The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 634, The brightest star in the night sky

Even though Sirius was holding him in the air, the house elf Kreacher was still struggling and wanted to continue killing himself.Because he disobeyed his master's orders and refused to carry them out.

Helpless, Sirius had no choice but to forcefully order Kreacher to stop. Only then did the house elf calm down and stop holding back his energy to kill himself.

Seeing that the hard one didn't work, she had to use the soft one. Ada didn't believe that she couldn't cure a house elf!

Signing Sirius to put Kreacher down, when the house elf's feet returned to the ground, Ada said: "I know the origin of that locket, your Master Regulus should want to destroy it, right? "

Ada's question hit the nail on the head, and Kreacher's bloodshot eyes widened in an instant, but Ada continued to increase the pressure, and she revealed the style of Slytherin's locket.

The locket had appeared in the memory of Bob Ogden, an official at the Ministry of Magic, and in the memory of Hooch, the house elf. Ada remembered its appearance clearly.

Ada told Kreacher in the hope that the house elf would understand that she was not trying to rob, but really wanted to help Regulus.

"The locket, Master Regulus's locket..." Kreacher whispered in a hoarse voice, big tears flowing from his tennis ball-sized eyes.

Then, Kreacher rushed to the wall like crazy, and his head hit the wall with a thud.

As he bumped into it, he said: "Kreacher made a mistake. Kreacher did not complete Master Regulus's order!"

"Kreacher, I order you not to move, stop!" Sirius shouted.

The roar covered up the thud of his head hitting the wall, and Kreacher also stopped his self-mutilation behavior again amidst the command. The frozen elf stood helplessly, with tears filling his sunken eye sockets.

Without Kreacher seeking life and death, the room suddenly became quiet, and Ada and Sirius looked at each other.

What Ada means is: They are both young masters of the Black family. Look at Regulus, and then look at you. Why is there such a big gap between this person and others!

What Sirius wants to express is: What does your contemptuous look mean?What is this locket?How did Regulus die?Also, why do I have so many questions in my head?

"I can help you, and I can help Regulus," Ada said. "I have the ability to help you destroy the locket."

The house elf, who was in great pain, curled up into a ball and huddled in the corner.When he heard that the locket could be destroyed, Kreacher raised his head and looked at Ada. Although there was distrust in his bloodshot eyes, there was a light called hope flashing.

"I said," said Sirius, who looked confused, "you, and this elf, can anyone explain to me what is going on with Regulus? Why don't I understand it at all?"

In fact, Ada doesn't know the specific situation. Only those who witnessed what happened back then know clearly.The only thing that can be confirmed is that Regulus is RAB, and it was he who took the locket hidden in the cave at the cost of his own life.

Seeing that Sirius kept looking at her, Ada winked at him and asked him to ask Kreacher.

Sirius, who suddenly understood, immediately asked, but his attitude was not very good.

Like many wizards, Sirius had never seen Kreacher as a creature with the same emotional sensitivities as humans.Coupled with Kreacher's loyalty to the Black family, this made Sirius hate the crazy elves even more.

Without saying a word, Ada kicked Sirius directly on the calf bone.This time, the big dog almost turned into a flying monkey.

"Be nice!" Ada said. "This is a very painful past for him."

It was difficult for others to control the unruly Sirius, but Ada saved his life several times, and she happened to be good at handling dogs, so Ada was able to make him a little more obedient.

Sirius scratched his hair irritably, and then said as softly as possible: "Kreacher, can you tell me brother, what terrible things happened to him?"

Kreacher rubbed his eyes with his fists like a child, as if he had made a decision. He told the old events in his hoarse bullfrog-like voice.

Just like Sirius said, Regulus is the pride of his parents. He is loyal to his family and pure blood, and is countless times stronger than his rebellious brother.

Like many pure-blood family members, the young Regulus was deceived by Voldemort and believed in the Dark Lord's pure-blood claims.

When he was 16 years old, Regulus became an "honorable" Death Eater as he wished.This was a wonderful beginning for Regulus, but this beauty could not continue.

After joining the Death Eaters, Regulus saw more cruel truths, which made him realize that his previous beliefs were completely wrong.

When Voldemort used the house elf Kreacher to test his magic, Regulus could no longer sit idly by and changed his mind and resisted the Dark Lord in his own way.

With the help of Kreacher, Regulus successfully reached the cave. Instead of letting his servant take the poison, he chose to drink it himself, leaving the chance of survival to his servant.

Perhaps Regulus did not treat Kreacher as a servant.

In the end, Regulus was dragged to the bottom of the cold lake by the Inferi, and his young life withered.He left only a suicide note in a replica of Slytherin's locket, signed RAB

Kreacher, who was huddled against the wall, wailed "Master Regulus" and scolded himself for being incompetent and failing to complete "Master's order".The house elf wailed, tears running down the sides of his long nose.

The Black family has the habit of naming family members after constellations. For example, the star in Sirius's name comes from the constellation Canis Major.

Regulus is Alpha Leo, the heart of Leo and the brightest star in Leo. It means "prince" in Latin.

Arcturus comes from Alpha Boötes, the brightest star in the northern hemisphere, and is often used to identify directions.The ancient Greeks called it "the most beautiful star among the stars."

Regulus Arcturus Black, a man named after a star.

His mother was "maddened by grief" over his death, his brother said he was "in too deep", and when people mentioned him, they only said that he was killed for cowardly quitting the Death Eaters.

No one knows his tenderness towards house elves, no one knows his erudition and intelligence, no one knows the pain he experienced in the last moments of his life, and no one knows his bravery.

Regulus Black was the first to discover the secret of Voldemort's Horcruxes and the first to try to destroy them.He risked his own life just so that Voldemort would be nothing more than a flesh-and-blood mortal when he met his opponent.

The note in the locket, or the suicide note, did not show any fear or cowardice because the other party was Voldemort. He neatly wrote his name to declare war on the Dark Lord.

If it weren't for protecting his family, Ada thought he would have left his name instead of the abbreviation RAB.

"He's the Seeker," the silent Sirius said suddenly.He held a photo in his hand, which was a photo of Regulus's Quidditch team when he was in school.

"What?" Ada's meditation was interrupted.

"Like James, he sat in the middle of the front row of the team when the group photo was taken. That was the Seeker's position." Sirius' voice was very low, as if he was suppressing his emotions, "I actually forgot. "

Regulus in the photo has black hair and a somewhat arrogant expression. He is very similar to his brother, except that his figure is slightly thinner.

Sirius sat blankly on the edge of the bed holding the photo. This was the first time he knew his brother's bravery, and it was also the last time.

Regulus Black, he was a brave Slytherin.

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