The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 647, Harvest Season

On September [-]st of another year, the scarlet steam locomotive sounded its whistle and drove the little wizards out of platform nine and three-quarters, through the fields and mountains, towards the Scottish Highlands.School starts at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall followed Ada's suggestion and assigned Thorny Sirius to the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.

Sirius was reluctant at first. What was the point of staying in school? There was nothing interesting about it except seeing Harry often.

It wasn't until Lupine and Tonks also received the invitation from Professor McGonagall that Sirius reluctantly nodded in agreement and became the new Professor Nian Po.

According to the discussion between Professor McGonagall and Ada, Tonks will serve as the Muggle Studies teacher. The content of the teaching is to show slides to the students so that the young wizards will no longer be poor frogs in the well.

As for Remus Lupin, he is not a teacher of any subject. His only task is to take care of his pregnant wife and the school's new Muggle Studies professor.

Yes, that's right, Nymphadora Tonks Lupine was pregnant and the baby was Lupin's.

This is the reason why Lupine has been so worried and in a trance recently, and even made such a farce as running away from home.

Lupine once rejected Tonks' advances for a year because he felt that he was old, poor, and a werewolf, and that Tonks deserved better.

Although the two got married this summer, Lupine still felt that it was a very serious mistake and that he had lost his mind to marry Tonks.

Werewolves have always been ostracized, and Lupine's parents had to move him several times when he was a child.It wasn't until he entered Hogwarts that Lupine made any friends.

The first half of Lupine's life was as bitter as his last name. The book "Hairy Nose, Human Heart" also tells the heartbreaking story of a wizard's struggle with werewolf transformation.

Therefore, Lupine did not want Tonks to live such a wandering life. He did not want Tonks to suffer this kind of crime, and he did not want his lover to bear the shame of being a werewolf.

This emotion completely exploded when he learned that Tonks was pregnant. Lupine was afraid that Tonks would become an outcast, and that his unborn child would be like him.

Lupine, who didn't dare to face it directly, chose to escape like a coward.

Sirius found Lupine, who was hiding in a country tavern and got drunk, drinking himself unconscious.Under Sirius's curse and Harry's contemptuous eyes, Lupine reluctantly returned home.

What greeted Lupin was Tonks's smile mixed with tears, and the unnoticeable fetal movement.

Although it usually takes four months for a fetus to notice fetal movement, Lupine felt it, and it was only then that he woke up and realized his true mistake.

Regardless of whether Remus Lupin is a werewolf or not, Tonks cannot live without a husband, and their unborn child cannot live without a father.

After learning that Lupine ran away from home, in order to help the two of them and dispel Lupine's worries, Ada looked up a lot of information about werewolves, hoping to find evidence that werewolves (lycanthropy) are not hereditary.

However, Ada did not find any theoretical basis. She neither said that werewolves could be inherited, nor that werewolves could not be inherited.Because few werewolves get married and have offspring.

If Lupine and Tonks' child is born safely, it will be the only known descendant of werewolves.

Nothing serious was found, but strange knowledge increased.

If two werewolves mate in wolf form during a full moon, the werewolves will give birth to a litter of pups.These wolf pups are just like ordinary wolves, except that they will be very beautiful and have intelligence close to humans.

Seeing this, Ada immediately thought of the wolves she met in the Forbidden Forest.It was a beautiful litter of wolves, but when Ada and the twins went to check it out a second time, the litter was gone.

Now that I think about it, that wolf cub was probably the descendant of a certain werewolf who had lived in the Forbidden Forest for who knows how many years.

The problems faced by Hogwarts and Professor McGonagall have been solved, and the knot in Lupine's heart has been untied. This August can be regarded as a complete one for the Order of the Phoenix.

The person picking up new students at Hogsmeade Station was still Hagrid, which gave many students the illusion that nothing had changed.The same tall and mighty figure, the same rough voice, and those carriages with no horses visible.

But when the students returned to the castle and saw the throne-like chair, they realized how different this school year was.The principal was replaced by Minerva McGonagall, and the one who sorted the freshmen was replaced by Professor Flitwick. Everything changed.

Even the Slytherin students were much more annoying than before, especially the children of Death Eaters, who looked so arrogant that the students in other houses wanted to punch them in the nose.

If the three Harrys looked carefully, they would find that Crabbe and Goyle had not returned to school, and only Pansy Parkinson was left in Malfoy's former small group.

But Harry has no interest in the children of these Death Eaters. His only purpose of returning to school is to find the lost diadem, which was hidden in the school by Voldemort.

On the night when school started, Harry ignored the fatigue from the journey and checked the castle at night with the Marauder's Map in hand.Ron and Hermione beside him were yawning profusely, but Harry was not infected at all and looked in high spirits.

This caused Harry to feel depressed all day the next day.While everyone else was getting acquainted with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the once-famous fugitive Sirius Black, Harry was fast asleep in his godfather's class.

Like Lupine, Sirius was recognized by his students in his first class.Many girls even have a favorable impression of this handsome man, as if they would not marry him unless he was the right man.

Harry, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea that in just one class, he would have an extra godmother at Hogwarts.

From the beginning of this class, waves of female students flocked to Harry and were very courteous to him. At this time, Harry was even more popular with girls than when he was a warrior.

"Boyfriend" is so popular, but Ginny is not jealous at all, because these girls are not here for Harry.Their purpose in surrounding Harry was very simple, they just wanted to know Professor Black's preferences, especially dear Sirius's views on mate selection.

Every time there was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the handsome Sirius would show up with a few more fangirls.So why was he single for so many years?

Autumn is indeed the season of harvest. Harry Potter has gained a lot, but he is not happy at all.No one will be happy if they gain a group of godmothers.

In addition, the delay in finding the crown is also one of the reasons why Harry is unhappy.

Since the beginning of the school year, Harry has been like a bat transformed into Ginny's Happy Charm, sleeping day and night, walking around the castle almost every night, and occasionally walking in the Forbidden Forest.But Harry couldn't find any clues. Hogwarts is too big to hide a diadem.

Fortunately, Harry is not alone. He also has the resourceful Hermione, Ron, who is also a loser, and a group of godmothers.

In order to avoid being chased by his godmothers, Harry ran into the Room of Requirement in a panic.When Harry visited the magical house for the first time in a long time, he finally figured out where the diadem was hidden.

The Room of Requirement is such a wonderful place.

The vast majority of students don't know this place, and those who know it don't necessarily need a "place to hide things". Students who need a "place to hide things" don't know about Horcruxes...

It's really wonderful that Bulbasaur is eating the Marvelous Corn and walking into Mickey's Wonderful House!

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