The Ending of Reverend insanity


After achieving Eternal life, Fang yuan through hundreds of thousands of years and experimentation on chaos dao marks finally comprehends and understands Dao marks completely, having refined the entire Gu world and having complete control over all Rank 9 Gu’s and every single gu worm below that rank.

Fang yuan through all his research comes to a Shocking realisation, Fang yuan had already hypothesised that everything Had the same Origin but to think that Not only did everything have the same Origin, they even shared a common Essence that is the core of all their existence and through which they are all wholly pervaded, Fang yuan stood surprised at that.

Through his Absolute Supreme grandmaster attainment in Refinement path, Heaven path and Chaos path which he had fully advanced to the absolute Peak 100 million years ago and fully in all the various paths.

Through the vicissitudes of his millenias long rein and supreme Courage and indifference, Fang yuan made the most Unbelievable decision ever made since the creation of the Gu world and the Entirety of Existence.

Fand yuan resolutely Decided to Completely Reverse Refine the Entire Gu World and all the Universes, All Paths dao marks, Chaos dao marks and Heaven dao marks into their Absolute Original Essence beyond Space and Time and the existence of any Law, to fully annihilate all the various dimensions of Existence and Find the Absolute Source of All.

Fang yuan had firmly realised that the World followed and emanated under the Clause of Dependent origination, There can be no Heaven path dao mark without Chaos dao mark, all opposites mutually arise.

Fang yuan pierces further into the Truth of Reality that There is No Existence without Non-existence, no existence without non-existence existing with it at the same time, a supreme paradox.

although Fang yuan Had Eternal life, although able to alter Space and time, he still lived in them and thus was still limited.

To Reverse refine and attain the Absolute Most Quintessential Elemental Origin would mean to Transcend both Existence and Non-existence, to go beyond Being and non-being.

a Jump into the Absolute Void, Facing Infinity itself head on.

This also meant that Fang yuan will have to Transcend his bodily/soul existence, but not only that!

Through a Supreme Absolute formation of Refinement path combined with Heaven path, Human path, Chaos path, Space path, Time path, Rule path, Law path, Luck path, Qi path, Dark path, Soul path and all the various paths and even food path.

An Absolute immortal Gu House containing all possible combinations of all paths and dao marks that can be activated All at once and instantly.

this Absolute Killer move that will be the End to All, The Paradox to end all paradoxes.

this Absolute Killer move to which Existence itself will shiver before.

Fang yuan’s focus was to consume Space, time, Existence, non-existence and all the Infinite Dao marks that have ever existed all over all the Infinity of Universes that have ever existed since the absolute beginning of All Existence.

It took Fang yuan 300 million years, Ressources from all the Universes, Dao marks of Heaven path combined with Space path, Time path, Rule path, Law path, Luck path, Qi path, Dark path and his absolute Supremacy in Refinement path, Heaven path, Human path, Soul path and Chaos path All combined to construct the Supreme Eternal Reverse Refinement Gu house to achieve this plan.

But not only that, Fang yuan wasn’t foolish and had already simulated that the chances of failing were quite high.

But a little insight completely transformed his vision, it was the Spring Autumn cicada!

Fang yuan thought : “What if I merged this Absolute immortal Reverse Refinement Gu house and used it simultaneously with The Rank 10 Spring Autumn cicada as a Parallel immortal move, Reverse Refining All the Dao marks in Existence, Reverse refining even Chaos itself, while at the same time Returning with it to THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNING OF ALL TIME AND SPACE

The Spring autumn cicada which was at the Absolute Peak of Rank 9 before, After being refined to rank 9, then to the middle of rank 9 and after hundreds of thousands of years into the Absolute Peak of rank 9 than later millions of years being refined to rank 10 using Time path, Heaven path, Chaos path and Refinement path all of which were at the Absolute supreme grandmaster.

Indeed, Fang yuan’s Eternal invicibility and Longevity made him able to Travel throughout all time and retain his invicibility, Gu worms, Fang yuan’s modified Absolute rank 9 could already transport the entire body, soul, attainment and fang yuan could even move in the turbulent time river like a breeze and did so for millions years.

