The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

People in the world can only see Styx after death. This is generally accepted. Of course, a fanatic who pursued the truth tried to record the experience of death. That person used special magic to preserve his consciousness. Until the time he had to dissipate, this precious record was kept in the temple. Ruzius had personally handed it. Flip through.

In that record, the dead came to the bank of the Styx, where they did the last earthly food, usually a portion of porridge, a cross-section bag, and then they would wander in the boundless dark wasteland, Styx It flows forever in the middle of the wasteland. The soul will gradually lose its consciousness and memory. There is no pain in this process, and in the end, it will become one of the countless shadows wandering in the wilderness.

Because of the protection of the goddess, Ruzius was able to see the Styx as a living being. At this moment, looking at the galloping nightmare, his eyes flickered slightly, but soon, he focused more attention on Ah. On Resio.

“I thought you would wait a little longer,” he said.

“No.” The silver cross on Arecio’s neckline flashed, “After destroying the farm and the Southeast Division, immediately attacked him. Such a high-frequency attack may be just beyond Theo’s expectation.”

Arecio lowered his eyes. In fact, this was just the reason for the neurosis. The reason why he rushed to do it was related to himself. The Styx in the memory has begun to flow, which should be some kind of omen, or urging.

His subconscious mind was urging him. During this period of time, Theo, who was too quiet, didn’t know what he was preparing. He even ignored the fall of the Southeast Branch and the farm, and even released the hunter Amon, which was obviously at a critical juncture. With Arecio’s understanding of Theo, he must not wait for the other party to be fully prepared, otherwise they may lose.

“Not to mention this time, I am not stupid enough to fight alone.”

In the endless dreamland, a large number of military aircraft passed by, and the group of Griffins guarded the surroundings. This is not all. In the dreamland, on the light rosy sky during the sun-moon communication, a black fissure suddenly appeared, and countless soul butterflies swarmed down. They were just pilots, and the real master was still rushing forward.

Crawvenson fluttered his wings, keeping pace with the nightmare Arecio was riding.

“His Royal Highness Alessio, Helgodon is about to catch up with the big army, and he also brought a few werewolves who only wanted to make merits.”

“He is not with the big army.” Arecio simply said, “Hitomi, is there a ruin around it?”

It was not Hitomi who answered him. I also rode on the back of the nightmare, and immediately responded when he heard the words.

“Yes, the Beizhu City site is currently being used as a scenic spot.”

“Let Helgodon turn there! The Bramble River and the Golden Gate are probably just a cover. The werewolf tribe is extremely mobile. Let them step on several important places around them.”

Crawvenson responded, and the werewolves and some military forces who were about to catch up with the large forces immediately turned their directions, Helgodon rushed in the forefront, and the silvery white fur gleamed on the road of dreams. While he is running, he will also pay attention to his family around him.

“There will be no rest in the middle of the journey.” He warned, “After arriving at the destination, it is very likely that a fight will break out.”

The werewolves responded with a roar without fear. After the dream curtain opened by the nightmare, Helgodon’s excellent eyesight had already captured the shadow of that distant ancient city.

Beizhu City Ruins-Arrived!

“Kosinia, divide the troops!” He roared, and the smaller werewolf who was running next to him also responded with a roar. The werewolf team began to split and circled the ancient city in two strands. The military reconnaissance plane immediately flew out and searched over the ruins.

This is a precious relic that is not open to tourists. Usually only some professionals perform maintenance. It should have been notified by the military to go to the building, but there are still figures shaking during the detection of the reconnaissance plane.

Helgodon is cautious and vigilant, but this does not affect the werewolf’s superior mobility. He captured someone almost immediately and tried to interrogate him, but that person gave him a sly smile.

Controlled by bugs!

Helgodon immediately backed away, a move that allowed him to successfully avoid the gushing worm eggs. In this situation, the military cannot leave the aircraft at all, let alone assist in the offensive. Helgodon looked solemn, he opened the frost, blessed the tribe, and sent a message to Areciou.

“Areci, I need to swap with me!”

“I’m rushing over! Can you hold on?”

Helgodon nodded heavily. If they were just defending, they could hide in the military shield and wait for me to come…

Suddenly, something in the ruins attracted Helgodon’s attention.

He stared blankly at the sphere that suddenly appeared in the ruins. No, it didn’t appear suddenly, but slowly rose from the bottom of the earth. The huge scale was almost the same as the pupil. This scene was like a ruin with a black sun rising up!

“Hergodon?!” Arecio asked hurriedly on the communication side, he had already smelled some unusual breath.

