The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 606, appointment

Over the next week or so, Ada regained her old ways and resumed her life as a homebody.He stayed in the office day and night, and the furthest he went was a walk to the Magic Brothers Fountain.

The overt and covert struggle between the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters continued. Aurors and the Law Enforcement Team were busy, while the Memory Cancellation Command and the Reversal of Occasional Magical Events team were following behind to put out the fire.

As the number of battles increases, the department's efficiency in handling emergencies also improves.

The Ministry of Magic has been at ease for more than ten years. After this year of life and death, this dull knife is finally becoming sharp.

It wasn't until the summer of 1997 that Ada once again walked out of the underground Ministry of Magic and appeared in the Scottish Highlands.

The sky was clear and the lake was clear. It was refreshing to be here. The only pity was that the towering mountains blocked the castle in the distance, preventing Ada from seeing Hogwarts clearly.

Ada stood on a huge rock and looked at the sky and clouds, feeling a little intoxicated without realizing it.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a sound of footsteps, and Dumbledore came from the Black Lake. The principal, who was over 100 years old, seemed to be in good condition and in a good mood, except for his charred and skinny right hand.

"Every time I see your Patronus, I find it very cute and naive," Dumbledore said.His tone was still the same, he still regarded Ada as his student, not the demon king who usurped the Ministry of Magic.

"Really? I didn't like it at first. It was naive and silly. I didn't even want to summon it." Ada came back to her senses and looked at Dumbledore, "But now I like it very much, especially... After seeing so many people and things.”

The more people I meet, the more I like dogs.

This sentence was said by the Irish Bernard Shaw. Many young people like to quote this sentence, but they give people the feeling of moaning for no reason.Ada also started quoting this quote a year after leaving Hogwarts.

"It seems that time has taught you a lot." Dumbledore said. He turned and walked towards the shore. The calm lake surface just reflected his old appearance and gray beard and hair.

Ada jumped off the boulder and walked to Dumbledore's side. Her reflection appeared in the lake.One old and one young, the contrast is sharp.

"What a cruel act, Ada." Dumbledore scolded, like an old grandfather playing with his grandchildren.

In fact, at Dumbledore's age, let alone his grandson, four generations living under the same roof can be considered a late marriage and late childbearing, but he is still alone.

"Time has given you boundless wisdom, Professor." Ada said with a smile.

The two of them don't look like two demon kings now, but rather like an old kid and a little kid, and the two kids compliment each other.

Dumbledore waved his hand and said: "Every time I hear someone complimenting me, I feel uneasy, for fear that the other person's praise is not good enough. But now is not a good time for us to flatter each other. I am more curious about why you made an appointment with me today."

"I went to Albania a while ago, I think you should know." Ada said, "There, I got clues to another Horcrux, the lost diadem of Ravenclaw."

Dumbledore's face showed a bit of surprise, even he couldn't be omniscient and omnipotent.After listening to Ada's story about Helena and Barrow's past, the principal showed even more sadness and let out a sigh.

Most of the love that can be remembered in this world ends in tragedy.

"You destroyed Slytherin's ring and diary, and I destroyed Hufflepuff's golden cup." Ada continued. "The remaining known Horcruxes are Ravenclaw's diadem and the hanging Locket.”

Instead of lamenting the tragedy in the Albanian forest, Ada took stock of the Horcruxes.

Ada is not a lover, so she can clearly distinguish what is important and what is important.Although she has some sympathy for Helena, in the final analysis, this tragedy was caused by her greed.Helena took something that did not belong to her, just like Jane Gray took the throne that belonged to Mary I.

And Barrow, the bloody man who committed suicide and regretted his sins for thousands of years...

To be honest, luckily Helena rejected his confession in the first place. If she had agreed to Barrow's expression of love, it would have been uncertain what the future would be like!Barrow could stab Helena to death out of anger, how could he know that he wouldn't hurt her for other things after marriage?

Dumbledore did not dwell on this sad past. He nodded and said: "Thanks to Benedick, we know that there is a Horcrux in Hogwarts. And I already know when Tom hid it in Hogwarts." It’s from school.”

After quitting his job at Borgin Burke, Voldemort disappeared for ten years and concentrated on studying the dark arts.

Ten years later, Voldemort returned, and his first stop was Hogwarts, where he once again applied for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

With the same answer as last time, Dumbledore rejected his job application. Since then, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has become an annual consumable, and at least one is consumed in a school year.

"Are you saying that Tom Riddle left his Horcrux at school the night he asked you for a job?" Ada asked.

Since learning about Horcruxes, Ada has also tried searching in the school, but found nothing.She once wondered whether Benedick Foley had been deceived.

Not only Ada, I believe Dumbledore also looked for it, but he also found nothing.

"Yes, the school is a special place for him, and he regards it as a home." Dumbledore said, "Didn't you also regard the castle as your home? You even applied to stay in the castle during the summer vacation. inside."

That was when Ada was in first grade. She failed and had to leave the school with everyone.Then Ada returned to the orphanage and found that such a big orphanage was missing.

Voldemort did the same thing as Ada back then.

Dumbledore continued: "In addition to the Horcrux hidden in the school, I also found some other clues. After I sort out these clues, I will be able to find another Horcrux."

If the Horcruxes in the school and the clues Dumbledore mentioned happened to be the missing crown and locket, the five known Horcruxes would have been destroyed.

It is difficult to split a complete soul into two pieces, not just a matter of murder or a curse.

As far as we know so far, Voldemort divided his soul into at least six pieces, one for his body and one for each of the five Horcruxes.If Voldemort is not satisfied with this and chooses "7" with magic, or more, it will be difficult to handle.

The gold cup, ring, locket and crown, these four items came from the Big Four of Hogwarts respectively. Only Gryffindor's sword and the Sorting Hat were not ruined.

The destroyed diary was just an ordinary diary. If Lucius Malfoy hadn't delivered it to his door, he wouldn't have been able to tell it in front of him.If Voldemort had other Horcruxes still alive, I'm afraid they would be similar to the diary.

If this is the case, it will be difficult to find, and there will be no clue at all.

Seemingly sensing Ada's worries, or perhaps having such worries himself, Dumbledore continued: "Harry is doing something for me. After he completes it, I will be able to roughly confirm the identity of the Horcrux." Quantity.”

"Harry?" Ada was stunned, wondering what Harry could do to help Dumbledore.

What can a student who stays in school every day and cannot leave Hogwarts do?Unless it was something that could be done at school, like something with Horace Slughorn.

The only "newcomer" in the school is Slughorn, who returned to coach this school year, and it could only be him.Those little Douding who have just entered the first grade are completely out of consideration.

Ada nodded. The first thing she had done with Dumbledore was to exchange the clues they had about Horcruxes.

"Professor, I have another thing." Ada said, she looked into Dumbledore's blue eyes, "The gem on Slytherin's ring, is it the Deathly Hallows?"

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