The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 681, Darkest Moment

Harry Potter left, put the Invisibility Cloak on himself again, and left with the blessing and protection given to him by Ada.

He would walk out of the extremely familiar castle, walk through the playground he saw every day, and walk towards Hogsmeade, which was destroyed by the war... The invisibility cloak would protect his safety, allowing him to stand in front of Voldemort and face his own death and fear.

Perhaps Harry would stop along the way to see those he liked, and those who liked him.The professors in the school, the Weasley family, Hermione, Sirius, Lupin, and those DA members, etc.

In order to allow more people to live better, Harry Potter decided to die and exchange his death for the chance of Voldemort becoming a mortal body, just like Regulus Black 16 years ago.

Ada stood alone in front of the window, looking out the window at the magic barrier that was constantly shaking due to the impact of the spell.

It was a protective measure that Flitwick, the Charms Professor, took the lead in establishing. It incorporated many defensive spells and gathered the power of everyone at the same time.

Ada also reinforced the barrier, which allowed the barrier to persist until now under continuous attacks.

However, there is no invincible fortress or city in the world, and the same is true for magic barriers.

The dense raindrop-like spells stopped, and the night returned to pitch black.Before Professor Flitwick could re-fortify his defenses, a bright light suddenly shot out in the distance, and another angry, crazy roar was heard - the barrier was broken.

The broken barrier was like fragile glass, falling into pieces, or like ignited parchment, burning into ashes.

Then there were shouts of killing.The wrought iron gates and walls of Hogwarts cannot stop the Death Eater coalition.

There was a muffled sound of "dong dong", and the wrought iron gate and wall collapsed under the attack of the remaining giants.

Thanks to their huge bodies that endow them with extremely strong attack power and resistance, giants are natural warriors and a powerful race.

When the giants were at their peak, there were at least a hundred tribes around the world, but these tribes gradually disappeared.The wizards killed some, but most of the giants died from cannibalism and tribal strife.

In order to prevent the giants from causing trouble and killing them, the wizard drove the giants to a far away place.There is no other way. In order to survive, the remaining giant tribes can only stay together in the mountains.

The brutal giants are not suitable for living together, and the compressed living space makes fighting between them more frequent.

When Hagrid and Ms. Maxim found the giant camp in 1995, there were only about seventy or eighty giants left.

And after tonight, no matter which side wins the battle to defend Hogwarts, the Giant tribe will be the biggest losers, and they may even become a piece of writing in the history of magic.

As the wrought iron gate fell, more Death Eater forces rushed into the campus, and many dark wizards flew into the school on broomsticks.

There were also sounds in the corridors of the castle: running, shouting.More and more students and wizards poured into the playground to support the people stationed there and prevent the invasion of Death Eaters.

The bright light brought by spells, the fire caused by the explosion of spells, the rumbling footsteps of giants, the fighting sounds of wizards... Sound and light filled the playground of Hogwarts, and endless killings were staged here.

Ada came to the first floor and saw Bill leading a group of wizards to rush out of the castle and join the battle in the playground.These people bore traces of the battle and had obviously come in a hurry from Dingworth.

Ada also saw Mrs. Longbottom. The iconic vulture on her hat was gone. The old woman disappeared into the hall at an alarming speed, running and shouting: "Has anyone seen my grandson Neville Longbottom? I want to fight with him!"

The melee outside the castle has been going on for some time, and more and more people are falling.The foyer and corridors were already filled with casualties, and weak moans could be heard endlessly.

The house elves were carrying the injured urgently, moving them to a relatively safe place as quickly as possible, because from time to time, curses would be shot in through the windows and doors, causing secondary damage to the injured.

In the auditorium, Madam Pomfrey and several students were providing emergency treatment to the injured. Angelina, Aria, Katie and others were guarding the auditorium to maintain order and protect the injured.

Suddenly, the castle trembled, and several large vases standing in the corners exploded instantly. Broken porcelain fragments flew into the air like shrapnel. At the same time, a ceiling in front of the foyer collapsed, hitting the wounded and students there.

Ada raised her wand, and the ceiling that had been knocked down returned to its original place, as if it had never collapsed.

The flying vase fragments were also stopped by Angelina and others, preventing them from causing greater chaos.

Outside the castle, Sirius and Lupine teamed up to deal with Bellatrix. They were obviously a family but the fight was extremely fierce. Mr. Weasley and Kingsley were also joining forces to fight against the enemy. The two of them defeated Antonin Dorothy. Hough was forced into a panic; Aberforth faced Rodolphus alone, sparks flying from their wands, and the light of the spells dazzling.

Hartman, Sidorov and others who came to support rushed into the Death Eater coalition, and the spells shot by the wands kept knocking down the dark wizards...

There is also Hagrid's giant brother Grawp. He is a born warrior while swinging a stone beast that seems to have been pulled from the roof. Smashed into pies.

It seems that the situation is favorable to the side defending Hogwarts, but in fact, the front line composed of Aurors, Order of the Phoenix, assisting wizards, and students is constantly being compressed and eroded by the enemy.

The dark Death Eater coalition overflowed like an icy black lake, and streaks of green and red light flew very close to the foot of the castle.

Professor McGonagall and others were supposed to be on the tower, leading the students to provide support from above, but at this time they were too busy taking care of themselves.

A group of Death Eaters flew above the tower on broomsticks, pouring out vicious spells like Muggle bombers. Red and green spells fell from all directions.

The students who chose to stay in school and fight were brave and prepared to sacrifice. However, as their companions fell one after another, and with the miserable cries of the injured, the disadvantages of the students began to be revealed.

They had never walked out of school, let alone experienced the baptism of blood and fire. The tragedy and cruelty of the war constantly impacted their senses. This night was more terrifying than any other moment in their lives.

Even with the support of Professor McGonagall and others, who shot down the Death Eaters from their broomsticks one after another, and even though Professor McGonagall and others loudly calmed the students' emotions and directed the students to act in unison, the panic on the tower still did not improve.

Screams, shouts, and fighting sounds echoed throughout the campus.

The school was supposed to be a sacred place for students to learn, but tonight it became a battlefield due to Voldemort's selfish desires.

Suddenly, the rumbling explosions drowned out the noise of the battle, followed by a series of loud bangs that shook the whole earth. A corner of the castle was blown away, and the howling cold wind poured into the castle!

As the flying dust dispersed, a more terrifying scene appeared before everyone's eyes - with a heart-stopping "click-click" sound, Aragog's descendants were artificially driven out of the Forbidden Forest to participate in the battle on the playground.

Before the Basilisk was released from the secret room for the second time, and before Ada visited the Forbidden Forest, the Acromantulas living there had no natural enemies. Their barbaric growth made them very large. The leading Acromantulas were larger than Cars are even bigger.

The battle has been going on for a long time, midnight has long passed, and the night sky has become darker. Even the spells fired by the warring parties cannot light it up.

This is the darkest moment of the day. Only by surviving this darkness can we welcome the dawn.

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