The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 616, Harvest

This is the change brought about by the entry of top combat power. The fierce fire can be dispersed with a flip of the palm, and the Death Eaters who are leading the attack are frightened away.

Led by Rookwood and McNeil, the Death Eaters retreated hastily, not caring about the lives of other dark wizards.They didn't even dare to take a look, for fear that they wouldn't run fast enough.

The Death Eaters' target was the gilded fireplace at the other end of the hall, where they could exit via the Floo Network.Just leave the Ministry of Magic, no matter where the exit is.

Like Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic has anti-Apparition measures in place.Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic headquarters located below Whitehall would become a vegetable market, where anyone could come and browse.

During Fudge's time in power, Ministry employees could use Floo or Apparate directly to reach the main hall.But that was a peacetime policy. Now that Thicknesse had become minister and it was wartime, adjustments would naturally need to be made.

The Floo Network Administration has retained the fireplace for the access of members. They have strengthened the management and control of the Floo Network and strictly monitored the use of the Floo Network to ensure that there will not be a large number of Death Eaters sneaking into the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace.

At the same time, the Ministry also expanded the scope of the anti-Apparition to include the foyer.Only during peak hours in the morning and evening after get off work, the restrictions in the main hall will be temporarily opened for everyone to apparate.

Although the Death Eaters had many moles in the Ministry, it was this mole hiding in the Department of Magical Transport who connected to the Floo network, so that the Death Eaters could arrive as soon as possible after the chaos broke out.

But just when the mole wanted to unlock the restriction of apparation, he was caught by Laura who arrived in time and took away the stolen goods.It doesn't matter that the restrictions on Apparition have not been lifted, and the floo network has also been temporarily closed.

It is almost impossible for the Death Eaters to escape. It might be more appropriate for them to collectively change their name to the Suicide Squad.

Rookwood, who looked disgusted, was the first to run to the fireplace. Before he could rejoice that he had escaped from the danger, he discovered the cruel fact that the floo network was closed, and his pockmarked face became even more miserable. love.

Seeing that Rookwood did not use the fireplace immediately, other Death Eaters already had a bad premonition. They would not think that Rookwood was waiting for them. He was not that loyal.

Sure enough, as McNeil and others rushed to the fireplace one after another, they also discovered this cruel fact. Goyle and Crabbe also tried other fireplaces, but none of them worked.

There is no way to heaven and no door to earth. The Death Eaters who broke into the Ministry of Magic today are unable to fly. The only thing waiting for them is judgment.

With no way to escape, the Death Eaters suddenly looked up and found Ada approaching them step by step.The sound of your shoes hitting the dark wooden floor sounds so harsh at this moment, like the god of death tapping on your door.

Being trapped in a desperate situation with no way to survive only aroused the viciousness of the Death Eaters.

Rookwood, McNeill, Crabbe, Goyle, and Avery all waved their wands and fired the Death Curse and Cruciatus Curse at Ada who was getting closer and closer.

The Death Eaters knew very well that as long as they, even if they just knocked down the witch in front of them, they would still have the possibility of escaping.As long as Ada is defeated, the rest of the Ministry of Magic will be vulnerable.

But the Death Eaters didn't know that among the known owners of the Elder Wand, Ada was the only witch and probably the youngest wizard.

Facing the almost crazy attack of the Death Eaters, Ada moved forward steadily while waving the Elder Wand, without any confusion in her steps or breathing.As the Elder Wand danced, a small light barrier formed in front of Ada, with golden light looming in the barrier.

All the spells fired at Ada hit the barrier. Every time a spell bounced off, a golden light would light up on the barrier, accompanied by a frightening dull sound.

The spells that were deflected either flew back in the same direction, or hit the ground in a deflected direction.

Goyle was the first Death Eater to fall. As the father of Gregory Goyle, one of Slytherin's double idiots, he was bigger and more clumsy than his son.

Goyle was hit by the rebounding death curse, and the green light took away all the look in his eyes. His fall was just the beginning.

The Death Eaters continued to attack while dodging the rebounding spells, not caring about Goyle who fell to the ground. Only Crabbe shouted in pain.

Immediately afterwards, the second man fell. The tall McNeil's head was cut off directly, and blood spurted out along his neck. His body moved forward unwillingly for a few steps before falling straight down.

During his tenure at the Ministry of Magic, MacNeil's main job was to behead dangerous magical animals. He loved this bloody job.

Today, McNeil's head was also beheaded, which was a suitable way of death for him.

Two of their accomplices were killed one after another, and the Death Eaters who were aroused to be ferocious were now frightened. Their offensive had no effect, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly surged into their hearts.

However, Ada did not stop, and she became more and more comfortable with the Elder Wand.The elder wand was pointed at Avery not far away under the control of Ada, and the red light flashed away.

Avery let out a shrill scream, twitched and fell to the ground, rolling back and forth on the floor in pain.

This Avery is also a veteran Death Eater, and his father Avery Sr. is also a Death Eater.Avery was also Snape's classmate. During his school days, he, like the Potions Professor, participated in the small circle that cultivated Death Eaters.

While Ada's attention was on Avery, Crabbe, another large Death Eater, rushed towards Ada.Crabbe didn't use a wand (it couldn't hit anyway), he used the most primitive attack method.

I saw him lowering his figure and running quickly, as if he wanted to give Ada a flying shoulder.

Crabbe's idea was good, but the problem was that he was too big, and it was hard not to be noticed when he ran.

What's more, it's a ghost like Ada.

Crabbe lowered his head and rushed forward. When he approached Ada, his legs instantly exerted force, and his whole body flew towards Ada.

Then there was a loud "bang", and Crabbe fell to the ground without hitting anything.He failed to reach his shoulder, but fell to his death.

Crabbe stumbled and tried to get up. He had just climbed halfway when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then his vision went black and he didn't know anything.

Ada was standing next to the fainted Crabbe at the moment. When Crabbe rushed over, she used the flicker to avoid the collision.

Then, Ada's left arm was covered by gray Obscurus, the ring shield also solidified, and hit Crabbe hard on the back of the head.At this moment, not having a severe concussion was unreasonable.

The false king of sudden KOs - Flying Shoulder Crabbe, the real king of sudden KOs - Esmeralda Obscurus Drizzt.

At this moment, the only named and powerful Death Eater left was August Rookwood.The other Death Eaters were either brought down by Ada or captured alive by the swarm of Aurors and Strikers.

The battle in the Ministry of Magic Hall is coming to an end, and the Death Eaters' mission is only half completed.

Their attacks caused a large number of casualties and were extremely damaging to the people's hearts that had finally been built up.After today, the public's trust in the Ministry of Magic will fall to freezing point again.

Ada looked at Rookwood with hatred. She had always been the one to steal Voldemort's house, but now she was being attacked in return. How could she not be annoyed with her little needle-nosed mind?

A slender, lightning-like whip emerged from the elder wand, and the torture spell was severely slapped on the body of the second and fifth boy, Lukewood. Lukewood, whose face was pockmarked, screamed one after another.

At this moment, there was an exclamation near the Magic Brothers Fountain, and Ada quickly turned her head to look.

Piers Thicknesse was lying on the ground. The Minister of Magic was dead!

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