The Emperor and His Thief

Chapter 26

Surrounded by Bandits

While Lin Xiao went to the village, Long YinLian stays with Fei YuXing in the cave. Fei YuXing didn’t say anything because she was feeling uncomfortable, especially with three tigers staring at her. It already took her everything she had not to faint on the spot.

“Young Lady Fei,” Long YinLian called out, breaking the awkward silence. “If I may ask… what is your relationship with the Xia family?”

“I’m…” Fei YuXing hesitated for a while, contemplating whether to tell Long YinLian or not. In the end, she decided to trust him considering that this man is Lin Xiao’s master. “I’m betrothed to the third son of Xia family’s patriarch. His name is Xia WenYao. Although I have never met him before, it was something that our family had long decided before we were even born. But I heard he has a good temperament. It was said that it was because of his father. Throughout his marriage, his father never once taken any mistress. Everyone says he’s the ideal husband!”

“I see. Thank you, Miss Fei,” Long YinLian said before he stood up.

When Fei YuXing saw this, she quickly reached out to hold Long YinLian’s arm. “Wait, wait… Master Long, where are you going? Please don’t leave me alone!” she said as she eyed the tigers worriedly.

“I am just going outside for some fresh air,” Long YinLian said with a small chuckle. “Don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Lan-er, Fan-er and Zan-er will stay with you.”

‘It’s exactly why I don’t want you to leave, Master Long! I’m afraid to stay alone with them!’ Fei YuXing thought before she quickly said: “How about I go with you? I mean… you’re blind, right? Won’t you need help going anywhere?”

“Young lady, I’ve already lived this way for years. I’m used to it. You should just stay here,” Long YinLian said in a gentle tone. Even after assuring her, Long YinLian felt the hold around his arm only tightened and he let out a long sigh. “It’s not good for a lady to walk on the mountain alone with a man,” Long YinLian said before he then removed Fei YuXing’s hold on his arm and sat back down.

The awkward silence returned, until suddenly the three tigers stood up and faced the entrance of the cave. They let out a warning growl, as if an attacker is approaching them. Even Long YinLian’s demeanor changed. Now he seems to emit an air of coldness.

“Miss Fei, please stay here. We have some unwanted guests,” Long YinLian said as he stood up. He also grabbed his sword as he walked to the cave entrance followed by the three tigers.

Outside the cave, there was a group of bandits circling around it. Each holding different kind of weapon on one hand. The number of bandits reached twenty people.

“Are you sure they’re here?” one of the bandits, who appears to be the leader asked.

“Yes, boss! I saw it with my own eyes! Those three tigers are surely inside! If we can catch them, we’ll make good money!” another bandit answered cheerfully.

“Alright. You, you and you, go on inside and lure those tigers out!” the bandit leader said as he pointed at his men.

The three bandits chosen, though their face shows trace of unwillingness, still did as they were told. They were just about to enter the cave when suddenly, a loud roar came from the cave. The roar was enough to make the three bandits from earlier to fall onto their butt before they scampered off, back to their group.

The rest of the bandits had also raised their weapons when they heard the roar. Soon, right in front of their eyes, three tigers came out from the cave. The greed from the bandit leader’s eyes can no longer be hidden but then, it changed into a frown when he saw Long YinLian behind the tigers.

“You didn’t tell me there’s someone else here!” the bandit leader scolded the bandit who informed him of the tigers earlier.

“Boss! It’s just one blind man. Plus, look at the sword he’s holding! Don’t you think it’ll fetch some good money?”

The bandit leader narrowed his eyes and focused his gaze onto the sword that was on Long YinLian’s hand. Though it looked simple at one glance, but once one was to look at it properly, even someone with no knowledge of swords will know that the sword is something remarkable. Knowing this, the greed in the bandit’s eyes amplified.

‘And since he’s blind, we can take advantage of this situation…’

“That blind man over there! We’re a mercenary group called Thunder Hawk. We were tasked by the mercenary guild to take those three tigers away because they have terrorized the locals nearby!” the bandit leader said, and it gained a look of confusion from his own men. The leader signaled his men to simply play along, then gestured to his eyes, then to Long YinLian.

“Ah! Yes! Yes! We have just picked this request up this morning from Senlin village mercenary outpost!”

“That’s right! Are you the master of these three tigers? Just be obedient and hand them over! They have already injured and even killed people. In fact, as their master, you are also responsible.”

“Yes, ah! Maybe if you hand that sword over, we can sell it and you’ll be able to pay for all the damages that was done by your tigers!”

Once they understood their leader’s plan, these bandits all played along, showing their teamwork in weaving lies. Unfortunately, Long YinLian is not someone who is easily tricked, not to mention, he knows his little tigers well.

“I think all of you are mistaken. It is impossible for my sons to harm the villagers. In fact, people in Senlin village knows of them. They also know that these three sons of mine always helps lost children go back to their home so how can anyone post a job about taking them away because they’re dangerous?” Long YinLian asked back.

“Are you saying that we, the Thunder Hawk, is lying?!” the bandit leader asked. The reason he chose to impersonate the Thunder Hawk is due to their reputation. Just like the White Swan, the Thunder Hawk is one of the top ranked mercenary group known for their righteous attitude. Also, compared to the White Swan, Thunder Hawk is bigger in group and their leader was said to be from a well-known family in the capital.

“I am not saying that the Thunder Hawk is lying,” Long YinLian replied. “I am just saying that you are all mistaken. You might have identified the wrong tigers.”

“Shut up! In the end, are you going to hand them over, or forfeit your life?!” the leader blew up, unable to hold his anger back.

“If you have a son, and your son was unjustly accused of crime and someone came to take him away, would you hand him over?” Long YinLian asked back. He then unsheathed his sword; the blade made a sound that was close to the sound of a dragon’s cry. “The Thunder Hawk have three iron clad rule.”

“Never harm those who are innocent.”

“Never take advantage of those who are weaker.”

“And lastly… Never use the Thunder Hawk’s name for your own benefit.”

Long YinLian said this calmly. He even used some of his inner force to amplify his voice so even though he spoke in a relaxed manner, every single one of the bandits around him can hear him clearly.

“Since you’ve broken one of the rules, as one of your predecessors, it is my responsibility to punish you. Only… breaking the ironclad rule can only mean death.”

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