The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 672, Battle of Hogwarts (3)

"Calling the Guardians!" That was Mr. Weasley's voice!

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver weasel suddenly appeared and rushed straight towards the Dementor.

At the same time, an elegant and sparkling lynx also appeared in the small village, heroically dispelling the despair.

More voices of "calling for guardianship" appeared, and the soft light belonging to the patron saint covered the small village with a silver veil, blocking the dementors' despair that eroded people's hearts.

Among the many patron saints, the most heroic one is undoubtedly the one in the shape of a goat, which is the patron saint of Aberforth Dumbledore. The goat's long horns knocked the dementors to the ground one after another.

Although Aberforth's expression seemed a bit reluctant, he did not follow the non-combatants to evacuate, but chose to stay and protect Hogwarts.

Dazzling spells and shrill roars have become the main theme of Hogsmeade.

The first casualty of the battle appeared near the Three Broomsticks Tavern: several spells hit the tavern that held the memories of countless students at the same time. The spells were mixed together and an extremely powerful explosion occurred.

As if an ammunition depot had been set on fire, the building instantly fell apart, flames rose into the air, and the entire village shook slightly.The splashing bricks, stones and wooden boards were like shells being discharged, causing indiscriminate damage to everyone present.

The Three Broomsticks was just the first building to suffer damage. Spells flying everywhere and weapons wielded by giants were destroying this ancient village.

According to legend, Hogsmeade was founded 1000 years ago, around the same time as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Hangis from Woodcroft founded this small village to escape Muggle persecution.

But now, this picturesque little village of huts and shops will be destroyed by war, destroyed by this unjust war in the name of the wizard's bloodline.

Devis-Bans, a shop that sells and repairs magical equipment; Honeydukes Candy Shop, a favorite shop among students; Mrs. Puddieffe's Tea House, a favorite place for happy couples...

One shop after another was destroyed, either collapsed due to the attack of giants, or exploded due to the wizard's spell...

When the flames of war reached the Hogsmeade Post Office, countless owls flapped their wings and flew out of the ruins, making frightening "clucking" calls!

"Hold the line!" Mr. Weasley and Kingsley shouted at the same time.

However, the orders from Mr. Minister and the newly appointed Director of the Law Enforcement Department were in vain. The Aurors who had arranged for defense had long been divided and surrounded by enemies several times their size.

Even if the Auror heard the two men's orders, there was no way to carry them out.Even Mr. Weasley and Kingsley were trapped, with six hooded men surrounding them.

"Look, who we found!" one of them shouted arrogantly, "Hello, Mr. Minister! Cut out the bones!"

Without any more nonsense, the Death Eater struck directly, hitting Mr. Weasley with the Cruciatus Curse.

Mr. Weasley nimbly dodged and avoided the vicious Unforgivable Curse, and then hit a Stunning Curse with his backhand, which accurately hit the Death Eater's chest.

The Death Eater who was so arrogant just now fainted immediately.

Kingsley also shot spells at the Death Eaters around him. He made the wand look like a rapier in the hand of a nobleman, accurately and gracefully, knocking down two Death Eaters who besieged him one after another.

The battle gradually became fierce, with spells flying around every inch of Hogsmeade, and people would be hit and fall down in the streets from time to time.

If there are companions around, they may be helped up. If there are no companions, the only outcome waiting for them is death.

After all, there was a numerical disadvantage. Although the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were still trying hard to fight, they were forced out of Hogsmeade step by step. The Death Eaters, with the help of dark creatures, steadily advanced towards Hogwarts. .

Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Antonin Dolohov also joined the battle.

Like tigers entering a flock of sheep, the three top Death Eaters raised their butcher knives against the blocking Aurors, killing them wantonly.

Retreating, retreating, and retreating again, the Ministry of Magic's defense line continued to retreat under the onslaught of the Death Eaters. The collapse of the front seemed to only happen in an instant, and it was likely to happen in the next breath.

At this moment, there was a "rumble" of footsteps on the path from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. The statues and armors of the castle were arranged neatly, marching like a military formation.

The statues and armors endowed with "life", as soon as they arrived at Hogsmeade, they launched a charge without fear of death and defended Hogwarts to the death.

The larger statues rushed towards the giants, using swords, spears, or hammers in their hands to continuously hit the burly giants; the normal-sized armors made a clanging sound and rushed towards the howling ones. werewolf.

With the restraints of statues and armors, the pressure on the Aurors suddenly eased a lot. They could focus more on dealing with the vicious Death Eaters, and the entire defense line no longer retreated.

The attack was blocked and Antonin Dolokhov became furious.

After the green light of the Killing Curse took away the life of an Auror, Antonin Dolohov waved his wand and slashed at the rattling armor. The purple flame flashed and hit the chest of the armor.

The hit armor did not scatter on the ground as expected, but exploded like a frag grenade. The flying metal armor pieces fell into the melee crowd, making them even more lethal.

Not only the Death Eaters and werewolves suffered a lot, but the rough-skinned and fleshy giants were also held back by the statue.

The giant violently waved the giant weapon in his hand and smashed the statue to pieces.But these statues are extremely tenacious. They attack the giants with weapons or hug them as pendants to prevent the ferocious giants from continuing to show off their power.

Seeing the statues being smashed, the armor being exploded, and the companions falling one after another, the angry Aurors stopped and retreated.They poured out their anger with the wands in their hands, and more people chose to use the Unforgivable Curse. The green light of the Killing Curse lit up frequently, and the small village in Scotland seemed to have been moved to the Arctic Circle.

Suddenly, a cold voice echoed through Hogsmeade, drowning out the cries of murder in the small village.

"Your resistance was heroic."

Voldemort's voice was full of murderous intent, filling everyone's eardrums like a howling cold wind.

He continued: "In recognition of your bravery, I will personally grant you death!"

The words were still echoing over the small village, but a bolt of lightning-like light cut through the night and headed straight for the Auror line.

Just looking at that ray of light makes one's hair stand on end, and one cannot even muster the courage to resist.

However, the world never lacks courageous people.

Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Aberforth Dumbledore, etc., some wizards immediately raised their wands high and chanted spells in unison.

Wand up, ultimate protection!

A golden light like water waves shrouded everyone's heads, trying their best to block the curse that seemed to be able to destroy the world.

At the same time, a huge, flaming lion appeared out of thin air. The majestic lion flew over the defensive line and fell into the Death Eater camp. Earth-shattering explosions continued to explode in his ears.

Esmeralda Drizzt!

I saw Ada appear in front of everyone, her wand pointing to the sky - the protective golden light became more solid. Not only did it not let Voldemort's spell fall, but it made the spell move away from everyone bit by bit.

"Withdraw the school and reorganize defenses."

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