The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 5 – A Visit To The Royal Palace

As they walked through the city of Avalonia, Captain Canaan suggested that they detour to the Royal Palace. 

"I suppose you're right. I should visit my parents before going back to the academy" she agreed as she eagerly pulled Tyrannus towards the Palace instead.

As a full time student of the Academy, Princess Donna lived there rather than at the Palace, even though they were in the same city. She only visited during breaks or weekends.

Furthermore, it was known by the Palace that she had gone out to temper herself in the Darkwind Forest, so it was best to report herself to her parents to inform them that she was home safe.

Thus the group split up as three guards escorted them back to the Palace, Captain Canaan went back to the base to report about the mission and about the deaths of several members, while another guard went ahead to the Academy to also report about the mission, but more importantly report the death of Erebus, the instructor assigned to the mission with Princess Donna. 

The remaining guards saluted and left Princess Donna and Tyrannus as they entered the private area of the Palace. 

Just as she entered the central hall, she realized that her parents had a guest. 

"Donna!" a beautiful and elegant lady smiled as she stood up. A regal and handsome man smiled too as Donna ran up to her mother and hugged her, then gave her father a hug as well. 

This carefree and honest expression of emotion surprised Tyrannus who was expecting the royal family to act more formally. 

Donna's parents were His Royal Majesty King Tiberius of Avalon and his wife, Queen Annabeth. 

"Princess Donna! Welcome back" said the guest, an old man who wore a dark brown robe and had an palpable air of wisdom about him. He had long hair and beard merged together to hang down to his chest and although he looked ancient, he still had a feeling of youth and vigour about him.  

The guest was someone familiar to Donna as it was the Headmaster of the Royal Academy of Avalon, the Great Mage Gandorf 

"Headmaster!" she replied and bowed. "No need for formalities in your own house Princess" he replied cheerfully. 

Tyrannus watched the scene in silence. It was a private family moment, so he restrained his aura, practically making himself invisible but to the naked eye. If one didn't look his direction, they would not notice he was there at all. 

He looked at the impressive King Tiberius and realized that he was a Level 5 cultivator. He guessed that he must be a warrior type, based on his body build and the way he moved. Queen Annabeth was only a Level 3, but it was impressive as it proved that even the queen could take care of herself if needs be. 

Then he looked at the old man Donna called Headmaster. He was shocked as he couldn't read the old man's level, but he gave Tyrannus the same feeling he gets from his own parents. 

"Level 6 sage...." Tyrannus thought to himself. 

"Oh... who is your friend Donna?" King Tiberius asked, suddenly realizing that there was a young handsome teenager standing at the doorway. 

Just as Donna was about to introduce him, a melodious and beautiful voice that came from behind Tyrannus suddenly said "Hmmmm, very interesting...."

Tyrannus moved instantly, disappearing from his spot and reappeared on the furthest wall on the other side of the room, two daggers drawn.

"What... Kitsune?? Tyrannus... no.." Donna wanted to interrupt.

"Don't worry, I just want to play" the beautiful woman said as she also disappeared. Just then both Tyrannus and the woman clashed in the air.

The clash lasted ten seconds as Tyrannus ended up on the floor, with Kitsune mounted on his abdomen while pinning both his hands to the ground with one hand,  and the other holding his throat, clearly demonstrating that she won. 

"Don't struggle boy. I won't hurt you" she said as she looked at him with complicated eyes. 

Tyrannus looked at her carefully. She was beautiful with long reddish brown hair, feral looking yellow eyes and what appeared to be six tails moving about from behind her, moving about like cobras. She wore a red dress which was still elegant if not for the fact it was crumpled where she was sitting on him. 

The crowd watching were shocked, not only by the fact that they battled, but that there were several cuts on Kitsune's forearms that were dripping blood. Tyrannus on the other hand had his whole shirt ripped to shreads, exposing his body. But he wasn't bleeding anywhere as it appeared that Kitsune really didn't mean to hurt him. 

