The Embodiment of Evil

Prologue Part 2 – Threads of Destiny

Loki's spirit drifted endlessly. He could not feel his body. The damage from the huge fall no longer bothered him. He was a spirit floating in endless space.

His mind went back to the chain of events that led to Ragnarok. He remembered how his step-brother Baldur, the God of Light, was blessed with invulnerability.

Being a typical brainless brute, like most Asgardians typically were, naturally Baldur boasted and bragged about his invulnerability.

As a party trick, he used to have everyone attack him with weapons and throw spears and shoot arrows at him while he shows off and poses.

One day, Loki passed a spear to Hod, the blind God of Winter, who was also Baldur's twin brother. However, unknown to everyone, Baldur was actually vulnerable only to mistletoe, and it happened that the spear was resting on some mistletoe by the wall.

Everyone was laughing as Baldur taunted Hod for his blindness. Unknown to everyone, when Hod grabbed the spear, it had a bit of mistletoe on it. Hod's throw pierced Baldur right through the heart instantly killing him.

In anger, Vali the God of Vengeance killed Hod. As Hod was dead, everybody blamed Loki for Baldur and Hod's deaths.

There were rumors that Baldur could have been revived if every being cried a tear for Baldur, who was supposedly so universally loved. But apparently, an old hag decided not to cry for Baldur, and thus Baldur was not revived.

Again, Loki was blamed for some old hag not crying for Baldur. Some even accused Loki of transforming to the hag to ensure Baldur's death. Alternatively, some blamed him for not forcing his daughter Hela, the Goddess of Death, to allow the resurrection of Baldur.

All this led to Loki's imprisonment and torture by the Asgardians.

"So much for the so called justice of Asgard" thought Loki as he drifted in space. "No matter my heroic deeds saving Asgard, or my many adventures with me half-brother Thor, I was always treated as an outsider because I was not born of Asgardian blood" he concluded. 

Loki was actually the son of the Giant King Farbouti of Jottunheim. But because Odin killed him in battle, he took Loki in and adopted him as a son.

But although Odin adopted him, he was always treated unfairly and viewed suspiciously, and blamed for all wrongs that occur in Asgard. This prejudice is something he has experienced all his life, but this time it went too far.

Loki then sighed. "I'm dead anyhow, I wonder why Hela hasn't claimed me yet?" thought Loki.

Then suddenly, a bright light pierced his eyelids. "I still have my eyes?" a surprised Loki thought as he opened his eyes.

He looked around and found himself at a feast surrounded by the familiar Asgardians.

His nephew Thor laughed out loud while he slapped Loki on his back.

Wait…. Nephew? Wasn’t Thor his step-brother? Loki thought to himself and suddenly realized his memories were a bit different now. It was as if his memories had been altered.

Odin was now his step-brother here, making Thor his step-nephew.

He looked in amazement and noticed a handsome god in the middle of the hall, laughing and showing off, getting the other gods to throw weapons at him.

It was Baldur! He wasn’t dead.

“Uncle! Why don’t you throw a weapon at me?” he asked while he bared his ass at Loki.

Loki was stunned. He is able to live through this again? Even among Asgardian Gods, raising the dead wasn't something simple. He waved his hands declining the chance.

“Come on! Don’t be a wet blanket” said Tyr the God of War as he took a spear and placed it in Loki’s hand.

Loki pushed it away, not wanting to get involved.

“Coward” said Tyr as he took the spear back and threw it at Hod, the blind god.

“Hahaha. How can my brother hit me? He’s blind” taunted Baldur.

Hod got angry and threw the spear at the direction of Baldur’s voice.

To everyone’s shock, the spear pierced Baldur’s chest and heart, and went straight through his body. He collapsed and died instantly with his eyes open.

“Baldur!” yelled Vali the God of Vengeance as he jumped up and chopped off Hod’s head in anger.

The whole hall was in an uproar and it didn’t take long before fingers were pointed at Loki

“It was him! He must have done something to the spear to kill Baldur!” yelled Vali.

“Yeah, and he framed poor blind Hod to kill Baldur too! We’ve suffered the deaths of two excellent Gods to this outsider” shouted Tyr.

“Wait… you passed the spear to me. I wanted no part of it” yelled Loki in outrage looking at Tyr.

“As if we’ll trust the word of an outsider over our ever loyal Tyr” yelled another God nearby.

The crowd started to form a mob and Loki didn’t hesitate and bolted out the door.

“Coward!” yelled Thor as his hammer Mjolnir smashed through the large door and narrowly missed the fleeing Loki.

“Fuck. Why is this happening again?” he thought.

In his previous life, he hid in one of his hideouts in Asgard before being captured and bound by his son’s entrails to be tortured.

However, this time, he felt a sense of deja vue and instead fled down the Rainbow Bridge in the opposite direction.

After hiding a few days, he realized that he was near Doomstead, where the Norns weaved the threads of destiny.

"Destiny? Did they have something to do with this?" thought Loki to himself as he wondered towards Doomstead. 

The Norns were not beings regular gods dared to approach easily. They had the power to change destiny, or even erase someone from existence.

Loki was not a stupid God. He cast a spell on himself, making him invisible and crept into the domain of the Norns.

As he approached, the three sisters, Urd, Verdandi and Skuld looked around, suspecting something was amiss.

“Do you sense that sister?” asked Urd.

“Yes… someone who is not supposed to be here” said Verdandi

“Show yourself” yelled Skuld as they gestured and Loki’s spell dissipated.

“You should not be here. What do you seek?” they asked in unison as they looked at Loki in shock.

“Is my destiny to start Ragnarok? Why does my life cause Ragnarok over and over again?” he asked.