Helgodong opened his mouth, and his ice-blue eyes suddenly widened! He quickly threw down Kosinia to the side, and a black light swept over them, destroying several military aircraft! The “buzzing” tremor still remained in the air, and Helgodon felt that his brain was also buzzing, accompanied by a dilapidated headache. This round of black sun launched a mental attack!

“Hurry up…” He spoke slowly, blocking in front of the tribe, staring at the black sphere.

“This thing is like a pupil.”

Arecio listened to the noise on the communication side, his expression condensed slightly, and again confirmed that I was about to arrive, before starting to study the screen that was passed back. In the picture, the black sphere spreads light beams around, and a large amount of dark power escapes around. Accompanied by mental attacks, it is really hard to figure out what the temple is doing.

what is this? Why did it take effort to build it? Seeing the concentration of dark power contained in it, the temple has to put most of the dark power accumulated over the years into it!

“Hitomi?” Arecio could only ask Hitomi, and Hitomi’s clone was floating on his light screen, flickering slightly.

[There is interference around, and it is temporarily unable to analyze the inside. 】

“When will we be able to analyze? What conditions do we need to create for you?” Areciou asked, not analyzing means unknown. If the pupil with the strongest scanning and analyzing ability can’t analyze it, Helgodon and I are there. It’s too difficult.

[As long as I fly, there is nothing I can’t see clearly. 】

“Then how can you…”

“Areci!” The saint interrupted Arecio’s questioning, and glanced at Hitomi, so Hitomi stopped talking. Arecio seemed to understand, he gritted his teeth.

“Fly, Hitomi!”

Without a reaction, Hitomi looked at him lovingly, gently turning left and right, as if comforting.

Alessio took a deep breath, barely calming his chaotic mood, he was full of self-blame now. He knew that he was a kind of fire and would play a vital role in the entire three-pillar recovery plan, but he was obviously missing the chain now. If Qi Zhi can’t return to his position, the three pillars can’t stand up again, the world can’t restore balance, and the **** of slander can continue to intervene.

But he didn’t know what he could do, only the memory of Styx became clearer and clearer.

“I don’t know what I can do… Am I really what you call the fire? Can I really re-elevate the three pillars? I…”


The saint interrupted him again.

“I never treated you as a kind of fire. Even if I drag you into the coffin, I just want you to live. It doesn’t matter whether you can ignite the world again.”

Arecio looked at him, and the saint smiled in his eyes.

“If you feel a lot of pressure, then we will ruin the pupil, and it will become a hundred, whatever it will become.”


What kind of neurotic behavior! Of course Arecio called a stop!

Hitomi: trembling.jpg

“Don’t worry, Helgodon will not die for a while. I will help him again. If the guardians of this generation will die so easily, then the world will be destroyed, and we can’t keep watching for protection. .”

Arecio calmed down for a while, and another small spot of light floated beside him, but no one noticed it during the rapid movement. After sneaking this little light spot into the bottle again, Arecio calmed down and started talking.

“We can analyze it now. As the guardian of Behemoth, Helgodon’s feelings are of great reference value. We can tentatively designate the black sun on the Beizhu city ruins as a pupil based on his description. A copy of it.”

The saint nodded slightly, with a smile in his eyes.

“Yes, and where the dark sun rises should also be very important.”

“Beizhu City… the place where the branches rise and fall…” Arecio thoughtfully, he seemed to be vaguely aware of Theo’s intentions, but it was still unclear.

“Will he…”

“Maybe it is intended to interfere with Qizhi’s normal take-off.” Said the saint, “Such a huge dark energy body has the same scale as the current pupil, supplemented by some magic circles… Qizhi, I am afraid you are the most talkative about this question. Right.”

The pupil on the light screen had already started to spin in place. Obviously, he knew better than Arecio and Ruzius who could only rely on guesswork.

[Please confirm immediately whether there is a magic circle in the Beizhu City ruins. 】

Among the murmurs, Helgodon’s violent gasps.

[Yes, there are many patterns, but I don’t know them. 】


I often feel desperate because the guardian of Behemoth is a scumbag.

“I don’t fully know it! But there is a sacrificial purpose! I see the relevant characters!”

At the critical moment, I arrived. His arrival shared the pressure of Helgodon and provided very important information.

“Theo, this is… to let the artificial Hitomi undergo enshrinement and gain a certain divinity?”

[It must be a slanderous idea! 】Hitomi rarely has mood swings, 【This imitation can never deceive the law, but once it takes off, I will not be able to take off in the short term! 】

This is deadly right now, and the whole situation will fall into Theo’s control!

At this time, where the temple was, Theo finally smiled. His appearance is a bit older than before. Obviously, this old age cannot be recovered. The slander whispers in his ear, telling him that everything is going according to the plan.

He also prepared a big gift for his child.

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