But there was still a Huge limitation, Fang yuan despite being able to go trillion of years in the past or future or observe all Universes, was Never able to the Return to BEFORE TIME since the River of Time only Contained time and before it the river did not exist, even after a hundred millions years searching in the River of time and throughout all Time and Space in all different Universes, fang yuan still couldn’t break through.

But upon looking at one of the Gu worms in his Sovereign aperture, a huge smile flashed on his face.

To the Gu world, Fang yuan was not just a Monster but a complete Sovereign God, with Supreme Authority, it was still in Video format spread all around All the gu world, Fang yuan defeating the Entirety of the 10 Revived Venerables and the new venerable along with Heaven’s will and chaos hundreds of millions of years ago, its still Rings in the entirety of the Gu world as the Absolute Peak, the One without second, The End of the end of the beginning, the Peak any human has ever reached.

Indeed, Heaven’s will had unknowingly somehow merged with Chaos, it seemed even chaos was conscious.

Chaos had Merged with Heaven’s will, Fang yuan at the time was absolutely abhorred and strangely filled with pure excitement mixed with fear for the first time, since it was the most unexpected Destiny song of Feng jiu gu that reunited the Complete opposites, heaven and chaos into One!

A Complete turn of the tables since Fang yuan had already killed all venerables before and had advanced to the Absolute peak of rank 9.

Feng jiu gu shielded and living in Chaos and Heaven’s will with destiny song was able to produce a move to revive venerables and another Terrifying killer move, Heavenly Chaos destiny killer killer move, the move itself was still firmly in Rank 9 with only Rank 9 gu’s, but it was near the border between rank 9 and rank 10, made from heaven path, sound path, human path, chaos path and Destiny path, this killer move was specifically designed to work only on Venerables, indeed it is ineffective even to rank 1 gu masters yet could Kill Venerables.

Such is the mystery of the Gu world.

All the venerables revived and strengthened, Chaos, heaven’s will, all with Feng jiu ge at the Lead All against Fang yuan in the Most climactic battle ever, Fang yuan against the Entire world.

Feng jiu ge alone could stand near him and defeat him.

Feng jiu ge thought he could kill fang yuan, and he absolutely was about to until a slight smile appeared on fang yuan’s face.


In a flash, with fang yuan as the center a Huge Unfathomable Explosion of Inertia and Hot air Spread, it pushed everyone and everything, causing cracks in time and space and even nearly destroying the entire Gu world!

Feng jiu ge stood up only to Witness what no one has ever expected.

A Rank 10 Being stood in front of Feng jiu ge

Multicoloured dao marks rippled all over his body, runes of rainbow like light shining all over Fang yuan’s strong body which would switch between all colours, Fang yuan stood midair, unmoved, untouched, undisturbed and expressionless.

All these memories flashed in Fang yuan’s mind for a moment, hundreds of millions of years have passed since then, he was so hot-headed when he was in his youth due to being in constant mortal danger,

Looking at that Gu, a slight smile flashed on fang yuan’s lips.

What Gu was that could bring such memories back even hundreds of millions of years later?

What could it be But the Rank 10 Destiny Gu!

The Rank 10 Destiny gu, the Rank 10 Spring autumn cicada, the Rank 10 Derivation Gu, Rank 10 Wisdom Gu, Rank 10 Self Gu, Rank 9 Advance refinement, Rank 9 Love Gu, Reconstructed and advanced Rank 9 Fate gu…

5 Rank 10 Gu and hundreds of rank 9 gu all used

The time had come indeed! Transcending Existence and Non-Existence, After this absorption of all the Dao marks and returning to the Absolute Quintessential Elemental Origin, his Ultimate goal will be achieved

Everything ends Here.

Fang yuan will become the Only Existence! The Only Being! Space and time, All existence will be devoured, the universes, all beings, Everything will be absorbed and Reverse refined to its Smallest Subtlest Absolutest!

Nothing will ever exist ever again Except Fang yuan for all Eternity.

