of the land due to the constant threat of the Orc Nation" she explained. 

"As for religions, the main religions that are common in all the human nations are the Church of Light, the Order of Heaven's Path and the Church of the Goddess of Mercy."

The trip took one whole day by Griffin which would have taken 5 days by usual means.

By nightfall, they arrived at the edge of the Evergreen Forest.

For some reason, Tyrannus found himself unable to move past a certain boundary, even though he could not see anything blocking him.

"There is a geas preventing intruders. You need to be invited to enter" Kitsune explained.

"Greetings! I am Kitsune, Guardian of Avalon and friend of Queen Alyssa, and this is my ward Tyrannus" Kitsune projected towards the forest.

She waited for a few seconds before a clear melodious male voice replied

"Please come in Kitsune, Guardian of Avalon, and Tyrannus, ward of Kitsune!"

Suddenly, Tyrannus felt as if the invisible boundary was gone and he followed Kitsune, who had already walked towards the forest.

When he entered, he saw 6 thin but good looking elves, 4 males and 2 females looking at them.

"Almera!" Kitsune said in a friendly manner.

"Kitsune" smiled a female elf who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"Please follow me" Almera said as she ran off.

Kitsune and Tyrannus followed her, easily keeping pace behind the swift elf.

Almera wasn't surprised that Kitsune could keep up with her but was surprised that the young teen Tyrannus could keep up too.

After all, Almera was a level 4 Master level elf, while Tyrannus looked like a teen barely older than 16, which to the long lived elves was a baby. It was only when she checked and found that he was a Level 4 Master too that she was truly shocked.

They traversed several mountains and a ravine before Almera stopped and said

"This is as far as I will bring you. You know the way yourself Kitsune. I will get back to my post" she said and left. 

Even from afar, Tyrannus could see seven immensely tall giant trees, with leaves of multiple colors. Even from afar, one could see elves moving around the seven trees on rope bridges and living in tree houses. It was a beautiful sight that made Tyrannus' heart soar. 

"This is Elvendar, home of the elves!" Kitsune said to the stunned Tyrannus. Something about the whole place made his heart feel at peace, and there was even something familiar about the place. 

"Come, I'll bring you to someone who might be able to help you" she said leading him to the largest tree in the middle of 6 trees.  






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