The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 600: Views on the Deathly Hallows

Before Christmas, Ada visited Godric's Hollow and used Legilimency on Bathilda Bagshot who lived there.

In Bathilda Bagshot's memory, in addition to seeing the unknown past of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Ada also saw information about Cadmus.

The story of the three brothers is widely circulated and has many editions. The most widely circulated edition is "The Tales of Beedle the Poet".

After Cadmus obtained the Resurrection Stone in the book, he returned to his home alone, turned the Resurrection Stone, and resurrected his beloved girl.

However, the "resurrection" ability of the Resurrection Stone does not really reverse life and death. The girl is alive, but not fully alive. The "returned" girl did not bring happiness to Cadmus, but only greater sorrow.

Soon after, Cadmus committed suicide and followed the girl to another world.

However, what Ada learned from her memories was different. Cadmus did not live alone.

Between artistic children's books and magical historians, Ada trusted Bathilda Bagshot more and agreed with her point of view.Cadmus should have descendants, and the Resurrection Stone is likely to be in the hands of his descendants, just like Ignotus's Invisibility Cloak.

After returning to the Ministry of Magic, Ada immediately began to investigate the matter and find the descendants of Cadmus.To this end, she also specially "invited" several genealogists to conduct research together.

The hard work paid off, and after a lot of hard work, Ada finally found Gaunt, the descendant of Cadmus.That's right, it's Marvolo Gaunt's Gaunt, the natal family of Voldemort's mother Merop.

When she first found the answer, Ada's heart collapsed because the Gunter family was notoriously prodigal.The restless Gaunt family had lost all their property very early, and when it came to Marvolo's generation, they were even too poor to take the blame.

Except for Slytherin's ring and locket, everything that could be sold in the house had already been sold.Later, Merope even sold all the lockets, and only sold them for ten gold galleons.The possibility of the Resurrection Stone being sold is not impossible.

Fortunately, Ada did not give up directly because of the surname Gunter, which allowed her to find the whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone in the old files of Marvolo and his son.

Morfin Gaunt was once summoned for using a jinx on a Muggle (Old Tom Riddle), but Morfin ignored the Ministry of Magic.This is the only remaining pride of the Gunter family.

The ministry then dispatched officer Bob Ogden to Gunter's old home, but Marvolo and Morfin teamed up to attack him.

After his arrest, Marvolo was sentenced to six months in Azkaban, and Morfin was sentenced to three years in prison for both crimes.Before being imprisoned, the Ministry temporarily took custody of the father and son's personal belongings. The Marvolo father and son had no possessions but only one ring, Slytherin's ring.

According to records in the archives, it was a gold ring set with a black gemstone, and the black gemstone was engraved with what appeared to be Peverell's coat of arms.

The whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone surfaced with this passage from many years ago. Slytherin's ring is the Resurrection Stone. Whoever has held this ring may have the Resurrection Stone in his hands!

Ancestor of the Gaunt family → Marvolo Gaunt → Morfin Gaunt → Tom Riddle (Voldemort) → Albus Dumbledore.

After ranking the previous holders of the ring, Ada began to analyze them one by one.

The first is the Gaunt family, including Marvolo and his son.Judging from the publicity and show-off character of this family, they may not have discovered the mystery of the ring, otherwise the whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone would have been widely spread and everyone would know about it.

The ring, the locket, and the coat of arms on the black stone. The reason why the Ministry of Magic has records of these contents is not because Marvolo Gaunt told the Ministry!

Marvolo was showing off his noble bloodline and his identity.A toad has no hair, it just has roots.

Excluding Gaunt, who no longer exists, only Voldemort and Dumbledore remain.

Voldemort snatched the ring from Morfin, then made it into a Horcrux and returned it to Gaunt's old house.

It is difficult to say whether Voldemort discovered the Resurrection Stone on the ring during this time.If he found out, the Resurrection Stone might be in his possession.If not found, the Resurrection Stone must be with Dumbledore.

After listening to Ada's tirade, Grindelwald was silent for a while, and then asked: "Do you want to know whether the Resurrection Stone is in the hands of Albus or that self-righteous guy?"

The self-righteous guy is of course referring to Voldemort, don't think so.

When Ada heard this kind of title at first, she might have to think about it, but now she can automatically substitute Voldemort's pale snake face.

The colleagues were enemies, and Grindelwald had never looked down upon Voldemort, so he naturally had all sorts of strange names for this junior.

"You know this!" Ada said in surprise. She didn't believe that Grindelwald could still know everything about the world even though he was a homebody in Nurmengard every day.

Is it possible that Grindelwald also calls himself Wolong?If that were the case, Grindelwald should have collected all the Deathly Hallows long ago.

Unlike Ada who didn't believe it and had a questioning look on her face, Vader had an angry look on her face and lightly patted Grindelwald's arm. She roughly guessed what Grindelwald wanted to say.

"Ask Albus, you know everything!" Grindelwald said matter-of-factly, "Anyway, the ring is in his hand now."

Ada rolled her eyes speechlessly and thought to herself: I don’t know how to ask Dumbledore myself, so why bother telling me, you lousy old man!

"Thank you so much for listening to your words." Ada said, rubbing her arms.

Because she just rolled her eyes, Vida also gave her an arm, and the bowl of water was actually flat.

Putting aside his joking expression, the disrespectful Grindelwald asked seriously: "Let me ask you, if you become the owner of the Deathly Hallows, what do you want to do with them?"

Grindelwald's sudden question stopped Ada, and he said it to death. This was something she had never thought of.

After racking her brains for a long time, Ada still couldn't come up with a clue. She had no idea what she was going to do after getting the three Deathly Hallows.The reason why she was looking for the whereabouts of the holy artifact was simply because the system happened to issue a task.

"Don't know?" Grindelwald continued, "Of course you don't know, you have never cared about these three things. You are just looking for them, and you are satisfied if you know where they are. Take any of them as your own. You don’t even have any ideas, otherwise you would have fought and robbed it long ago.”

Ada puffed her lips, and Grindelwald's words were all right. She really didn't have many thoughts about snatching the Deathly Hallows, and she was more enjoying the process of searching.

The Elder Wand is not invincible, as VIP user Grindelwald understands; the Invisibility Cloak cannot be hidden from everyone, not even the Marauder's Map, Dumbledore has seen through it; the Resurrection Stone is not a Resurrection Coin, in this world There is no magic that can bring someone back to life.

The Deathly Hallows are not as powerful as the legend says, and they are not inaccessible to Ada.

As for the statement that "the person who possesses all the Deathly Hallows is the master of Death", Ada didn't even believe a single letter.Rather than believing that these three artifacts were gifts from the God of Death, Ada was more willing to believe that they were made by the Peverell brothers.

"The Story of Three Brothers" had an inexplicable smell of chicken soup, so strong that it made Ada think that the God of Death must be bored because he likes to take off his pants and fart.And judging from the performance of Deathly Hallows, the level of Death is somewhat too high.

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