The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 9 – Kitsune’s Investigation

Tyrannus and Donna rested on each other, shoulder to shoulder and nearly completely naked except for their extremely tiny underwear. Both their bodies were glistening with sweat and Donna was looking particularly sexy while topless next to him. Tyrannus' bulge isn't even covered properly as the head of his penis poked out from the top of his underwear. 

They were resting after their nightly training in Donna's private training room which was built under her chalet. Its a secret room that served as a emergency bunker as well as a training room. It was a quarter acre big, bigger than the chalet itself and reinforced with sound proof and blast proof materials. 

Donna had improved alot over the weeks. She was now able to sense all movement up to 10 meters from the minute fluctuation of wind using her skin.

The way Tyrannus taught this skill, it was literally like a second sight as her skin is able to replace and even surpass her sense of sight when it comes to sensing movement and heat during battle. It can also be used for scouting and searching for other things like hidden traps, hidden people or animals and even surprise attacks. 

Besides that, as Tyrannus learned new skills, he incorporated them into her training. For example, he learned terpsichorean skills, enabling him to hypnotize his opponent to either stun, misdirect or even completely dominating the will of an opponent through his movement. 

He also learned how to also stun or hypnotize an opponent by using certain sounds either orally or sounds made by clapping or moving certain parts of the body. 

He learned to stick on walls, and also to repel objects and things. He taught her to use her wind abilities to do those, while he used either explosions or creating small vacuums by cutting the air. 

Donna was practicing these new skills today and was exhausted, leaning her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. 

"You know, I'm glad that you both are not lovers yet. Donna's parents would be so disappointed" a beautiful voice suddenly sounded. 

Donna sprung up and covered herself with her hands, staring at the direction of the voice. 

"Are you spying on us? We've done nothing wrong" Tyrannus said, looking at the direction where a beautiful woman suddenly appeared from. 

"K....Kitsune?" Donna mumbled, trembling at the sight of this formidable woman. She was the Guardian of Avalon, the most powerful being in the nation. 

"Yes, I've watched you both for several nights. You've done nothing wrong. I won't report your training methods. But be aware that had it been anyone besides myself that caught you both together nearly naked, misunderstandings may happen" she said. 

"Uh..thanks. Now what are you here for cousin?" Tyrannus asked.

"Me? I promised to train you didn't I?" she said as her red long dress dropped to the floor revealing her gorgeous naked body underneath. 

"Wait! Why.. why are you stripping?" Tyrannus asked.

"Well, I watched you both train naked for a few nights. I've gotten some inspiration from your abilities and sensing using your naked skin" she answered and suddenly attacked. 

Donna moved backwards to the wall and sat down, watching Tyrannus and Kitsune spar. They moved at incredible speeds, so fast that Donna couldn't follow. 

Suddenly she heard a scream and something floated down from the air, landing on Donna's head. She picked it up and realized that it was Tyrannus' underwear that was ripped off. 

"You see the weakness of fighting near naked like this, don't you? It's too obvious a target" she said, her hand gripping Tyrannus' erect penis and squeezing it tightly. 

Tyrannus grimaced in pain as he was dragged back to where Donna was by his penis. 

"What do you think princess? Should I cut it off? Then he won't have any such weaknesses" she teased. 

Donna didn't know how to answer and just stared at Kitsune's hand gripping Tyrannus's penis. 

Kitsune let him go as he collapsed on the ground holding his penis. She walked up to her dress, swaying her bum as if she was teasing him. Then she slowly bent over, giving him a clear view of her intimate parts and then pulled up her dress. 

"Lets do this again another night then. It's been fun. Maybe you should get he princess to kiss it and make it feel better" she said as she disappeared into thin air. 

Donna looked at Tyrannus and blushed as she imagined her mouth on his penis. 

"Are... are you alright?" Donna asked, quickly turning her head away and handing the torn underwear to him.

He rejected it and just put on his pants without his underwear and nodded.

"I'm fine. She was just teasing me. There's no permanent damage. Let's call it a day" he said. 

She walked him out to her door and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

"See you tomorrow Tyrannus" she said. He smiled and waved as he left to his house. 

In the inner sanctum of the Academy, Kitsune sat opposite Gandorf in the headmaster's office.

"So how is your report on Tyrannus going mother?" he asked the woman who raised him. 

"Well, the king and queen will be glad that the princess' chastity is still intact. That's the most important news that they want to hear. Besides training the princess every night, he spends the night in the library reading books about every kind of subject you can imagine. Then in the morning, he gets the princess to direct him to different classes or occupations. He then spends a few hours learning the subject, then never returns again having achieved his objective. I am unsure whether he has mastered any of the skills or not, but based on evidence about a few of them, I strongly suspect he had mastered them." Kitsune answered. 

"Oh really? Like what?" Gandorf asked. 