"Who is this?" Kitsune asked, looking at Donna as she got up and pulled Tyrannus to stand next to her. 

"Kitsu... uh...Honorable Kitsune.... this is my friend Tyrannus who rescued me in the Darkwind Forest against a Level 4 Golden Lion. I recruited him to join the Academy" Donna answered.

All the while, Tyrannus could not stop looking at the woman. There was something familiar about her. 

"Who are your parents boy?" she asked. 

"My parents? My father's name is Ragnar Rock, and my mother's name is Mara. They run a restaurant called the Riverhouse in Broken Hill" he answered, still looking at her curiously. 

"Ragnar... Rock??? Mara? Impossible!" she gasped as she walked of and suddenly disappeared. 

Just then, guards rushed in only for King Tiberius to wave them away. The incident happened so fast that the guards only now reacted to the potentially hostile situation. 

"How old are you?" Great Mage Gandorf asked remembering something. 

"I'm 16" Tyrannus replied. 

"No... that doesn't add up. Maybe a coincidence" Gandorf mumbled, recalling something he came across in an ancient history book.

"Let's all calm down and take a seat. Donna brought a friend so lets get properly introduced" King Tiberius said, calming the situation down. 

"I am King Tiberius, and this is my wife Queen Annabeth. And this is Great Mage Gandorf, Headmaster of the Royal Academy of Avalon" he continued, taking the initiative to introduce himself first. 

"Pleased to meet you. I am Tyrannus.... uh... your loyal subject from Broken Tooth" Tyrannus replied awkwardly. 

"... and a Level 4 Master at the age of 16" Donna added. 

King Tiberius and Mage Gandorf could tell his level since they were higher level than him, yet they still gasped in amazement when it was confirmed by Donna. The wounds he left on Kitsune were a clear indication of his abilities. Normal weapons, or even magic weapons should not be able to harm Kitsune's impenetrable skin. 

"Who... who was that earlier?" Tyrannus asked

"That is Kitsune, Royal Guardian of the Kingdom of Avalon, Sage level 6, last known descendant of the Demon Fox race and also my mother" Gandorf replied with a smile. 

"Your... your mother?" Tyrannus stammered. It was strange to think of that beautiful young woman who didn't look over 30 to be the mother of this old bearded old man. 

"My adopted mother in case you were wondering. She took me in when I was 2 and took care of me for as long as I can remember. After all, Sages can live for thousands of years, and I am only 320 years old" Gandorf laughed. 

They chatted for a while before Gandorf decided it was time to return to the Academy. Princess Donna decided it was time too, so she hugged her parents and pulled Tyrannus along out the door as he hastily bowed and followed after her and Gandorf. 

"Such a handsome young boy. You don't think Donna has... you know.." Queen Annabeth asked. 

"No, she's a smart young lady. She knows of her special constitution and knows not to simply give it to the first handsome guy she meets. After all, she's had many many suitors who she's already rejected. She didn't mention it, but she's progressed to peak Level 3" King Tiberius said. 

"Really? That's wonderful" Queen Annabeth replied. 

Contrary to Tyrannus' expectations, they didn't take a carriage, nor fly to the academy. Instead, they walked all the way back on foot. 

It appeared that Gandorf cast an invisibility spell or similar on them as they walked all the way back through the city without being seen or recognized. 

"I hope you don't mind young Tyrannus, I enjoy walking and taking in the atmosphere whenever I am away from my work" Gandorf said as he walked at a leisurely pace

"No, I don't mind at all" Tyrannus said, enjoying the sights and sounds himself. 

Since they were undetected by the people around them, Donna happily held Tyrannus' hand, pulling him here and there, showing him the sights and explaining the history of the many buildings that they passed. 

Donna holding Tyrannus' hand didn't go unnoticed by Gandorf, but he kept his thoughts to himself as all three of them enjoyed their walk.

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