The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 15 – Romulus of the Storm

As the second day passed, more and more contestants were being knocked out after losing 3 battles.

The other two lower ranked academy students Gregory and Martel were already out, as were the other 5 sect members from Avalon. But surprisingly Summer, one of the lower ranked students had only lost twice and had won 4 matches. 

Furthermore, Tyrannus and Princess Donna were still undefeated, so Avalon still had 3 participants who had lasted so far. 

Of the other nations from the Northern Isles, only the Kingdom of Domi's Princess Natrix and Prince Nate were still in it, both only having been beaten once each. 

Summer was facing a strange contestant who had a cloak on, and hid his face and all his limbs. He introduced himself as Romulus of the Storm Clan. 

She was wary of this contestant, as she hasn't seen him before. How did he get so far without fighting? She was suspicious. 

Summer was a pretty girl, and arguably the second prettiest girl in the Academy after Princess Donna. She had alot of admirers in the Academy and was an up and coming star being still only 17 years old.

While Princess Donna was prettiest, most boys were intimidated by her as she was not only the princess of the country, she was also the current top student besides Tyrannus. Summer on the other hand, came from a middle class background and was more approachable in the eyes of the boys. In fact, she was a well known flirt who had plenty of boyfriends simultaneously. 

Although she had heard of Tyrannus, unlike Donna who spent alot of private time with him, he was nearly never seen on campus, and thus had very little contact with Tyrannus until now. 

And although much was expected of her, Gandorf thought that it was too early for her to be regarded on the same level as Donna, let alone Tyrannus. 

Romulus waved his hands and balls of wind were created in his hands as he posed, with lightning crackling all around him, ready for battle. 

"He's a wind user, like you Donna" Tyrannus whispered

Donna nodded, watching the man as she had a bad feeling about him. "Those lightning bolts are not for show too" she answered. 

As the battle commenced, Summer created two light blades for each hand. She was a user of the element of light, a bit like the warriors of the Church of Light.   

She charged and attacked Gen's body, but he easily avoided it. The weather suddenly got bad as the area surrounded them was suddenly surrounded by wind and lightning, with rain causing the area to be wet and slippery. 

Summer struggled as she was forced to avoid the lightning, was pushed around by the rain and had problems getting her footing as the ground became wet and muddy. 

"No... he's leading her into a trap" Tyrannus said grimly, watching the situation. 

Just as Summer managed to get her footing, she found herself within Romulus' attack range and he finally made his move. 

He forced the ball onto Summer's face, and it suddenly sucked out all the air from her head area and even sucked out the oxygen from her lungs.

She suddenly froze, dissipating her light blades and holding her neck, trying her best to gasp for air. 

"No... stop the fight!" Tyrannus said as he stood up. 

Romulus spun her body around and smacked her ass with his other hand. The ball of air in his other hand entered her body and immediately her belly swelled up as if she was pregnant, bigger and bigger until her stomach exploded, spilling her torn guts all over the floor!

Summer didn't even scream as it was too sudden, her eyes still wide open as she fell to the floor, holding her entrails with her hands. 

Gandorf, Kitsune and Tyrannus appeared in an instant with Donna running close behind. 

"Why didn't you give her a chance to surrender?" Tyrannus said with anger in his eyes. 

"Surrender? Where is the fun in that? I wanted her to go boom!" the man said laughing as he walked away holding what looked like Summer's uterus and playing with it.  

Surprisingly, Kitsune was able to keep Summer alive, but the explosion damaged all her internal organs from the stomach down as her digestive organs and her reproductive organs were all destroyed and were all over the floor. 

"Quickly, lets get her to the infirmary" Gandorf said. The Church of Light was especially well known for their healing magic, so Kitsune disappeared in an instant carrying Summer.

Tyrannus gave Romulus a deathly stare. Romulus felt a shiver up his spine and looked back at Tyrannus who was staring at him. 

"What? Perhaps you will be next" Romulus laughed, making an explosion noise with his mouth as his hands mimicked an explosion. 

"I'm looking forwards to it" Tyrannus said with a palpable anger in his eyes. 

"Let it go Ty. Keep focused on your next matches. His turn will come" Donna said, trying to calm him down. 

Several hours later, Princess Donna was in the ring. This time, she was facing Princess Natrix from the Domi Nation, the first time contestants from the same continent faced each other. This meant that the number of competitors were already shrinking so much that the organizers could not separate them by continents anymore.

Natrix was dressed in sexy leather straps that barely covered her modesty and from her arms, the leather straps extended to form long 5 meter long whips. The straps covered her mouth and nose too, only revealing her eyes. She whirled them around faster and faster, hitting the ground and causing dust to fly up and cloud the whole area, reducing Donna area of visibility.

Suddenly, she attacked. Donna didn't even see the strap attacking her when she was blown backwards by a strap, tearing s hole in her breastplate of her armor, revealing her torn shirt and bra underneath.

Donna used a move she saw Tyrannus use on Severus before, using her wind to explode and blow the dust away to get a clear sight of Natrix.

*Boof* just as the dust were blown away, Natrix's straps shot right at her, causing her to barely dodge the many attacks. More of her armor was destroyed, as her right shoulder pad, her left shinguard and bracers, her leather pants under her armor. She was bleeding from lashes on her arms and legs. 

Donna looked serious, staring at Natrix who again started swinging her straps around herself. 

Donna nodded and started flinging her armor, one piece at a time off herself. She first threw her cape and skirt, then shoulder pads, then her shinguards, bracers and lastly her breastplate. 

Natrix looked at her in amusement. But Donna wasn't finished. She tore off her torn leather pants and removed her torn blouse leaving only her panties and bra on. 

The crowd started whistling and cat calling. 

"Are you done? Or should I help you with your last bits of clothing?" Natrix sneered. 

"Oh, I'm done" Donna replied holding her sword. 

Natrix nodded and suddenly attacked, all 10 straps from 10 fingers flying at deadly speeds towards Donna. 

Donna closed her eyes and moved. The crowd gasped as Donna threw herself at Natrix's straps that would surely bring her doom. 

However, all the straps seemed to miss as Donna floated past them and right at Natrix. 

"I surrender" Natrix suddenly said, with Donna standing right in front of her, with her sword pointed at her throat while her own straps were still extended to where Donna originally stood. 

The crowd went wild, as the referee announced the winner of the bout. 

"I knew you could do it" he said as she sat back next to him. She was wiping her wounds with a cloth as she smiled at him. 

"It's all thanks to your training" she replied gratefully. If she had not learned his sensing and dodging skill, she would have lost. "

Tyrannus smiled and helped her with her wounds. Most of them were skin deep but still, stopping the bleeding was a necessity. 

They received news that Summer's condition had been stabilized. However, she was in a coma and most of her lower body had been destroyed. The Church of Light promised that their healing department will be able to heal her to a certain extent, but she would no longer be able to produce children. 

Tyrannus and Donna listened to the report grimly, and swore revenge on Romulus. 

The following matches saw Tyrannus easily defeat the next 5 opponents. He finished them off mercifully in one shot and had eyes only aimed at Romulus. 

Romulus brutally killed his next 5 opponents, two males and three females. Apparently he enjoyed toying with females, inserting bombs into their lower orifices, exploding their bodies like with Summer. 

As for the males, he mercilessly planted his bombs into their mouths, exploding their heads to smithereens and laughing with glee. 

However, much to Tyrannus' disappointment, Romulus' next match wasn't him. Instead it was Donna....



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