The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 642, The calm before the storm

On the way back to the Burrow, Ada told the three Harrys about Regulus Black's past, and the three of them sighed.Hermione, who had more sympathy for the house elves, cried even louder.

The three people immediately expressed that they would give the fake locket to Kreacher for the elf to keep as a souvenir.Although Kreacher had tricked them once, luckily there were no casualties, so the three of them didn't resent him very much.

Returning to the village of St. Catchpol, the crooked shabby house appeared in the sight of the four of them again, and the smoke curled up from the kitchen stove, which made people feel happy in their hearts.

Ada, who had been controlling her walking speed, asked: "I heard from Mrs. Weasley that you three are planning to drop out of school?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione are in seventh grade after starting school. They have one year to go before they graduate, but the three of them are not planning to return to Hogwarts on September [-]st. In their opinion, it no longer makes any sense. .

Harry was the first person to propose dropping out of school. Ron and Hermione were worried about him, so they wanted to accompany him and advance and retreat together.The friendship between the threesome is truly enviable.

"Well," Harry muttered in response, "I want to fulfill Professor Dumbledore's instructions, find all the Horcruxes, and defeat him."

Ada was not surprised by Harry's choice, or she would have done the same in her place.Ada continued to ask: "What are your plans? Where do you want to go first after leaving the Burrow?"

"Godric's Hollow, I want to visit the place where my parents lived." Harry said. He had already considered this issue. Godric's Hollow was only his first stop, and he would also include Albania on his journey. .

Hermione had some different opinions. Although Godric's Hollow was important to Harry, it must be full of danger.The Potters' graves were there, and Dumbledore's home was also there. The Death Eaters would definitely have thought of this, and Harry would have fallen into a trap by going there.

"Although the Ministry of Magic is indeed not very useful, at least you have some confidence in Mr. Weasley and me, okay?" Ada tilted her head and said dissatisfied, "Godric's Hollow has too much symbolic meaning, and the Ministry does not It would fall into the hands of Death Eaters."

As Hermione said, the Potters' cemetery is there, as are the monuments and ruins. If these symbolic things are destroyed by Death Eaters, it will be equivalent to a heavy hammer hitting everyone's psychological defense line.

Even the Maginot Line, which is known as the "insurmountable" defense, cannot withstand the attacks of hammers and sticks, let alone the weak human heart, which has already been scarred by the terror brought by Voldemort. It's full of holes.

The Minister of Magic and Dumbledore were killed successively, and many wizards lost the faith and courage to continue to resist.This also made Ada attach great importance to symbolic monuments, and even wanted to organize people in the ministry to visit them collectively to get a good education.

There is no idea in Ada's mind that "if the land is saved and the people are lost, both the people and the land will be lost."The magic world is a huge place with no strategic depth at all. If we don't care about the gains and losses of one city and one place today, we won't even have the chance to fight guerrillas tomorrow.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic's offices represent the center of political power, Godric's Hollow symbolizes resistance to Voldemort's atrocities, and Hogwarts where students gather to represent the future. These three places must not allow any mistakes and are the top priority of the Ministry of Magic's defense. Heavy, people are here and the tower is here!

Overall, Godric's Hollow is safe at this stage, and Harry will not be attacked by Death Eaters on his journey to find his roots.

Ada had no reason to object, nor did she want to.If it had been her, Ada would have run over long ago, and she wouldn't have to wait until today.

"It's good to go back and have a look, but there's no need to go to Albania." Ada continued, "I've already been to that damn place, and I've found the clues I'm looking for."

The three Harrys looked at Ada in surprise. Apparently the three of them did not know that Ada had been to the Eagle Country, and Dumbledore did not tell Harry.It was probably because he didn't have time to say that the Death Eaters' attack came a few days earlier than the headmaster expected.

As they spoke, the four of them walked to the door of the Burrow unknowingly. Mrs. Weasley had already arranged a large dining table in the garden.

"The diary from 50 years ago, Slytherin's ring and locket, and Hufflepuff's golden cup. These four Horcruxes have been destroyed." Ada stopped at the door of the Burrow, "Ravenclaw's The crown should be hidden in the school, and as for the other Horcrux... I already have clues."

The implication is that there is no need for Harry to leave school. Ada has almost done what he has to do.Instead of wandering around outside and risking being discovered by Death Eaters, it would be better to stay in school and look for the crown in peace.

This is also the difference between Ada and Dumbledore. She will not arrange everything for Harry, but will make it clear to him and let him choose whether to stay or go.

But Harry didn't have to rush to answer. There was still a month before the start of Hogwarts. Harry could give his answer after going to Godric's Hollow.

As night falls, lanterns are lit in the garden of the Burrow, making the courtyard look a bit like a fairy tale.

The birthday dinner was a small one and it was all Harry's good friends.Sirius was dressed very grandly, and those who didn't know it thought he was getting married today. Ada was very suspicious that if it were peacetime, the crooked Sirius would probably take Harry to the market.

To show his respect, Hagrid put on his best furry brown suit, which was hideous, worse than his rock pie.Charlie is also back from Romania, and his ridiculously short hair looks like it was chewed by a dog.

Lupine and Tonks came together. Although the two were married and the wedding rings on their ring fingers sparkled, everyone was still more accustomed to calling Nymphadora Tonks instead of Mrs. Lupin.

Tonks, who was promoted to Mrs. Lupin, looked radiant and had changed from her decadence and depression last year.Lu Ping beside her looked a little unhappy, maybe because he was newlywed and overworked.

Sure enough, it is not easy for an old cow to eat young grass...

A group of people were talking and laughing around the dining table, and Harry told an interesting story about how Hagrid made Dudley grow a pig's tail when he first went to pick him up.Mr. Weasley and Sirius gathered together and muttered, seemingly talking about how to fix the broken motorcycle.

After becoming the Minister of Magic, Mr. Weasley not only did not relax, but became even busier.Every day, he would leave for the ministry before dawn and return home at midnight. It had been a long time since he got into the small wooden shed and studied his beloved Muggle items.

It wasn't until Mrs. Weasley brought the cake in the shape of the Golden Snitch that everyone stopped laughing and raised their glasses together (Percy also put down what he was doing).Everyone here was an adult except Ginny, the youngest.

"Happy birthday, Harry Potter!"

The song "Happy Birthday to You" was sung in a mess, and no one seemed to have any musical talent. Fred and George even played long notes, which made people want to beat them up.

Halfway through the dinner, Ada and the twins sneaked out of the Burrow with bottles of wine and went to the creek where they used to fish.

The night was gentle, and Ada was lazily leaning on the river bank, chatting with Fred and George.

Today is Harry's birthday and tomorrow is Bill's wedding. In today's dangerous era, Ada hopes to have more days like this.She knew how unrealistic her thoughts were, but she couldn't control herself.

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