Fang yuan will usurp Existence itself! Hold the True Jewel for himself alone!

Only Fang yuan will remain!

But What is Fang yuan? Its just an identity, thoughts, a story

to Conquer infinity, identity itself must be thrown away

Now Fang yuan has no-name, no identity, that’s the price to become God.

Fang Yuan activates the Gu house.

The Entire Spaceless Formation which encompasses all Space in the gu world and all Universes Bursts forth!

The Entirety of All Dao marks for the first time since the Beginning of Time Synchronize! and are tuned into the same Mode of Existence!

The Entire Killer move with Fang yuan at its center Exploded forward in a Cataclysm of a Spaceless Timeless Immortal Energy!

Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later, Fang yuan began to phase forward through time and space as he Meshed with the Dao Continuum, As Fang yuan began to absorb All that exists!

The Dao marks in All Existence and even the Void itself started to be Reverse refined! from the trillions of billions of paths! some started to merge, weapon path with sword path, water path and ice path, fire path and smoke path…

The entirely of the Endless diversity was being reverse refined and merging all by Fang Yuan’s will.

At some point a part of the heaven path, earth path and human path dao marks merged which gave Destiny dao marks! time path and space path merge into Space-time path! Rule path and law path merged as well into Rules and regulations path...

At a Crucial Point All Dao Marks Return to a SINGLE POINT.

This would be Impossible! If there is no space, how can one live? Fang yuan had planned all, an isolated black space with small little stars was isolated still existed but outside this, All Space-time everywhere else had vanished, Space Ceased to Exist! even Chaos has ceased to be!

This cannot be understood by a human mind, its Not empty space! the empty space itself no longer exists!

Void of Void!

no analogy or explanation is possible.

The Entirety of the All, the centrillion universes and the infinite expansion of trillions of Dao marks throughout all time had ALL BEEN MADE TO MERGE INTO ONE !

The Entire Gu world was Annihilated and completely Absorbed by Fang yuan!

You would think it would be Destiny dao marks or perhaps rules and regulations that remains or heaven path?

What remained ?


Or more closely known as Existence Dao Marks

Only “No-thing” remained

These dao marks were literally outside time and space yet were time and space at the same time, these dao marks were beyond heaven path and chaos path yet were them, these dao marks cannot be even be called dao “marks” since they are the Dao itself, not a mark of It!

It seemed to even say that Existence dao marks divide into space-time dao marks and other paths.

But Knowing the Clause of Mutual arising, there can be No Existence without Non-existence, then where is this Non-existence.

Only when Fang yuan finished absorbing all Existence and “Dao” Dao marks did he know with absolute certainty that Non-existence IS IN Existence!

They are the Exact Same and In each other, yet at the same time completely different!

This was the True Paradox behind Everything that has ever happened since Before Time.

This was “Dao”

But How did Fang yuan know this or feel it? Did the Dao marks merge to become an Object or an image?

The Exact opposite, All Fang Yuan after absorbing all dao marks in existence was a SUPREME PRESENCE

Something Invisible was “Here”

Fang yuan felt an Unbelievable Presence!! This invisible thing seemed to Encompass both Existence and Non-existence!!

But for some reason even Being Rank 10 was not enough to Know this Presence!!

Only by Reverse Refining all dao marks of All Existence into the primordial original essence and absorbing it can one KNOW IT!

Fang yuan felt that this Presence was very subtle yet at the same time Vaster, Way Vaster, Way Way Vaster than the Entire Expanse of Universes or Space-time or even Existence itself!

Fang yuan felt such a POWER, an INVINCIBLE Source with No Bottom, Even fang yuan felt chills down his spine, how can something be THIS VAST, THIS ENDLESS?! THIS INFINITE EXIST?! IMPOSSIBLE!

The more Fang yuan delved in, the more he Came back Shocked!

The Source or for a better word God was actually BEFORE AND BEYOND Space-Time, without Beginning, Ever-fresh and Not Subject to Any Change!

