The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 677, Battle of Hogwarts (4)

As the two arsonists Voldemort and Ada left one after another, Hogsmeade fell into a sea of ​​roiling flames.

In order to prevent the blue and black sea of ​​​​fire from continuing to spread, the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade and the wizards in Hogwarts unexpectedly chose to join forces to extinguish the blazing flames first.

Fire and water are merciless, and out-of-control flames will burn everything around them. The flames will not stop until there is no more combustible material.

The Death Eaters didn't want to turn into barbecues, and the people in the school didn't want the flames to break through the defenses of Hogwarts, let alone let the fire burn into the school.

With the joint efforts of the two parties, the devil's fire from hell was extinguished, but Hogsmeade inevitably turned into a scorched earth.

When the life-devouring fire is extinguished, the brutal war between wizards begins again.

Bellatrix Lestrange's screams were shrill and piercing as the Death Eaters charged towards the Hogwarts campus.

The stars were dim, the moon was dull, and the mountains and plains were filled with the screams of Death Eaters.They stepped on the flame-scorched ground, raised their wands high, and countless spells fell on the protective cover of Hogwarts, like bright fireworks exploding in the night sky.

The giants were still in the lead, followed closely by the werewolves eager to show off. They eagerly crossed the blazing path and rushed towards the school's extraordinary wrought iron gate.

The charging giants and werewolves could already clearly see the stone pillars on both sides of the gate and the winged wild boar on the top of the pillars, but they had to stop and could not move forward. They were stopped.

What blocks the Death Eater coalition is not the school's protective shield, but a large area of ​​devil's net.

The mature devil's net stretched out its snake-like tendrils and entangled the charging werewolves, giants' ankles, and Death Eaters who had no time to brake.Before they knew it, their legs were entangled in long vines.

Some people rushed too fast and lost their balance after being entangled in the devil's net, and fell into the large vines; others were entangled in the devil's net and desperately tore at the tendrils that entangled themselves.

The more they struggled, the faster and tighter the vines grew.

Obviously, many people, like Harry and Ron, did not listen carefully to Professor Sprout's lectures and did not understand the characteristics of the Devil's Net.

These devil's nets that blocked the Death Eater coalition were arranged by Professor Sprout. After the fire was extinguished, she moved this ferocious plant from the greenhouse to this place as the first line of defense for Hogwarts.

More and more people are trapped in the devil's net, tightly entangled by the snake-like tendrils. What awaits them is that they will be entangled in the constricting vines until their bones and muscles are broken, or they will be suffocated to death.

"Someone will think of a solution!"

"Help! I can't breathe!"

Cries for mercy and screams replaced the previous shouts of beating and killing, but their misery did not win anyone's sympathy. On the contrary, another group of heavily armed statues and armors rushed out of the school.

Hammers, hammers, swords, and all kinds of weapons hit the Death Eater coalition.

The giant was tightly entangled by vines, and was no longer powerful. He could only lie on the ground and let the statues and armor ravage him; the werewolf was no longer flexible and could only watch helplessly as he was attacked by swords and axes...

Even statues and armor will be entangled in devil's nets and tangled into pieces by vines, but their broken armor and gravel can still cause damage to the Death Eater coalition.

Moreover, the killing effect became even better. The bound Death Eater coalition had no power to fight back and could not even dodge.

If they could live their lives over again, I believe these people would definitely choose to listen carefully to Professor Sprout’s lectures on herbal medicine when they were in first grade.

Of course, not everyone studied black magic or bullied their classmates in various ways when they were in school. There were still some who listened carefully.

The orange-red fire once again illuminated the gray night sky. Devil's Net, who likes humid environments by nature, could not bear the blazing fire.

Devil's Web retreated from the light and warmth, loosening its grip on the Death Eater coalition.The vines twisted and twitched, automatically loosening the tendrils wrapped around the Death Eater.

The Death Eater coalition finally broke free after paying a heavy price.However, the feast that Professor Sprout prepared for them was more than just a devil's net!

One mandrake after another was thrown high from the school by the students and landed outside the school wall.

Then a deafening cry arose—a mandrake cry that kills!

The moment the cries rang out, the Death Eater coalition that had just escaped from the devil's net fell again. They didn't even have time to regret again why they didn't study herbalism properly.

Everyone knows that the lion (gryphon) is the symbol of Gryffindor, and the symbol of Hufflepuff is the badger.Despite their small size, badgers are not as soft and cute as they look, especially honey badgers.

The honey badger is known as "the most fearless animal in the world" and is also known as the African flathead.They take life and death lightly and do whatever they want. The honey badger is either fighting or on the way to fight.

There is a poem praising him: He has a flat head, white hair, and a silver cloak. He has been in battle all his life.Life and death, success or failure, go with the wind, I just want to fight fiercely on sea, land and air.

Under the command of Professor Sprout, the Hufflepuff students wearing earmuffs seemed to be possessed by honey badgers and kept throwing mandrakes over the wall as if they were throwing grenades.

Mandrake's fatal cry echoed outside the school gate, harvesting the lives of the Death Eater coalition.

Everyone else on campus looked shocked. Everyone was thinking about the same thing: Have I ever offended Professor Sprout before?Have you ever offended any Hufflepuff student?

The Death Eater coalition that surged towards Hogwarts like a tidal wave, after experiencing repeated attacks from Devil's Net and Mandrake, retreated like the ebbing tide of the sea, only daring to cover their ears and look at them from a distance. Those howling mandrakes.

"Fade without a trace!"

Not only was it the first Death Eater to try it, the Vanishing Curse made a small patch of mandrake disappear.

As a result, the shouts of "disappear without a trace" continued to sound, and the mandrakes disappeared one after another.The Hufflepuff students couldn't throw the mandrakes fast enough to make them disappear.

When Mandrake's fatal cry completely disappeared, corpses were strewn in front of Hogwarts.Those who died miserably were those who destroyed the devil's net, and those who died ordinary were those who cried to death due to the mandrakes.

Without the devil's net to block the way, and without the mandrakes to cry for their lives, the Death Eater coalition hesitated, not daring to charge again.God knows whether Sprout, who has wielded two axes, has a third ax waiting for him.

To move forward or to retreat, this is a question, an extremely difficult choice.

If they go forward, Hogwarts may have more killing moves waiting for them; if they go backward, even if the Lestranges who supervise the battle can let them go, Voldemort will not let them go.

After some thought, they made the decision to move forward.

However, this time it was not a physical charge, but the Dementors taking the lead. Sprout's plants had nothing to do with the Dementors.

In order to allow the dementors to go all out, Antonin Dolohov allowed them to attack independently, kissing anyone except Harry Potter and sucking out the soul of anyone.

With fresh souls as a reward, the dementors rushed towards Hogwarts, as if dinner was in the cafeteria, and countless pieces of rag-like things appeared in the defender's field of vision with a mist.

Despair, fear, sadness... almost all negative emotions are present.

Everyone in the campus retreated unconsciously, abandoning the important task of defense. It seemed that the collapse of the front line only happened in an instant.

Aberforth stepped forward again, raised his silver-white goat's front hooves high, and bravely charged towards the Dementor.

The silver light kept shining, Remus Lupin's silver wolf, Sirius Black's big dog, Kingsley Shacklebolt's lynx, Mr. Weasley's weasel, the silver tabby cat, the silver The badger...and Harry's stag!

"Well done, Harry!" Sirius praised his godson loudly, "Tonight, Prongs is galloping again!"

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