The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 603, Dead Hollow Tree

The flame can peel away the flesh from the bones, and it can also cleanse the sin that lingers in the heart.It can wash away all the filth in this world.

The entire village was enveloped in a roaring sea of ​​fire. The wooden houses in the center of the village, the densely packed tents, and the frightened and wailing people could not escape the sea of ​​fire.

All sins, all misfortunes, everything will be burned away by the flames of judgment and turned into scorched earth.

Mr. Jim, who was slightly fat, lay on the ground dejectedly, with dull eyes and expression, and kept muttering "devil" in his mouth, until the merciless fire also swallowed him up.

The fire burned all night until the first light of dawn came from the horizon.There is wind in the forest, blowing the old forest and making a "woo-woo" sound, like weeping and complaining.The rising black smoke was also blown away by the wind, and with the final sound of collapse and fracture, only a layer of ashes remained in the small village.

The ground beneath his feet was no longer dark red soaked in blood; the black scorched earth exuded a scorching temperature.

This is destruction, but also rebirth. When the burning smell in the air dissipates, and when winter turns to spring, this place will become a new paradise.


After not sleeping all night, Ada's expression was inevitably a little tired. As long as the fire burned, she just watched it with the Soaking Curse on her head.Set fire to the mountain and sit through the jail. If she doesn't watch out, this inaccessible old forest may not be saved.

Away from this scorched earth, Ada poured herself some food, which was all fast food. She probably wouldn't want to eat meat in the short term.

After roasting so many people at once, the taste left a deep impression on her.

After padding her belly and sitting down to rest for a while, Ada walked into the vast black forest to search for any traces that Voldemort might have left.As for the secret treasure that Mr. Jim mentioned last night, Ada is not very interested. I am lucky to get it, but I will lose my life.

The forest resources in the Country of Mountain Eagles are mainly trees, and the trees are often tall. In forests such as the Black Forest, the trees are usually six to dozens of meters high.This makes it impossible for sunlight to penetrate through the arbor forest, and only mottled light spots shine through. Even if the sun is shining brightly outside the forest at this moment, the light inside the forest is still dim.

When she first entered the forest, Ada didn't feel anything. As she kept walking and went deeper and deeper into the dark forest, Ada actually felt the slightest chill.

In order to dispel the chill, Ada replaced the fluorescent spell hanging behind her with a small fireball, which was equivalent to replacing the cold light rod with a torch.

The wand was not put away, but was held in his hand as a precaution.

Ada's heart was pounding. No matter whether she was outside the forest last night or deep into the forest today, there were not many signs of life in this relatively primitive old forest. This was unreasonable.

Perhaps, there is something that drives away the animals in the forest, making them afraid to approach.Is it a ferocious magical animal, or some kind of magic?

According to Jim, there are black ghosts wandering in the black forest. Could it be because of these so-called "wandering souls"?

With questions in her head, Ada continued to move forward, and took out the gold-rimmed glasses given by the system.

A pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her nose helped somewhat, although it greatly slowed down Ada's ability to go deep into the forest.Because the glasses always light up faintly, allowing her to look for clues.

After searching around, I didn't find any traces of magic, but I did find a lot of rotten animal fur.Only fur, no bones!

This is strange. If you want to say that the original owners of these furs were eaten, what about their remaining bones?If you want to say that they died of some kind of magic, why can only the fur be left?

A book becomes less useful when it is used. "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is a good book. Ada must read it carefully after leaving Albania.Mr. Newt Scamander is a good man. You must visit him in Dorset when you return to England.

What animal eats without spitting out bones?

The first thing that entered Ada's mind was not some magical animal from the magical world, or the big babies raised by Hagrid, but another shadow of her childhood, "The Python Disaster".In particular, Ada still remembers the scene where the giant python came out of the water magnificently and swallowed the villain and then spit it out.

But this is a forest in Europe, not the Amazon in South America. There won't be behemoths like anacondas here. A twelve-foot-long giant snake is possible.It also has a name, Nagini.

Thinking of this, Ada knocked on her head. Staying up late will indeed make people think slowly.

The hints of the leftover animal skins, the giant snakes that live here, and the dark forest where Voldemort hides could not be more obvious!Animals are much more sensitive to danger than humans, and the combination of wandering spirits and giant snakes is enough to make animals afraid to approach this area.

Knowing the reason for the unusual silence and confirming that she was on the right path, Ada was a little excited and her steps speeded up unconsciously.Not only did it feel like flying, but there was also wind under my feet.

The forest was tall and dense, and it had become dark early on. There were no obvious signs in the old forest. Ada didn't know how long she had walked or how far she had walked.

In fact, Ada owned a pocket watch. It was made by famous craftsmen and was expensive, but that pocket watch was destroyed in the fire last night.It was used as a hidden weapon by Ada and killed a wizard in the tavern who was holding a wand and wearing a long sword.

When the night was so dark that small fireballs could not cut through it, Ada finally found an abandoned camp in the forest.

In order to be able to see the whole camp clearly, Ada increased the power (magic output) of the fireball.Under the firelight, the abandoned camp appeared in her eyes.

The tent in the camp had collapsed due to broken ropes. It was a simple tent made of wood and fur, which was neither strong nor durable.Not far from the tent is a wooden frame that is also scattered. Judging from the traces left on the ground and scattered dead branches, it is a place used to make fires.

The reason Ada was able to make such an accurate judgment was not because she was so meticulous, but because there were two overturned cauldrons next to the scattered wooden shelves.

Waving her wand continuously, Ada tidied up the messy camp.

During the cleaning process, Ada found nothing. To be precise, the previous owner of the camp left nothing for her.

If this camp was left by Voldemort and Foley, it would have been abandoned for almost three years.What can be left behind after such a long time is a ghost.

After setting up her own luxuriously decorated tent with one room and one living room, and applying protective magic such as "Safe Guard", Ada got into the tent to rest.

When Ada walked out of the tent and saw the poorly lit forest in front of her, she almost went back into the tent.Fortunately, Ada reacted in time and did not continue to sleep in a hazy state.

After proper sorting, Ada began to study the campsite again.

Time has covered up the remaining clues here, and Ada was not even able to find the dregs of medicine in the cauldron.Just when she was about to give up and return without success, the gold-rimmed glasses produced by the system shone brightly again.

Following the vague prompts, Ada began to look for the source of the light. She was led by the light to a hollow tree.This hollow tree is dead. Not only has the core of the tree died and formed a big hole, but all the branches and leaves have fallen off, leaving it bare and lifeless.

Around the hollow tree, Ada turned three times to the left and three times to the right, and then shouted: "Open!"

However, the hollow tree is not a big willow tree, and Ada is not a monk with a hairy face and a loud mouth. Tsinghua Village did not appear out of thin air. The hollow tree is still the same hollow tree, as if mocking her naivety.

The young Ada kicked the hollow tree angrily, causing sudden changes in the forest.

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