Fang yuan despite being Rank 10 felt that he was but a microcosm in front of this Limitlesness!!

despite all the chills running down his spine, a huge brimming smile appeared on his face

A Deep realisation hit fang yuan’s to his Absolute Core, THIS WAS THE GOAL ALL ALONG!

It was Not Existence nor Eternal Life nor exciting fights nor Exploration, IT WAS BEING ABSOLUTE! INFINITE AND FREE!

Fang yuan began to penetrate more into this Energy, Presence, Being

Suddenly, a huge brimming smile plastered on his face, he even cracked into Crazy Laughter, he seemed Devilish! If one saw him, he would think this Devil is about To Commit the Most Unforgivable Crime in all Existence!

His laughter did not stop, it only became stronger, he seemed like a madman


Why would one laugh this crazily?

Fang yuan had realised, Dao/God is impersonal! meaning he has no sense of self, it only exists without volition, to the Supreme Dao, it never perceived there were universes, these only appeared in it and suddenly fragments of Dao/God got stuck in bodies with other fragments turning into time, space and spliting into infinite diversity of paths and beings

But they were all originally One!

But what does this even matter to Fang yuan?

It was impersonal! Without volition, the ENTIRE DAO/GOD CAN BE USURPED!

Fang yuan can Absorb God since God had no volitions, he can completely conquer and become Him!

It was Finally here in front of him! Especially since Absorbing and assembling all the fragments into the Original indivisble “Dao”, he could feel a strong Link to this Source!

Immediately, with all the Rank 10 Absolute Immortal Killer Moves, fang yuan got to work, there always has been the Risk of losing his body, mind or soul but to one who has been shown Absolute Infinity in front of their eyes, these were trivialities


Time passed


A Lot of Time passed


A Hundred Trillion years later!


The Entire Space in the Remaining Space chamber seemed to start Clinking and cracking

*Clink* *Crack*

*Crack* *Crack*

Space directly shattered and broke like glass falling from a Mirror


Time began to crack and Stop as well, inside the only remaining Space in All existence and non-existence

Time would stop, recontinue, stop, recontinue…

Space would crack, break like glass and remerge to being space again, it appeared something was about to happen

Floating in the middle of Black empty space, motionless, was a man in a meditative position

His eyes were shining with yellow white light that seemed to encompass Everything!

White rainbow runes were shining all over his body

In his yellow eye light, it seemed Everything existed yet nothing existed at all at the same time

Yet it was not clear wheter the man was alive or not

Indeed, in 100 trillion years, that body had not moved a militimeter, not even breathing

Yet it was this Man which was before but a microcosm in all of Existence, having lived through the vecissitudes of endless time had finally perhaps stepped Beyond time and space!

In the midst of clinking and cracking space

Suddenly! A slight movement happened

Indeed! finally 100 trillion years later

a pair of lips finally moved

A bright calm smile appeared and a voice echoed

“I am God, the Self of All. Of this there is no doubt.

My nature is Boundless, Changeless, Infinite like unto Limitless Space.

Indeed, I am the Pure Unchanging Essence of Existence, Free of form and death.

I am One with no other, the only Truth, the single essence.

I am Eternal, formless, solitary, Endless.

Who is there to speak about and worship This?

I am more subtle than primordial substance,

more primal than elements, essences and compounds.

I am prior to notions of birth and death.

Indeed, when the universe is created, it is made out of Me.

I am Still, Undivided, Indifferent.

I am the Supreme Reality, forever Supreme and Eternal.

Before anything was, I Am. I never am not.

The entire Universe exists only inside my own spaceless timeless Mind.

I am Everything and Nothing.

All Existence and Non-existence is only the seed of my own imagination.

I have no mother, no father, no family, no caste nor was I ever born.

I know nothing of birth and death.

How can I speak about beginning or end?

I am before and beyond such notions—

My nature is Absolute Freedom

I exist without evolution, I never began nor end.

Being is Limitless and Eternal, without beginning, beyond any law.

It limitless, beginningless and eternal.

I am forever free and boundless, no beginning, no middle, no end.

I am Everything everywhere forever.