"Like the terpsichore art. He asked the princess to direct him to the finest brothel in Avalonia where all the terpsichore masters are. He went alone, and by nightfall, he was teaching the princess how to use terpsichorean arts to charm, hypnotise, put to sleep or even control an opponent with their movements" she answered. 

"What? Impossible! Even the terpsichorean masters can only achieve such levels of skill at level 4 of their art. Surely he couldn't have mastered it in a day?" Gandorf said. 

"Well, it may be possible for this boy. He spent three days searching and training with several demonic musicians, and by nightfall he was teaching the princess certain sounds that can be used for attacking. When I watched him train with the musicians, he was playing their borrowed instrument and playing them as if he has been playing that instrument since before he could walk" she answered. 

"When I sparred with him, not only did he move in a difficult to predict way, he also used terpsichorean arts and demonic music sounds to spar with me. I was lucky to catch him at his weak spot" she continued. 

"You mean it actually worked on you?" Gandorf asked, astounded. 

Kitsune nodded. "His learning ability is incredible"

"So what is he doing now?" Gandorf asked. 

"In the last few days, he has been going to the stores and buying as many storage rings and other lower quality storage equipment like storage bags as he can. It seems as if he has some prior knowledge of crafting such equipment as he seemed to be disassembling them and recrafting them. So far he has successfully recreated a few storage rings. " she explained. 

"You mean he has knowledge in spacial magics? You need to be at least a Level 4 Master level in spacial magics to even attempt making a storage ring. And even so, the ring will be of low quality with very low storage capacities" Gandorf said. 

"The weird thing is, he never seems satisfied. His successful rings, he simply disassembled them again to try again. It was as if he was practicing, rather than actually wanting to create the object" Kitsune said.

"Last week, he was like that with pill forging. He bought a myriad of pills, from low level to high level pills. All he did was melt down the pills, separate the ingredients, put them together again and reforged the pills. Then, he threw the pills into a pile and took out new herbs and recrafted the same pills. Then he threw them all away!" Kitsune continued, shaking her head

"Were they failures? Maybe they were junk pills" Gandorf said.

"Not a single pill was below High Grade. I took several pills out of his junk pile and tested them myself! In my opinion... I think he was learning!" she exclaimed, now fully agitated.

"Not only that. Whenever he is engrossed in these ventures, his eyes turn distant, as if he were remembering something. But he also lets out an aura that makes my hair stand. Its so dominant and oppressive. If one were to approach him, I believe even I myself might end up bowing in front of him." she continued, now yelling excitedly. 

"Did you find out anything from his parents?"Gandorf asked, trying to calm her down

"Her parents? They are the Ragnar and Mara of legend. Over the years they too achieved the rank of Level 6 Sage and their battle abilities are no exaggeration. However, they too are perplexed by Tyrannus. 

He inherited both their abilities and first demonstrated them at the age of 4. To prevent mishaps, they moved to the outskirts of town and set up their restaurant there, and also to train him restraint in the forest.

But he seems to suffer from dreams. But the dreams seemed to be teaching him things beyond his parents' imagination. He seems to know things beyond what even the experts in the field know. This scares his parents, but also is a source of pride for them. 

They speculated that perhaps he is a reincarnated being. But the stories he told them about his dreams terrified them. All I got from them is that if his dreams are true, we should do our best to keep him on the right path. 

They also told me a story of how once he had a pet rabbit when he was 3 years old, before he developed his abilities. They were still living in a house inside the boundaries of Broken Tooth. 

At that time, the city was plagued by a pair of Level 5 Silverwing Tigers. They were entering and killing residents and livestock of the town indiscriminately. 

At that time, both Ragnar and Mara helped fend off the Silverwing Tigers, doing just enough to scare them off, but not showing too much of their strength as to reveal their true cultivation. 

But when they returned to their homes, they found their house ransacked by the pair of Silverwing Tigers. The creatures even killed Tyrannus' pet rabbit. They had to comfort him as he cried all night. 

But the next morning, he disappeared. His parents went crazy and entered the Bloodwind Forest looking for him. But to their shock everywhere they went, they found dead tigers. It did not matter what kind of tigers they were, they were mercilessly killed.

When they found the lair of the Silverwing Tigers, there was little more than blood and traces of fur. There was no sign of a fight, just slaughter.

Worried and out of ideas of where to look for Tyrannus, they eventually headed back home only to find the little 3 year old sleeping in his cot, safe and sound. However, he was completely drenched in blood and there were his tiny footprints covered in blood all the way from the forest to his cot!

Do you know, tigers are extinct in the Bloodwind Forest since then? Not a single species is left since then!" Kitsune said, finally out of breath.

Gandorf took a deep breath, but continued to stay silent, staring at his foster mother as she regained her composure.

"Let's just keep these to ourselves, shall we? Give a sanitized report to the King, and lets just continue observing the kid" Gandorf said.

They both looked at each other, unsure if having Tyrannus at the Academy was a blessing or a curse. Will he be a unprecedented hero for the nation, or a monster of mass destruction. 

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