The Emperor Descending the Heavens

Chapter 1084 - Battle core chip

“Elder Tianlin, look …”

The woman did not answer, and once again stimulated the black box, and brought up another picture.

With the enlargement and clarity of the picture, Yu Tianlin and Yu Tianxuan were stunned, and there was a surprise in the eyes.

“Uh … this isn’t … isn’t their starship? How … how could …”

I saw a blue picture, showing a huge silver-white starfield spacecraft, isn’t it Jifeng’s second-generation starship spacecraft Silver Star?

What about the so-called abnormal fluctuations?

The woman adjusted her animation face again. In a blink of an eye, the silver star instantly turned into starry gray, entered combat readiness mode, and turned into a combat ship.

“Elder Tianlin, look …”

At a glance, the pupils contracted again.

“This is not the core of our latest combat? How … how did it appear in these second-generation ships?”

Shocked, they couldn’t help losing their voices.

The battle core chip is a special rune array developed by their Royal Sky Gate that can transform an ordinary starry spaceship into a warship at any time.

This rune array is currently only equipped for the Guard Fleet, and is not being used for civilian use in Yutianmen, let alone passed to the outside world.

But now, an old passenger star spaceship that came here from the outside world is actually using their latest battle core chip from Yutianmen, which shows the seriousness of this kind of thing.

“Come here …”

When Yu Tianlin reacted, his face suddenly became extremely cold.

With his anger, a fleet of armored warriors surged in the Star Fortress.

They came quickly and stood side by side in front of Yu Tianlin, all with serious faces.

“Everyone obeyed and immediately launched our **** fleet to surround this second-generation Starfield spacecraft. If you let it leave the Yutianmen Starfield, you are asking!”

Yu Tianlin swept across the crowd with stern eyes, pointed at the silver star spaceship above the blue light curtain in the sky, and commanded them in a deep voice.

The words didn’t end, and everyone had taken the lead, and quickly left.

Yu Tianxuan standing on the side, seeing the blue light curtain in the sky, and Yu Tianlin’s orders, her heart was full of doubts.

The battle core chip comes from their advanced research institute. This object is only equipped for the guard fleet. How can it appear in the hands of people outside?

You know, the second-generation starship spacecraft was a product that was tens of thousands of years ago. Compared with the fifth-generation product, the system of this object is 108,000 miles away. It is impossible for the spacecraft to deform in combat. .

Unless the spacecraft system and many programs have been tampered with in many ways, and then integrated into the core chip of the battle, activated by special runes, the transformation of combat readiness can be achieved.

This is a serious problem. If it is said that the battle core chip developed by Yutianmen is used by outsiders, it is likely to use this object to start a war of charred life.

As we all know, the manufacture of starship spacecraft is used to the greatest extent for commercial purposes. In addition to basic defense and attack power, it does not have much combat capability.

However, Starfield battleships are not the same. This object is born for battle. They are always guarding the star field of Yutianmen, beware of foreign objects invasion, and maintain peace for countless generations.

Nowadays, their things may be stolen. Can they be calm?

When Yu Tianlin left with a somber face, Yu Tianxuan also convened the senior level of the academy urgently, set up a group of investigators, and began to conduct self-examination inside them to find out if they existed outside the research results. The possibility of leakage.

A storm came suddenly …

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