The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 612, Masters of the Elder Wand

Time flies by, as if someone moved the pointer on the dial, and it's summer in a blink of an eye.

The virtual sunlight illuminated the large office. Ada sat in a comfortable high-backed chair in a daze. On the table in front of her was not a mountain of files, but two wands, one long and one short.

The shorter one is a yew wand with phoenix tail feathers, ten and three-quarter inches, and has some toughness.This was the wand Ada had used for eight years.

The long one is an elder wand, thestral tail feathers, fifteen inches long.One of the Deathly Hallows, the most defeated wand in history.Ada once suspected that this thing was disturbing the owner, just like Lu, the emperor's uncle's mount.

As we all know, a wand is composed of two parts, the wand core and the wand wood. These two materials determine the characteristics of the wand and also determine its owner.

Most wands are made of wood (steel and pewter are also available), and of the many woods from which wands can be made, elderberry has probably the most unlucky reputation.

An old superstition said, "The elder-tree stick never prospers."

It may be to fight fire with poison, or it may be to make a positive out of a negative. The core of the Elder Wand is taken from the Thestral, which is also a symbol of unlucky.

Only those who have seen death can see Thestrals. People believe that seeing Thestrals will bring terrible disasters.

Superstition is not advisable. Elder wands are rare not because they are unlucky, but because they are difficult to sell.

Elder wands are very picky about wizards, and coupled with their fearsome reputation, sales of elder wands are poor and wandmakers are naturally reluctant to make them.

Over time, wands made of elderberry no longer appeared on the market.Supply and demand affect the market, which makes sense.

The same is true for Thestrals, but their reputation has been dragged down by "death". They are very intelligent and have amazing perceptions. Once tamed, they will never leave their master.

Although thestrals are classified as "dangerous" by the Ministry of Magic, they are actually quite gentle in character and will not attack humans as long as they are not provoked.

What is superstition?

If you are confused, you believe it. This is superstition.

As one of the top wizards in the magical world, Ada would naturally not be so ignorant and believe in those specious rumors. She was truly convinced that the Elder Wand would bring misfortune to its owner.

Look at the long list of deaths surrounding the Elder Wand. Not many survived!

Antiochus was the first to get the Elder Wand, and his throat was slit in the tavern.

The evil Merik was also the master of the Elder Wand. He carried out a reign of terror in southern England and was finally killed by the evil Egbert.

After killing Merik, the owner of the Elder Wand became Egbert, but he was a short-lived ghost. He died not long after getting the Elder Wand, and he was most likely killed.

A century later, the Elder Wand fell into the hands of Goldlot. This dark wizard had a book handed down from generation to generation, and Hogwarts placed it in the restricted area of ​​the library.

In the book "Poisonous Magic", Godlott admitted in disguise that he owned the Elder Wand, and with the help of the wand, he advanced the research on black magic and wrote this masterpiece on black magic.

This also validates some theories of wandology, in which wands learn something from wizards.

Interestingly, Godlot, who highly admired black magic, refused to discuss Horcruxes, believing that the Horcruxes themselves and the production process were too evil even for dark wizards.

This interesting dark wizard eventually died at the hands of his son, Hereward, who took the Elder Wand and locked him in a crypt until his death.

After that, Barnabas became the master of the Elder Wand, and he was killed by Loxias.It is unknown who Loxias was killed in the end, and the clues to the Elder Wand have been cut off.

Until Grindelwald stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch and lost to Dumbledore in 1945.This year Dumbledore lost to Ada again, and the Elder Wand was placed on her desk.

Throughout history, wizards who owned the Elder Wand did not end up well after losing the Elder Wand. Most of them died violent deaths.Now, it's Albus Dumbledore's turn.

"You can always trust Severus Snape, no matter what he does next."

Ada understood the meaning of this sentence.Snape would one day kill Dumbledore with his own hands, and Dumbledore was willing to die.this is their plan

After learning about Voldemort's assassination plan, Ada guessed that this drudgery would eventually fall on Snape.

Even if Voldemort was really brain-sliced ​​and stupid, he wouldn't put his treasure on the two young masters.

At the time, Ada didn't notice anything was wrong. She believed that Snape could have just not assassinated Dumbledore and not completed the task.The great thing is that Snape can no longer continue to play the role of the fifth son and returns to the Order of the Phoenix.

Then came the thrill, the Unbreakable Vow.

Snape and Narcissa Malfoy made an oath to help Draco complete his mission.Now Snape must complete Voldemort's mission, otherwise only death awaits him.

Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, there must be something seriously wrong with these two!

Eighty percent of the time, it was due to eating something unhygienic, which ruined the stomach, and the brain was also expelled from the body during defecation!

Beyond that, Ada couldn't think of any reason.An unbreakable oath, what's the difference between that and courting death!

After calming down, Ada made what she thought was the best solution, abandoning the car to save the handsome man.For this reason, Ada specially said goodbye to Snape and gave him a ride.The scene is quite warm and touching... cough...

It wasn't until recently that Ada understood the truth and experienced Harry's feelings for once. It was really uncomfortable to be kept in the dark.It turns out that the person who will be sacrificed is not Snape, but Albus Dumbledore!

With this unparalleled contribution, Snape will gain more trust. He is less than one person and more than ten thousand people.

What's the point of just doing this?

Can the Order of the Phoenix still be called the Phoenix without the Phoenix?

Ada wins the Elder Wand through an inexplicable duel with Dumbledore.Ada is the only witch on the list of known owners of the Elder Wand, and no witch has ever claimed to own the Elder Wand before.

During the duel, Ada didn't think too much, and the situation didn't allow her to think too much.

After returning to the Ministry of Magic, Ada began to think about Dumbledore's intentions and why the principal gave up the Elder Wand and his own life.

The answer is obvious, Dumbledore had a reason to give up.His injuries were far more serious than Ada realized, serious enough to threaten his life.

This year's doubts were solved, and Ada figured out the key.

Even if Dumbledore was injured during the three-way melee in the Department of Mysteries, it would never be this serious.The only thing that could have caused him such an injury was the Horcrux in Gunter's old house.

Slytherin's ring happens to be the Resurrection Stone, the Deathly Hallows that Dumbledore sought when he was young.

During the process of destroying the Horcrux, some accident must have occurred, which resulted in Dumbledore's injury. It was an injury that neither he nor Snape could heal, so his right hand was lifeless.

Knowing that his death was coming, with Dumbledore's character, he would definitely take advantage of it.

Just when Voldemort's assassination plan came to his door, Dumbledore stepped in and paved the way for Snape with his own life.

Dumbledore also counted Ada among them, using his own death and Ada's inner softness to teach her a final lesson.Just like the original Grover Cecil.

Even with the Elder Wand, Dumbledore was unable to prevent death, and the same was true for Ada. The Elder Wand was just a tool after all.

Death is not the opposite of life, but an eternal part of life. Some deaths do not need to be saved because they are willing.

Ada took the Elder Wand on the table into her hand and couldn't help rubbing it.After so many owners, the Elder Wand is still dry, numb, and not round at all.

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