The Norns were stunned. There was nothing they shouldn’t know about, but how did Loki know this?

“Impossible. That knowledge is forbidden to ones such as you. Begone from here” they said in fear.

Loki charged through them before they could stop him, and looked into the enormous loom that was spinning millions of strings of fate into a tapestry.

Instantly Loki could see the entirety of the Asgardian existence. It was an infinite loop!

As the strands combine to become a large tapestry, the story of the Asgardians were told, and at Ragnarok, they are separated into individual strands of fate again before recombining all over again.

“What a futile existence!” thought Loki. The only reason he realized he lived over and over again, albeit in slightly different circumstances, was because in the last Ragnarok, he fell into Mimir.

“WHY?” Loki shouted. “Why am I always the scapegoat? Why am I always blamed?” asked Loki.

“Because you are Loki. There is always a need for an antagonist for the protagonists in every story.” Answered Urd with a sneer.

“The story of the Nine Realms is the story of the heroic Asgardian gods, not of a lowly half breed giant like you!” added Verdandi.

“You should be glad you even have a part to play in the tale, a major part in fact” said Skuld, the prettiest and youngest of the three norns.

“Bitches” said Loki with a cold glare and walked towards them and drew his sword.

“What are you doing? No one dares attack the Norns, lest their destinies be cut short” warned Urd, the oldest of the three.

“My destiny cut? Do you think I care? Am I not the eternal evil, the scapegoat for everything anyway?” sneered Loki as he lifted drew is sword.

With a simple movement, he chopped off Urd’s head, her eyes stared at him in disbelief as her head flew in the air.

“You! I will cut off your destiny” yelled Verdandi

“Cut off my destiny?” sneered Loki. He swung his sword arm and cut his sword through Verdandi’s body, slicing her into two. Her body dissected from her neck to the waist on the opposite side and fell to the floor in two pieces.

Skuld attacked Loki with her sword. She was quite gifted as she was also a Valkyrie. Loki blocked her and easily disarmed her.

After all, although she was a well trained Valkyrie, Loki was a major character in Asgard, and had gone on multiple military missions with Odin and Thor and was even the hero of Asgard many times.

She lunged at him again, but he pinned her down and stared at her.

“What…. What are you going to do with me?” she asked.

“Me? I am going to have my way with you, then I am going to change my destiny” he said with a evil smile.

“You can’t do that. The loom is eternal, your destiny cannot be changed. You will bring the end of the Asgardians and the Nine Realms” she said in shock.

“Better that then live an endless loop of futility” he said as he pinned her to a wall and held her forehead with his hand.

With a forbidden spell, he started absorbing Skuld's knowledge and memories. Her eyes rolled up in her head as her mouth gaped open and started drooling. Loki was not merciful at all as he cruelly ravaged her mind. 

As he finally sucked her memories dry, he threw her aside. Having absorbed her knowledge of destiny and the ties of destiny, he didn’t need her any more.

He walked over to the other two Norns and picked up Urd’s head with one hand and grabbed Verdandi’s top half of her body by her head with his other hand.

Both were still alive, but badly wounded. They were immortal and could not really die so easily. But both were helpless

Using the same forbidden spell, he absorbed both of their knowledge and abilities leaving them braindead like Skuld. 

This spell was strictly forbidden in Asgard. A God using such spells to rob other Gods of their abilities and knowledge would be hunted down by all the Gods of Asgard.

But what did Loki care about that now?

His eyes glowed a bright yellow light as he gained enlightenment. Not only does he have the full knowledge of Mimir, which surpassed even Odin, he now had the combined knowledge and power of fate, karma and destiny of the  Nords that even Odin feared.

He walked over to the loom and touched the threads, his vision now encompassing the whole tapestry.  

Suddenly, the area started shaking and a rip opened in the sky above him, forming a tear in space and revealing a group of people sitting on thrones in the shadows looking down on him.

Loki looked up to them in fear, realizing that each one of them were at the very least as powerful as Odin himself.

"Loki son of Farbouti, you have attacked your keepers of destiny and gained forbidden knowledge. You are banished from existance" said one of the male figures in the shadows as he pointed his finger at Loki and a beam of azure light shot at Loki's body.

Loki looked in shock and pain as he felt his soul being ripped apart and disintegrating.

"No, fuck you! I will not die like this. If I die, everything dies" he said as he threw his sword at the loom of destiny.

The tightly bound threads were sliced as threads flew everywhere and tangled up. The sword landed on the base of the loom after slicing through the threads and caused the whole loom to break apart.

"NO!" yelled the voices as the threads flew everywhere. Loki's soul that was being torn apart, dove into the loom as their threads tangled and went everywhere. .

The figures quickly abandoned this Asgard as the dimension collapsed in chaos. In the dimension where the figures in the shadows were, they looked at each other grimly before one of them finally spoke up.

"What will happen now? Asgard has been ruined" said one of the voices.

"Restore Asgard and the loop of Ragnarok. As for Loki, unless he reveals himself, his soul is lost to us in the other dimensions. Most likely, he would resurface as a god of similar abilities or roles" he said.

"You mean a god of mischief, evil or even god of magic? That could mean quite a few of the major gods in many of the myriad of pantheons. We can't get rid of them all!" said another figure in shock.

The first figure nodded. "Unless he reveals himself, we will never know. It might very well be he may have forgotten his identity as Loki, and indeed become the other god or goddesses, never ever revealing himself." he answered again.

"But that doesn't mean we give up. The moment he revive himself, we must eliminate him." said another being in the shadows as the rest agreed

They all looked at each other with concern and worry. But there was nothing they could do about it but wait and search for Loki's soul.

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