The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 645, Professor McGonagall’s request

August goes by day by day, and it’s the end of the month in a blink of an eye. The lively scene of the wedding day seems like yesterday.

Kingsley is still protecting the Muggle Prime Minister diligently; Sirius continues to work for the Order of the Phoenix and works conscientiously; Mr. Weasley considers the Ministry as his home, and almost all his food and accommodation are in the Ministry; Lupin, Remus Lupin Comrade has been disappearing lately, and sometimes even Tonks doesn't know where he's gone.

However, even though many people are working hard for peace in the magical world, the situation has not gotten any better.

Hogwarts Muggle Studies professor Caredi Bubbaji was originally registered as missing, but Ada had learned of her death from Snape.

Poor Professor Bubaji became the dinner of the big snake Nagini, and his body was completely gone.

There are many people like Professor Bubbaji who have suffered misfortunes. The Death Eaters showed their sharp fangs in August and attacked Muggle-born wizards almost crazily, "purifying" the wizarding world in their own way.

People are in panic, and Muggle-born wizards are always on tenterhooks, fearing that there will be a Dark Mark floating over their house.Even some mixed-blood wizards are shrouded in uneasiness, fearing that these horrific attacks will befall them.

In order to protect Muggle-born wizards, the Ministry of Magic has established temporary protected areas in Godric's Hollow, Dingworth, Fertile Plains and other places. It is hoped that Muggle-born wizards can temporarily live here so that the Ministry can provide them with unified protection. .

Although this might provide a clear target for the Death Eaters to attack, it is better than letting these people scatter around and wait for the Death Eaters to come and attack them.

Moreover, as long as there are enough Aurors protecting the temporary living area, the Death Eaters will not dare to attack unless their master is willing to take the lead.

However, this policy of the Ministry of Magic did not receive much response, even if someone took the lead.

Bill and Fleur moved to Dingworth a week after their wedding and named their seaside love nest "Shell Cottage".In addition to Mr. Minister's son, Harry, the savior, has also appeared in Godric's Hollow.

Although Harry came and left in a hurry, most of the wizards who moved there met him, and they also met Ron, the young master of the minister's family.

As for Hermione who was traveling with her, she was ignored by everyone, (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Even so, more Muggle-born wizards choose to flee, hide in the countryside, or go abroad directly, rather than trusting the Ministry of Magic.

In this regard, the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic headed by Mr. Weasley are having a headache, and they cannot forcefully arrest these Muggle wizards and protect their safety!

It felt so much like a concentration camp.

Speaking of Harry, we have to mention his latest decision, which he made after going to Godric's Hollow.

Listen to others and eat enough.This time Harry was not as stubborn as a cow. He listened to everyone's advice. He would return to Hogwarts when it starts on September [-]st and continue to complete his studies.

The reason why he changed his decision was that Harry found that even if he stayed outside the school, he couldn't do anything else except wander around.

Harry wanted to find Horcruxes, but Ada had already found almost all of them, and the remaining known Horcrux was still in the school. Harry also wanted to fight with everyone to deal with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But there are not so many battles for him to participate in.

Unless the Order throws Harry out as bait, like the night they moved him to the Burrow, Voldemort will not act rashly.

Now, the only things that can make Voldemort move are Harry and the Horcruxes.

One is his fateful enemy and must be killed with his own hands; the other is related to his immortality and must be protected.

Of course, if Ada was struck to death by a thunderbolt, Voldemort would be able to move around as well.

Counting the fights between the two, Voldemort had the upper hand only in Little Hangleton. Since then, he has never taken advantage of him, and was even injured by Ada.

Ada is the only person who can stop Voldemort now, and her existence makes Voldemort worry a lot more.

It used to be Albus Dumbledore, now it's Esmeralda Drizzt, and Voldemort is really suffering.

The Order of the Phoenix would not let Harry act as bait. No matter how careful the plan was, it would be full of risks. Sirius was the first to object.So the only thing that can affect Voldemort is the Horcrux, and this is where Ada's plan comes from.

But it's too early to say what Ada's plan is. The crown has not been found and the time is not yet ripe.And Ada didn't do anything wrong. She wouldn't be struck to death by lightning, but she might be killed by Professor McGonagall.

In the room on the second floor of the Pig's Head Bar, Professor McGonagall and Ada sat opposite each other, each with a cup of hot tea in front of them.Even though the cup was very clean, neither of them touched it.

"Hogwarts is about to start school, but I still haven't found a suitable teacher." Professor McGonagall said helplessly.

After Dumbledore's death, Professor McGonagall became the new headmaster of course.However, being the new principal is not that easy. There are two major problems facing Professor McGonagall.

The first dilemma is about students.

With Dumbledore being murdered by Snape and the terrorist activities of Death Eaters increasing day by day, can parents still rest assured that their children can return to school?In the eyes of parents, Hogwarts is no longer synonymous with safety.

This problem cannot be solved, and Professor McGonagall cannot control people's hearts.Unless Voldemort is defeated before school starts, or Albus Dumbledore comes back from the dead.

The second dilemma concerns teachers.

Or because of Dumbledore's death and Snape's defection, there was a teacher vacancy at Hogwarts.Unlike previous years when only one teacher was needed, this year Hogwarts was short of three teachers, namely Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Muggle Studies.

The transfiguration teacher was easy to find. Professor McGonagall, who was promoted to principal, could continue to teach, but the other two professors were not so easy to find.

Defense Against the Dark Arts is still an old problem, and few people are willing to take over this cursed position.The problem in Muggle Studies is even bigger. Who dares to take up such a high-profile position under such circumstances?

Taking over the Muggle Studies class, isn't that the birthday boy hanging himself!

If you don’t believe it, just look at Caridi Bubaji. Although her name appears on the missing list, no one knows that the missing list is equivalent to the death list, but no body has been found yet.

Ada reached for the cup. She wanted to pretend she didn't understand what Professor McGonagall meant, but the problem was that she understood the hint.

Seeing that Ada remained silent, Professor McGonagall continued: "Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, you choose one of these two courses. I suggest you choose Transfiguration, after all, Defense Against the Dark Arts is a bit..."

As if anticipating this scene, Professor McGonagall, who is good at Quidditch, hit a straight ball and stated his meaning straightforwardly, leaving Ada no chance to pretend to be dumbfounded.

"Professor, can I ask you a question?" Ada raised her hand and said like those obedient elementary school students.

"what is the problem?"

Ada straightened her sitting posture and asked: "Let me go back to school and be a professor...Who gave you this bad idea? Is it the one whose portrait is newly hung on the wall of the principal's office?"

If Ada returned to school to teach, she would probably be the youngest professor ever at Hogwarts, and she would still be an undergraduate.

Professor McGonagall also took a sip of the cold tea and said, "Can't I think of it myself?"

"Only he can come up with such a bad idea." Ada continued. "Firstly, it can solve the problem of teacher shortage. Secondly, he can learn more about the current situation from me and adjust his legacy. These three Well……"

"What are you talking about? Don't lie." Professor McGonagall acquiesced to Ada's suspicion. This idea was indeed given to her by Dumbledore.

Ada puffed her lips and said, "It's nothing. I should be the one who stole the heart of a gentleman with my villain's heart."

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