The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 668, Siege of Dingworth (2)

"No!" Bill shouted. He seemed to have seen the image of Mrs. Longbottom's head and body.

However, the bloody flesh and blood that Bill imagined did not appear. Augusta Longbottom had already seen the giant ax attacking him.

Facing the giant ax that was slashing at her, Mrs. Longbottom did not stand still in fear, nor did she stand frozen on the spot in fear. She just changed her running rhythm lightly, and let the fatal giant ax miss and hit hard on the ground. On the open ground.

The giant seemed to have used all his strength. The moment the giant ax hit the ground, dust flew up, the ground shook, and the ax sank deeply into the ground.

After escaping the fatal attack, Mrs. Longbottom fought back.

But ordinary spells cannot cause harm to the giant. Instead, they will anger the giant and make the bloodthirsty giant become more violent.

The manic giant wanted to kill the little ant in front of him, and he tried to lift the giant ax that was sunk into the ground.Maybe it was because he used too much force before, but he couldn't lift the giant ax again immediately.

When the giant raised the ax for the second time, the old and strong Mrs. Longbottom had long disappeared, and only two spells greeted him, one first and one last.One spell hit the giant on the back of the neck hard, and another spell flew towards the giant's eyes.

Cang, bang, two deafening loud noises exploded in people's ears.

The cruel giant didn't look cruel at all at this moment, but rather pitiful.The giant rolled around in pain on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and kept wailing.

Even more pitiable than the giants were the werewolves. Two werewolves were planning to come over and snatch their heads, but unexpectedly the giant suddenly fell down and smashed them both upside down.

It didn't matter that the giant was used as a human airbag to cushion the body. The giant kept rolling and crushing the two unlucky werewolves, and the huge weight almost crushed the werewolves' intestines out.

And what about Augusta Longbottom?

Mrs. Longbottom, who was extremely skilled, was hiding her merit and fame. She ignored the fallen and wailing giant and walked away.

Even if he successfully resolved his own crisis, Bill did not dare to let Mrs. Longbottom run around alone again.Bill hurriedly caught up, fighting side by side with Mrs. Longbottom, and together they rushed towards the Death Eaters in the rear.

The two kept charging forward, like two sharp knives thrust into the enemy's formation.More and more giants, werewolves, and Death Eaters were attracted by them, and they targeted Mrs. Longbottom and Bill.

What seemed like a reckless act turned out to have a miraculous effect. Mrs. Longbottom and Bill disrupted the enemy's attack.

The two people who were chased by the giant and escaped caused chaos wherever they went, stalling the Death Eaters' attack on Dingworth.

An unexpected reversal!

The good times did not last long, Mrs. Longbottom and Bill were finally the only two, and they soon fell into a tight siege by giants and werewolves.

The giant's double resistance is fully stacked, and the werewolf is agile. Even if Mrs. Longbottom and Bill are very skilled, it is still difficult to defeat the enemy with their strength.

In addition to the unique salty smell of the seaside, there is also the fishy smell of the werewolf's mouth in the air.

The werewolves let out ferocious grins and gathered around, wanting to tear the two men into pieces with their fangs.

Bill's throat rolled up and down, and he could already see the werewolf's yellowed teeth. He thought again of the night he was bitten by the werewolf.

"Weasley boy, what are you afraid of!" Mrs. Longbottom shouted, and she and Bill stood back to back, protecting each other.

Bill wanted to tell Mrs. Longbottom loudly that he was not afraid.But Bill knew that he couldn't deceive the other party who had seen all kinds of things in life, and he was really scared.

The pain of being bitten by a werewolf is always unforgettable.There is great terror between life and death.

"Boy Weasley, fear is not a shameful thing. What is really shameful is that you dare not face your fear! Like a Gryffindor, fight bravely! Until death!"

As Mrs. Longbottom spoke, she waved her wand violently. Every stroke of the wand made a faint sound of breaking through the air.

Augusta Longbottom's words were not very inspiring, but it didn't require a heavy hammer to sound the drum. With just these simple words, Bilton felt full of pride and high morale!

Yeah, what am I afraid of?I dare to resist a mysterious man with terrifying strength, so what’s so scary about a little werewolf!

"Come on, you wolves!" Bill yelled.

The scars on his face became more ferocious, even more terrifying than the werewolf in the dark.

The three werewolves looked at Bill greedily, as if looking at a delicious meal, and then they quickly rushed towards Bill from different directions.

How could Bill, who dared to face his inner fears, be so easy to deal with?

Don't forget, Bill was the president of the Student Union during his school days, and he even obtained 12 certificates in the OWLs exam. He was a very outstanding wizard.

Bill did not take the lead in attacking the werewolf closest to him, but pointed his wand at the tall werewolf attacking from his left side.

A flash of red light flashed, and the werewolf was wrapped in a powerful spell and flew far away, falling into the darkness, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Then with a twist of the wand, the werewolf attacking from Bill's right seemed to have hit a solid wall, making him dizzy and unable to continue the attack.

At this time, the werewolf closest to Bill jumped forward, intending to throw Bill to the ground and drink the warm blood from the prey's neck.

But Bill didn't panic at all, as if his previous fear of werewolves was just fake.

I saw Bill flying up and hitting the werewolf's soft belly. The werewolf was lying on the ground at that time, bowing into the shape of a prawn.

Bill is a top graduate of Gryffindor House.Godric Gryffindor was a ruthless man with a sword in one hand and a wand in the other. As a disciple of Gryffindor, Bill inherited and carried forward this fine tradition.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

The vicious spell instantly passed through the gap between the giant and the werewolf, and flew towards Bill.

Bill, who had just killed two werewolves, also saw the red light. When he was about to block it, he saw that Mrs. Longbottom had stopped it for him.

"Rabastan Lestrange!" Mrs. Longbottom shouted through gritted teeth, "I'm going to give you back all these damn spells one by one!"

Although giants are powerful, their movements are relatively clumsy; although werewolves are agile, they are far less aggressive and intimidating when they maintain their human body than when they are full moon; Death Eaters, who are truly threatening, are cruel, violent and murderous. Death Eaters.

Seeing the Death Eaters surrounding them, Mrs. Longbottom and Bill's situation became ten times more dangerous than before.Death Eaters who use their killing moves can cause harm to wizards that cannot be compared to giants and werewolves.

As the saying goes, a good tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves.But as the old saying goes, a fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs.

Mrs. Longbottom and Bill were not alone, nor were they without teammates.Sidorov, Hartmann, and the one-eyed female Auror all passed through the enemy lines.

These three people stood together with Mrs. Longbottom and Bill, facing the real main force attacking Dingworth - the Death Eaters.

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