The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 655: Listen to Vader tell stories about the past

Will Voldemort be fooled?

Ada thought he would. How could the self-esteemed Dark Lord allow his precious self to be attacked and damaged?

As long as he realizes that his Horcrux is no longer safe, Voldemort will definitely take action.

When the diary was destroyed, Voldemort was worse than a ghost, he couldn't do anything.Now that Voldemort has regained his strength, he has no reason to sit back and watch his Horcruxes being destroyed one after another. This is the guarantee of his immortality and the confidence that he is not afraid of Dumbledore and Ada.

Every time a Horcrux is destroyed, Voldemort's confidence will become weaker and his anxiety will increase.

This kind of anxiety will make him lose his basic judgment ability. Even if he knows it is bait, Voldemort will bite it without hesitation.

Moreover, Ada has always felt that too many soul divisions have damaged Voldemort's brain. Zombies may not be willing to eat his brain and dislike Suga.

The former Voldemort was extremely intelligent and charming. Not only the professors at the school were collectively bewitched by him, but even the pure-blood wizards outside the school were impressed by him and were willing to be driven by him.

Later, Voldemort had high magical power and immortality, but he no longer used his mouth evasion ability and wasted his charm. He only knew how to kill and kill, as if he could get commissions from major cemeteries.

The brain will get rusty if it is not used for a long time, let alone a brain that has been sliced.

Although Ada's plan is old-fashioned, and even full of loopholes, it is the right medicine for Voldemort.Use Horcruxes and Harry Potter to deceive Voldemort and force him to surface for a decisive battle.

As for "stoking dissension" that Snape said, Ada had no such idea.

This idea is based on the fact that Bellatrix's original surname was Black. She and Regulus had the same origin and were cousins.

Since Regulus committed such a "treasonous" act of stealing a Horcrux, was Bellatrix, as her cousin, also involved?Or, is Bellatrix Lestrange still loyal to her master?

However, Voldemort did not trust anyone except himself. Even though he showed trust in Bellatrix and Snape, he still only believed in himself.

Otherwise, Bellatrix would not have known the purpose of the gold cup and would have left it in her vault without even knowing it for so long.

Furthermore, speaking of closeness and distance, Narcissa and Bellatrix are biological sisters, and their relationship is closer and more intimate than Regulus's.The defection of her biological sister Narcissa did not affect her status, let alone her cousin Regulus.

I just don’t know who was the one who took the order to kill Regulus. If this Death Eater is still alive, he will be prepared to withstand the boundless wrath of Voldemort. If the Cruciatus Curse is enough, there may be another way. Life curse.

If you want something to happen to someone, you must be fine.Please give me some strength.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Ada didn't leave the office even half a step this morning, and she carried out the word "home girl" to the end.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Ada thought it was Laura again, so she was speechless.Regardless of whether Ada responded or not, Lola Fournier would come in on her own.

But there were knocks on the door three times today, and the office door was pushed open. The person who walked in was not the smiling Laura, but the serious-looking Vida Rozier.

She said: "No one answered the door. I thought you finally thought of going out."

Seeing her grandmother come in, Ada raised the newspaper in her hand and pointed to the list on the table, indicating that she was busy at work and definitely not a homebody.

At this time, otaku culture was not yet popular, and Vida didn't understand what "otaku" was, but she couldn't stand Ada's lifestyle of staying at home and staying behind.Even though there was a lot of work in the ministry, Ada should not stay in the office all day, basking in the virtual sunlight provided by the Magic Maintenance Department.

"You should go out and move around more, instead of sitting in that chair all the time." Vader said, "When you reach my age, you won't be able to walk for long even if you want to."

Once a person gets old, the traces left by time on the body will be particularly obvious, and one of them is lack of energy.The mind is full but the strength is not enough.

Vida went on to say a few more words, with the same general meaning, hoping that Ada could exercise more and stop staying in the room all the time.Or walk around Diagon Alley with the Weasley twins, or walk around London, or even take a stroll in the Ministry.

"I know, I was wrong, I'm going out now to get some real sunshine." Ada said. She lost to her grandmother's nagging, put down everything she was doing, got up and left the comfortable high-backed chair.

"Although the weather in London is not as good as ours, the sun is still the same after all." Vida continued.

The two of them walked out of the underground Ministry of Magic while talking.After reaching the ground, the old man and the young boy walked north along the street to nearby Trafalgar Square.

This square was built to commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar. Interestingly, the two warring parties in this battle were Britain and France.

The Royal Navy, led by General Horatio Nelson, defeated the Emperor's French-Spanish fleet. The 100-year struggle for maritime supremacy between Britain and France ended, and the French Navy never recovered.

The most prominent building in the square is Nelson's Column. There are reliefs commemorating the naval battle on the base of the column. The entire column base is made of cannons captured that year.

The grandfather and grandson walked slowly around the fountain, surrounded by flying pigeons.

It suddenly felt like I was back at Rose Manor, except that the manor was quiet and peaceful, while Trafalgar Square was surrounded by the bustling city and full of pedestrians.

"You seem to have new worries recently," Vader said softly, "Is it about the boy named Harry Potter?"

Although there were many people around, these Muggles could not hear the two people talking clearly. Their voices were only a hum to others.

"Yes, it's a bit tricky. I'm not sure I can handle it." Ada replied, "Not just him, but also the big snake following the Dark Lord. The big snake named Nagini also wants to Just destroy it."

Hearing this, Vader was stunned for a moment, and then asked slowly: "You said a big snake named Nagini?"

Ada didn't understand why Vader was in a daze, and replied with some confusion: "Yes, the Dark Lord calls it Nagini. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Vader said, "It's probably just a coincidence! If she were still alive, she would be 90 years old at least."

Ada leaned her head forward slightly and asked playfully: "Does grandma also know a big snake named Nagini? Maybe it's the same one!"

"I don't know the big snake named Nagini." Vader shook his head, "I do know a girl named Nagini. She can turn into a snake and was once caught performing in a circus. But she is Ani. Magus, but the Blood Curse Orcs.”

Blood curse is a special type of curse that does not directly kill the target, but always exists in the blood and is passed on to the next generation.Blood-cursed orcs are one type of people who are cursed with blood.

All bloodcursed orcs are witches, and the curse is passed from mother to daughter.If the girl named Nagini gave birth to a daughter, her daughter would also become a blood-cursed orc and pass on the curse in her blood.

Initially, bloodspelled orcs can switch back and forth between human and animal states at will.But as time goes by, they will gradually lose control, turn into beasts unconsciously, and eventually be trapped in the bodies of beasts forever.

The most painful thing is that they will completely lose human consciousness, forget their memories of being human, and become real animals.

"Credence, you should have heard his name." Vader continued, "The blood-cursed orc Nagini is his friend, and he also helped Credence find his true identity."

"What happened next?" Ada asked.She had heard Grindelwald mention Credence and knew about this powerful Obscurus, but she had never heard Grindelwald mention Nagini.

Vader shook her head again and said, "I don't know. Credence chose to follow Gellert, and I don't know where Nagini is going. Maybe she died long ago. After all, no one wants to be trapped in the beast." in the body."

"What a sad story."

"There are many sad stories in this world, but we cannot grieve for them one by one." Vader said, "Whether it is a big snake or a poor blood-cursed orc, as long as it stands in front of you, it is an enemy. Erased existence.”

The old and the young said in unison: "For the greater good."

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