The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Styx, one of the world’s bases flowing under the dark ground.

If it wasn’t for the ancient goddess Freina to fall voluntarily, then there would never be a little bit of life here. The fallen goddess and Styx gave birth to a dark **** system. During the battle, the three sons went to the earth, and only the young son stayed between the skirts of the goddess.

This is not to love the young son, but compared to his brothers, the little red fish is more like his father. There is no godhead, no life or death, and no extra feelings. The goddess’ skirt is his entire world, and everything on the earth is very far away from him.

Even destruction has nothing to do with Him.

Little Red Fish is always dreaming, all dreams are prophecies, he has more than once dreamed of fire and rain destroying the earth. I have done this kind of dream thousands of times. After finding that all dreams point to this result, the little red fish opened his eyes and saw his mother.

[The world will be destroyed. 】

He vomited prophecies of destruction.

[Mother, recall my brothers, the ground is no longer safe. 】

However, the goddess just smiled sadly, and then slowly shook his head, his eyes were long and deep, betting affectionately on the earth.

[I have recalled them. 】The goddess said, 【But they don’t want to come back. 】

The children of the goddess love the creatures on the earth and choose to live and die with those creatures.

【I do not understand. ] Little Red Fish was confused, [Those creatures, what is there to be nostalgic for? 】

He really resembles his father, as the safety device of the world, operating completely indifferently.

The goddess flicked the skirt, and in the undulating water, he held his youngest child in his palm.

【look. 】

He pointed to the little red fish to see the souls wandering in the wasteland. Some souls are fresh, with a faint light on their bodies, which makes them look extremely holy. The little red fish stared at the lights in a daze. This was the first time he saw him. He almost never looked up at the surface of the water.

[Those souls are the souls of heroes. 】

[Those lights are the crowns of heroes. 】

【Among thousands of creatures, there will always be such luminous ones born. Just staring at them, even gods can’t help but feel happy. 】

Little Red Fish lowered his head and glanced at the glowing elves around him, the goddess’ laughter fell from above his head.

[No, my child, that light is not emitted by elves, their souls are naturally shining. Your brothers, they are also accompanied by elves, but even if the elves leave, they can still shine, because the crown of heroes is worn on their heads. 】

The little red fish shook his empty head. He didn’t have a crown. This discovery made him frustrated.

He raised his head, broke free of his mother’s hand, and fell into the Styx, with the yarn-like fishtails around him, and he swam to a certain shore without looking back. Sitting on the bank was a luminous soul with his head hanging down, not knowing what he was thinking.

[Can you give me your crown? 】Little red fish emerged from the Styx, looking at the soul. The soul has pale platinum blonde hair, and the sky-like eyes are always filled with haze. He looked down at the little red fish in the water, his eyelashes moved.


The little red fish fell on his back in the water.

“My crown and my radiance are because I made a prophecy of extinction, and lonely prophesied to struggle for this world to the end.” The soul spoke slowly, but the little red fish was inexplicably angry.

[Are you showing off to me? 】

“You have misunderstood, and I express my heartfelt contempt for you.”


The little red fish is going to die of anger, he must have the crown of this soul.

[I exchange with you, human. 】The water of the Styx surrounds her side, allowing the little red fish to find a little confidence in being at home, 【What do you want? I can even bring you back from the dead, as long as you give me the crown. 】

[You may still have a little bit of the temperament and obsessions from before you were alive. After a while, you won’t remember anything. 】

“…Resurrected from the dead?”

【Correct! ] The little red fish wagged its tail triumphantly. [It’s okay to keep the memory, aren’t you sorry? I can bring you back to life with the prophecy of annihilation, and you still have a lifetime to work on, at the cost of a mere hero’s crown. 】

“It sounds like you don’t care about the destruction of the world?”

Little Red Fish showed an expression that truly belonged to God, no, maybe a little more indifferent than God, it was an expression that belonged to the “device”.

[Whether the world is destroyed or not is not within my jurisdiction. My mission is just to make the Styx flow backward when the world is about to collapse, and then everything will be over from the beginning, the new world will rise from the Styx, and everything in the world will resurrect. 】

[Even if you agree to the transaction, I will delete this memory for you. This is not something that humans should know. 】

The soul looked at the little red fish in the Styx with a strange look.

“It sounds like… you are so… supernatural.”

He repeated it again in a soft tone.

“It’s… supernatural power…”

“I changed my mind. I am willing to trade with you and give you the crown of heroes.”

