The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 614: The strong wind fills the building

Since they had guessed that Voldemort was going to take a terrorist action against Hogwarts, Ada and the Ministry of Magic had no reason not to get involved.Firstly, it can attack the Death Eaters and weaken Voldemort's power. Secondly, it can also re-establish the authority of the Ministry of Magic.

"Your Ministry of Magic is still strong," Ada said. She couldn't say it until Voldemort was completely eliminated.

After discussing with Mr. Thicknesse and Mr. Weasley, a small team of elite Aurors secretly entered Hogsmeade.

They are different from the Aurors who usually patrol Hogsmeade. The only thing these elites need to do is to keep an eye on Hogwarts and report back immediately if there is any trouble.

The reason why there is no large-scale stationing at Hogwarts and more thorough protection of the school is mainly to prevent the enemy from being alerted, and also to prevent Voldemort from making attacks in the east.

What if Voldemort resorts to reverse thinking, openly shouting to kill Hogwarts, but actually wants to capture the Ministry of Magic?Isn't it true that the Ministry of Magic is coming out in force?

Once the Ministry of Magic falls, it will be almost equivalent to the enemy taking over the capital, which will be very damaging to morale.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters will sweep away the previous decline, the wizarding world will fall into greater turmoil and unrest, and the hearts and courage that have been accumulated with great difficulty will also dissipate.

You have to guard against it, you have to guard against it.Therefore, only a small group of elite Aurors were sent to Hogsmeade. As long as they kept a close eye on the school, the Ministry could rush to Hogwarts at any time and annihilate all the Death Eaters who would commit crimes in the future.

The Ministry of Magic is well prepared for emergencies at Hogwarts, and I believe the Order of the Phoenix is ​​as well. One of the actionable protagonists, the Death Eaters, seems unprepared, and they have been slow to take action.

As the days passed and the temperature gradually increased, there was nothing unusual in the school. Even Borgin Burke was not a Death Eater.It was as if the Death Eaters had really taken a break from the heat. They didn't come out to cause trouble, but instead made people more anxious and worried about their true intentions.

It was the end of June in a blink of an eye. The Ministry of Magic was very lively on this day. The splendid hall was crowded with people. All media from the magical world gathered together, and there were also members who stopped to watch and forgot about their work.

A temporary stage was set up in front of the Magic Brothers Fountain, and Thicknesse, wearing a gilded robe, was standing on it with a smile on his face.

Mr. Minister has just finished his speech and once again shouted the slogan "The Ministry of Magic is still strong".

In order to appease the people and prevent the public from panic, Thickness has held such a press conference every month since he took office.Mr. Minister will show the recent work results and inform the public that the Ministry of Magic is invincible and you must have confidence in the Ministry.

But it’s not always so lively with so many people watching.The last time so many people were crowded was when the International Federation of Wizards' comments on Ada were announced.

At that time, because Ada was declared innocent, the Ministry of Magic would no longer want Ada. Thicknesse was sweating when reporters asked him questions. Now that he thinks about it, Mr. Minister feels scared.

The reason why so many people were summoned this time is because the ministry has established an important new organization-the rapid response team.

As the name suggests, quick reaction teams are combat units that intervene within a very short time frame.The members of this team are composed of elite members of the Ministry, drawn from various departments, in order to respond to all emergencies in the magical world.

Of course, the current main task is to fight against Death Eaters and guard against their frequent attacks.

"...Yes, the future is difficult and tortuous, and our enemies are very powerful." Thicknesse said eloquently, "That is why we have established a rapid response team aimed at protecting people's lives and property. I believe that the rapid response team will become a powerful weapon to dispel the darkness, and we will definitely achieve the final victory..."

Following Thicknesse's speech, the crowd of spectators burst into warm applause. The media pressed their shutters repeatedly, dazzling flashlights flashed, and plumes of purple smoke floated out.

As has been the case in the past, Thicknesse sometimes cooperated with the media in taking photos because his photo would appear on the front page.But today is different from the past. There is a murderous intention hidden in the thick smoke.

Someone suddenly emerged from the crowd. He was a short man with a bad temper. He was a reporter from the Daily Prophet, and this was not his first time attending a ministry press conference.

Only this time, instead of a camera, he was holding a wand.

"Avada Kedavra!" the short man shouted sharply, and the green light went straight to Thicknesse on the stage.

At the same time, the short man's accomplices also jumped out one after another. Some of them were media reporters who were present today, and some were ministry employees who were watching here.

These people have a clear division of labor. Some are responsible for killing Aurors and strikers at the scene; some are responsible for indiscriminate attacks and creating greater chaos.It was obvious that this attack on the Ministry of Magic had been planned for a long time.

Fortunately, the Aurors had armor produced by Weasley. Except for those who were directly hit by the killing curse, everyone else withstood the first wave of sneak attacks and launched a counterattack as soon as possible.

As a fierce battle broke out in the hall, the stunned people finally came to their senses. They screamed and ran away in chaos.From time to time, some people were hit by the spell and screamed, but some people couldn't even scream.

If you fall down at this time, whether you were hit by a spell or fell down on your own, there is almost no possibility of standing up.

The panicked crowd ran around like headless flies. Some ran towards the fireplace, trying to leave through the Floo; some ran towards the hall where the elevator was located, probably wanting to seek shelter.

People who just ran to the fireplace were horrified to find that before they could sprinkle the Floo powder, the flames in the gilded fireplace had turned green!

With a soft popping sound, Death Eaters dressed in black robes and masks appeared in front of people, inside and outside!Someone had secretly connected to the Floo network, allowing these Death Eaters to be present during the attack.

As soon as the Death Eaters arrived, they grinned and joined the fight to harvest lives.

The people in front of the fireplace were like sheep, being driven towards the hall where the elevator was located, without any thought of resistance.Lambs are afraid of wolves because the wolves will eat them!

With the influx of these lambs, the much smaller hall was packed like a sardine can. The Aurors in front of the elevators wanted to go out for support, but were unable to do so.

If you want to go in, you can't get in, and if you want to come out, you can't get out. The Aurors can only worry.The lambs are not afraid of the sheepdogs because the sheepdogs will not eat them.

At this moment, there was another tinkling and clicking sound, and an elevator descended to the small hall.The golden fence door slid open slightly, revealing Ada's figure inside.

This face is so easy to recognize, it is a reputation gained through battle after battle!

Ada didn't even need to say anything. The people who had just been pushing each other in front of the elevator took the initiative to make way for them. Only then could the Aurors who were blocked in the small hall rush to the hall for reinforcements.

Perhaps the retrograde Aurors and Strikers gave people courage, or perhaps Ada's appearance gave them confidence. Many people pulled out their wands and followed them out of the small hall, joining the camp against the dark atrocities.

The hall that was magnificent a few minutes ago is now in ruins, and corpses are lying on the floor.

The brutal battle has just begun, and more people will fall today.

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