The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 598: Farewell under misunderstanding

The light in the classroom is getting darker and darker, and the light from the suspended candles can no longer dispel the darkness. Just like Snape in Ada's eyes, his road has come to an end.

This classroom has seen many Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers and has witnessed the curse that haunts the position.

Some are as miserable as Benedick Foley, who suffers a small disaster every three days and a major disaster every five days. There are also those like Quirrell and Lockhart, who are usually made things difficult for them by the students, but at the end of the term they are taken away by a wave of curses. ; There are also people like Remus Lupin, who usually cannot see the power of the curse and are loved by the students, but are unable to stay due to various special circumstances.

Ada sat in her usual seat. There were no other students around, and there was no sound of the professor lecturing. The dim light cast by the candle made her figure look a bit lonely.


Ada snapped her fingers, and a ball of fluorescent light appeared on her fingertips. After taking off her hand, it floated higher and higher, and the light ball gradually became the size of a prophecy ball, exuding a gleaming light, soft and beautiful.

"Who poisoned Slughorn's mead?" Ada asked. "What a terrible choice!"

She knew that Snape had no intention of telling her their plans, and no matter how she asked, Snape would not speak.Breaking the pot and asking the truth does not apply to all situations.

Draco Malfoy and his successors, one choosing the curse of an opal necklace and the other poisoning his drink, seemed so out of touch with Dumbledore.

Such a clumsy technique would not only fail to harm the principal of Hogwarts, but would instead leak out the clues and expose himself.

Ada once chatted with Malfoy and wanted to understand his mental journey.

According to Malfoy, the core of his plan was the Vanishing Cabinet.Connect the Vanishing Cabinet in Hogwarts to the one in Borgin-Bock's store to secretly bring the Death Eaters into Hogwarts and kill Dumbledore internally and externally.

It can be regarded as a long-term and careful plan, but the premise of the whole plan is that the disappearing cabinet can be repaired.

As long as the disappearing cabinet can be put into use, Malfoy will be half successful.Even if the Death Eater who entered Hogwarts failed to complete his mission, he still had an answer to Voldemort and would not be Avatar.

However, the difficulty of repairing the Vanishing Cabinet was far beyond Malfoy's expectation, making him feel that his future was bleak.

On the one hand, the task was delayed and could not be delivered, which made Malfoy feel the pressure from Voldemort; on the other hand, he was worried that the Vanishing Cabinet could not be repaired and his plan could not be launched. This worry also made him unable to breathe.

Under double pressure, Malfoy had no choice but to take a risk and order an opal necklace by mail.He thought, while repairing the disappearing cabinet and improving his plan, he tried other methods, a two-pronged approach.

Now, months later, Malfoy's successor made the same mistake as he did, taking the assassination too simply.I just don’t know if this successor also has a more thorough plan.

"Theodore Nott." Snape answered crisply, "He received the same mission as Malfoy from the Dark Lord. The reason... you should be able to think of it."

It did come to mind that Death Eater Nott was arrested again during a raid by the Ministry of Magic not long ago.This Nott was Theodore's father, who was caught twice by the Ministry of Magic in more than half a year.

Theodore Nott was tall and thin, with a pair of buck teeth. He was somewhat withdrawn and had few friends.

He is the same grade as Malfoy, and their fathers are both Death Eaters. They are one of the few classmates with whom the proud young master Malfoy gets along as an equal.

In Ada's eyes, Slytherin students are roughly divided into two categories, one is those she has beaten, and the other is those she has not beaten.

Originally, Ada would have had no impression of a Slytherin student like Nott who was two years younger than her, but before coming to school, she happened to know a little bit about Draco Malfoy.

"What did Dumbledore say?" Ada asked, "Give Theodore Nott a chance just like Malfoy?"

Two students were arranged to assassinate Dumbledore. The Dark Lord must have had some serious illness in doing so.

It's not that Ada looks down on people, look at what Malfoy and Nott did!

Once someone insists on the poisoning (necklace), the murderer will be found out quickly, and the result will be in vain.

Of course, it is also possible that these two students were bait placed in front of the stage, deliberately killing people in order to cover the actions of others.For example, Severus Snape stood in front of Ada.

But no matter what, to do something like kill one of his subordinates' children, Voldemort must have cut off his brain when he sliced ​​it into pieces.People with good brains can't do this kind of thing. What do you want those Death Eaters who have children to think?

This is not the only thing that can prove that Voldemort is mentally ill, there is also the question of Ollivander.

When he was a student, Tom Riddle was handsome and charming. Even when he first revealed his identity as Voldemort, his words were very seductive and inflammatory, making people willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

Today, Voldemort's only means of ruling Death Eaters are killing, torture, and terror.Obtaining clues from Ollivander is not the previous verbal inducement or deception, but torture using the Cruciatus Curse.

The contrast between before and after is obvious, and he is completely different from the other person. I don't know whether the first failure was a huge blow to Voldemort, or whether he really cut off his brain.

"There's no need to try to get words out of me," Snape said. "What should be said, I will say naturally. What should not be said, every letter and modal particle is redundant."

Snape turned his back to Ada and flicked the burning candle with his fingers.

The candlelight became brighter and brighter, illuminating his face, which showed no sadness or joy, as if the unbreakable vow had nothing to do with him.

For Snape, every day of life is torture, and death is the relief.He will not be afraid of death, and will even actively embrace death, but he cannot be so selfish. There are still many things waiting for him to do, and there are still people in this world who need him.

Silence, a long silence, the classroom was so quiet that they could hear the faint sound of candles burning, and could hear their own breathing clearly.

After a while, Snape's hard-as-iron heart seemed to soften a little, and he said: "Death is the way back for everyone, why do you make such a fuss. Just like the Chudley Cannons will be at the bottom of this year's league, it is destined What’s going to happen…”

Before he could finish speaking, Snape regretted his garrulousness.There are some things that only two people can know, and there is no need for a third person to get involved.

"Although you always make me hate you so much that I can't even beat you to get rid of my anger. I should be happy that you are going to die. The annoying scourge is finally gone!" Ada said, "But what you did to me Okay, but I can’t forget it no matter what.”

Ada's tone sounded like a farewell, and it was obvious that she did not understand what Snape had just said.Or maybe it was her habitual thinking that made her think that Snape was comforting her and saying goodbye to her.

"What can I do to help you?" Ada asked. She didn't think Snape could survive the Unbreakable Vow, and she didn't know how to help Snape, so she was ready to leave.

Killed Albus Dumbledore in his stead?Whether you can win or not is a question, and whether you can win or not is also a question.Or become the next Dumbledore, bound by rules and regulations?

"No, I don't have any unfulfilled wishes." Snape said, his back still turned to Ada, not daring to look at her.

If you misunderstand, let it be misunderstood. If you make a mistake, you should make a mistake. You shouldn't have said that more.Snape thought.

"I'm very good at killing curses," Ada added, "if you need me."

"Thank you, but no need." Snape said, breathing a sigh of relief in his heart, "Time will take care of everything."

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