The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 621, coward

Every time Voldemort and his Death Eaters killed someone, they would leave the Dark Mark at the scene.

Even before Voldemort's return, people still feared the Mark. At the 1994 Quidditch World Cup camp, just a Dark Mark caused great chaos.

Now that this terrifying mark appears over Hogwarts, does this mean someone has been killed?

Under the reflection of the stars, the green Dark Mark looked like a new constellation. Light came from the windows of the castle in the distance, illuminating the pitch-black venue.

Ada's breathing suddenly became heavy. The tragic scene in the Ministry of Magic this afternoon left her with lingering fears.

Gray-white flowing clouds quickly shuttled through the night, and one figure after another passed in front of Ada's eyes, including Death Eaters and dark wizards, the Order of the Phoenix and professors, and the Aurors stationed in Hogsmeade... …

The flash of the spell, the shouts, the sounds of fighting, the beams of return fire, and the big melee unfolded on the campus.

Ada landed in the open space in front of the castle, and before she could stand still, she saw Greyback rushing toward her.The werewolf, who did not know whether to live or die, moved very quickly, using his hands and feet. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Ada, and she could already smell the stinky breath of the werewolf.

With a tap of the Elder Wand, Greyback seemed to have hit a wall of air and instantly fell to the ground. He shook his stupid head, as if trying to force himself to wake up.

Apparently, the greedy and stupid Greyback thought too much.

Hearing another muffled sound, Greyback fell to the ground again, his limbs twitching, and his head seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer.The evil-doing werewolf leader died just like that.

A few minutes ago Greyback was biting Bill Weasley, and then he threw Harry Potter to the ground, showing off his cruelty to his heart's content.A few minutes later, his head was like a smashed watermelon, red and white flowing all over the floor.

Continuing forward, Ada wanted to enter the castle and have a look. She wanted to see if the people she cared about were safe and sound.

After walking a few steps, Ada saw Neville Longbottom, the little Gryffindor crybaby sitting on the ground.

Ada's impression of him was still in the past, the young lion who was beaten badly but hugged Crabbe and Goyle tightly and wouldn't let go.Today, Neville has not only succeeded in counterattacking in terms of appearance, but he is no longer the round-faced crybaby he once was.

The pale Neville sat on the ground, holding his stomach with one hand and waving his wand randomly with the other.The curses shot randomly had an unexpected effect and made a female Death Eater very embarrassed.

That is Alecto Carlo, and you can tell from her last name that she comes from the Holy 28 family.Alecto also has an older brother named Amycus, both of whom are Death Eaters.

At this time, the Carlo brothers and sisters were planning to escape, running out of the castle one after the other.

As the saying goes, a master can be beaten to death by a random punch. Alecto was not a master, but Neville's curse of punching him successfully stopped her, making it impossible for her to advance or retreat.

Not far away from Neville and Alecto, Ginny also stopped Amycus who was trying to escape.

Ginny's red hair flew like flames, her wand shot out damaging spells such as crushing spells from time to time, and a huge bat even pounced on Amycus.Like sister, like sister, Ginny's ruthless attitude has a bit of Ada's youthful demeanor.

But the stout Amycus is not a small character. Although he was disgraced by the bat spirit curse, his counterattack still made it difficult for Ginny to parry.

"Cruciatus - Cruciatus - let me see the look of pain on your face, pretty little darling!" Amycus laughed as he drove away the bats.

Amycus's attacks are all based on the Cruciatus Curse, and he seems to enjoy torturing people.

This is why the Death Eaters are so powerful. They use the Unforgivable Curse arbitrarily, and there is little room for error when anyone confronts them. If they make a careless move, they will never have a chance to stand up again.

But Amycus was destined not to be arrogant for long, because Ada who was passing by had already raised her wand, and the Cruciatus Curse hit him in the chest. With a howl like a slaughtered pig, Amycus twitched and fell to the ground.

It happened that Ginny's crushing curse followed and hit Amycus's arm. The entire arm was blown to pieces by the curse, and a large cloud of blood mist came out.

Alecto on the side saw this scene, she let out a roar of grief, and shouted sternly: "Avada Kedavra!"

Alecto Carlo took action with hatred, and the miserable green light went straight towards Ada.

Ada tapped the Elder Wand, and the green light of the Death Curse was deflected and fell on the open space. Then the Elder Wand flicked again, and Alecto immediately hung upside down in the air.

Then I saw several unusually large bats rushing towards Alecto, and the female Death Eater was instantly enveloped by the bats.

This act of snatching people's heads is very...forget it, it's nothing, as long as Ginny is happy.

"Ada, it's Snape and Nott!" Ginny said anxiously, "Harry has gone after them!"

As she said that, Ginny pointed her finger, which was the direction of the school's main entrance.As soon as she finished speaking, Ginny hurried into the castle to support the others.

In front of the opened oak door, Professor McGonagall, Lupine and Sirius were each fighting a Death Eater.A little further away, Ron and Tonks could be seen teaming up to fight a big guy.

This big guy was a match for Neville, and his spells were flying all over the place.

Speaking of Neville, Ada looked down to find the little crybaby that was sitting on the ground just now, but she couldn't find it.Looking up again, he saw Neville limping towards the castle, holding his stomach, his back firm.

If Mrs. Longbottom saw this resolute and brave figure, she would be very pleased!

The scuffle in the school seemed to have been going on for quite some time, but Dumbledore still hadn't shown up, and Snape seemed to be on the run. Ada knew that she was late, and what was supposed to happen had already happened.

Turning around, Ada ran towards the main entrance of Hogwarts. She always felt that tonight was not easy.

Members of the Order of the Phoenix are here, as are Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. Is Voldemort really planning to give up on the Death Eaters again?

The Death Eaters left here tonight, plus the Death Eaters left behind at the Ministry of Magic. Can Voldemort really bear such a huge loss?

Unless Voldemort had another plan, one that Dumbledore and Snape didn't know about.As long as this plan succeeds, no matter how big the loss is, it can be made up for!

Quickening her pace, she desperately passed through the melee. Before she could see Snape running away and Harry chasing him, Ada first saw Hagrid beside the fire, fighting a blond Death Eater.

The strong physique inherited from his giant mother made Hagrid rough-skinned and thick-bodied. Ordinary magic attacks were not painful to him. The furious hybrid giant wielded a huge pillar of fire to chase the blond Death Eater.

In the distance, there was the sound of chanting a curse. The voice full of hatred was particularly clear at this night. It was the voice of Harry Potter.


"Fight back!" Harry yelled at him, "Fight back, you coward—"

"Coward, are you talking about me, Potter?" Snape shouted. "Your father never dared to attack me, unless it was four against one. I wonder what you would call him?"


Harry's voice broke in fits and starts, and Snape's roar drifted in the wind.It was obviously a final warning, but it sounded full of ridicule - "You've been blocked again, until you know how to shut your mouth and your brain, Harry!"

"No! Have you forgotten your order? Potter belongs to the Dark Lord - let's leave him alone! Go! Go!"

It was Snape's voice again. He was preventing the other Death Eaters from attacking the helpless Harry Potter. There was only so much he could do.

Because Voldemort appeared at some point, standing between Snape and Harry, his scarlet pupils filled with pride.

"Harry Potter, we meet again."

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