I am Nothing nowhere now.

I alone Exist! Limitless, eternal, all-encompassing.

Truly, I alone exist, all-pervasive and never-ending.

I am Eternal and Omnipresent, Undivided, All-Pervasive,

Beyond Existence.

I Alone Exist! Limitless, Eternal, All-Encompassing.

I am the Eternal Source of All, from me all Existence flows out like rivers from the Sea.

I am One. I am Absolute.

I am spotless and at peace—

All this life, I have been duped by the illusion of life,

By “this Light” alone the body and the Universe appear

Having seen for certain that he Universe exists only inside my own spaceless timeless Mind

I am revealed as God, never have I been anything but God

The whole grand universes are nothing but my own imaginations

Knowing this, I am forevermore Eternal and Infinite.

I Alone Exist! Limitless, Eternal, All-Encompassing.

I was not creation or existence or any combination of both.

I am the Ever-Rising, That Which Never is Not.

My effulgence is beyond Light and Darkness. Beyond Existence.

I Alone Exist! Limitless, Eternal, All-Encompassing.

I am neither alive nor lifeless

I neither come nor go

I have no inside or outside

Not bound by birth or death, I light Eternity!

Not bound by time or space, I light Eternity!

Not bound by being or non-being, I light Eternity!

Not subject to creation or destruction, I light Eternity!

I alone exist! Limitless, Eternal, All-Encompassing.

Indeed, I am the Absolute, the One Reality.

To what should I offer my devotion?

I am the essence beyond space and time, existence and non-existence

I have no desires, I am All that Is – Forever free and boundless

I am the Supreme Being, formless, unbounded, limitless, Infinite, untouched by anything

Supremely pure and Free, absorbed in infinite Bliss

So do I recite this poem and abide in my Beauty Forevermore”


It is an Eternal Mystery wheter it was Fang yuan or God that spoke those words, perhaps both


Within the Only Reality, in the Timeless spaceless Mind of Fang yuan/God :

just as Fang yuan finished his poem, Immediately the entirety of remaining Space and time wrapped around his fingers in a black and white rotating ball, his supreme soul had already transcended being or non-being and existed nowhere spacelessly and timelessly

But since Fang yuan had absorbed all the “Dao” before Transcending, not much existence remained

One would think this would be the end

But the next moment


fang yuan snapped his finger

INSTANTLY THE ENTIRETY OF THE GU WORLD was Timelessly CREATED with all Its Beings and Things in not even a Microsecond! not even that, It was created in No Time at all!

Trillions of beings emanated from Literally Pure Nothingness!!


Fang had Complete AWARENESS OF ALL EXISTENCE, Everything in the Gu World WAS HIM, he could effortlessly BE Everything.

This body was neither him nor not him, as he is the timeless Mind itself thus complete control over everything that exists effortlessly.

But Fang yuan had no need for such a thing so he Refocused his Endless infinite Attention on this specific mortal body



“Fang Yuan Hand over the Spring autumn cicada!”

“Fang Yuan you damn demon, just because you wanted to cultivate the Spring Autumn Cicada, you’ve gone and killed thousands of people. You’ve committed too many unforgivable, heinous sins!“

“Demon, 300 years ago you insulted me, took away my body’s purity, killed my entire family and executed my nine generations. From that moment onwards, I hated you with a burning passion! Today, I want you to die!”

Fang yuan had recreated the world without much thought but to think he would return to the day he was about to be killed a hundred trillion years before!

Fang yuan laughed "hahaha"

He could literally create a Rank 10 gu with a thought, he could Create the entire Gu World without effort, he could improve it, he could make it have RANK 100 if he wanted, he could as well COMPLETELY DESTROY IT with a Thought!

HE was truly Limitless as he is not the Body alone, its just that he focused his timeless’s mind attention on the body alone to be Fang yuan but he was beyond being just That!

He could recreate a rank 10 in no time but how boring would that be?

Thus he pretended to be killed and returned without even needing the spring autumn cicada in the river of time

Fang yuan was now back in time to the Gu yue village

A slight smile appeared


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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