【really? Then I will bring you back to life at once! 】

“No, I want to trade something else.” The soul smiled at the little red fish. “You are so magical and admirable in my heart. Can I… touch you religiously?”

This is much easier than resurrection from the dead. Although leaving Styx is a bit risky,… the little red fish really wants that crown. Although this person is a bit disgusting and not that bad, after accepting the touch, he will be resurrected with extra grace. This is his magnanimity as the son of the goddess.

[Yes, you can touch it, neither the tail nor the head, you can touch my fin…]

The little red fish floated from the Styx, stretched out a fin like alms, and the soul stretched out his hand to him, and then—

He grabbed him in one hand!

【! ! ! 】

The soul didn’t even hesitate for a second, and began to run towards the luminous gate where souls were constantly pouring in. He clearly knows that he is blaspheming God, and the soul may be crushed in the end, but this is probably the last hope of a world that is about to be destroyed.

[Are you crazy? Do you want to crush your soul? ! The little red fish came out of his hand laboriously, almost yelling, and his fish tail broke free, slamming the back of the lunatic’s hand.

【let go! I can’t leave Styx! 】

“The crown cannot be obtained by trading. Even if I give you the crown, you will only have the crown.”

“Far from being a hero.”

The little red fish’s body trembled because of anger. At this moment, he completely forgot that he was a “device” and completely forgot his mission. As long as he waited for the destruction of the world, he only knew that the human being with the crown of heroes was really in Look down on him!

【What do you know? ! you……】

“At least I have fought for this world. It’s better than if you only knew that the turtle was hiding in the river.”

The black-clad Styx guard came up to stop the human soul who had robbed the young goddess, but was swept aside by the two tails of the little red fish. Leaving the Styx greatly weakened the power of the young goddess, but it has never been like this moment. It seemed to burn completely.

[I will prove it to you! I can also get the crown! 】

The Styx came turbulently, but the goddess’ skirt was intercepted midway, and the little red fish glanced in the direction of his father and mother, and then immediately turned his head back.

[You also resurrected me, and watched with your own eyes how I got the crown! 】

He swept the nasty human soul into the door with a tail, and then yelled in the direction of the goddess.

[Mother, I will bring my brothers back! Bring the crown back too! 】

Then, he also rushed into the door. The soul had risen to the top, but he quickly caught up. Seeing the withered fate root system gathered in the great underground, he did not regret it, this is the gray earth doomed to destruction, even he could not reverse the picture seen in the dream.

Then-cut it!

The vertical axis of gold emerges before him. He is the actual controller of the Styx, who can mobilize the power of time and space flowing in the Styx. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and used the tip of his tail to move the timeline that marked the rain of fire to the front, and many fate events were suddenly crowded and stacked together. However, such a move left a gap for thousands of years after the rain of fire. The gap is a remnant opportunity. It will not destroy the world, but an epoch.

After doing this, Little Red Fish let out a long sigh of relief. He was really tired, but he still remembered to keep that wicked witness alive. He swam forward, and the veil-like fish tail surrounded the human soul, fluctuating like flames, as if burning. He looked at it for a long while, and he has always been as turbulent as Styx, and it turned out that there were times when it was burning.

Perceiving that he was touching the boundary, he closed his eyes.

His fire ignited the gray earth.


In the nursery center, Hitomi’s whole body burst into an unprecedented splendor! Surrounded by countless light bands, he is experiencing violent expansion and contraction. The instruments have all collapsed, and he can no longer record his values. Finally, the black and white eye pupils were covered with a gray cloud, and the outer shell began to harden. Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the tip of the pupil was pecked away by the sharp beak from the inside, and the white bird broke out of the shell and sent out a long time to the sky. Tweets.

He has been recognized by the fire, and the three pillars are about to return.

I seemed to be aware of the ruins of Beizhu City. He pressed his chest and looked at the floating black sun.

“It’s just a botched copy after all.” He said softly, and a slight smile appeared from his eyes. He took a deep breath and knelt down on one knee respectfully in a certain direction.

“My **** Suzhi.”

Helgodon also bowed his head deeply, showing respect for the gods. Then they raised their heads together and watched the white birds fluttering from the sky pecking the black sun. The black sun stubbornly resisted for a while, and then completely collapsed, Qizhi swallowed the massive darkness power, and screamed again.

The various layouts of the temple finally made the wedding dresses for Qizhi’s take-off.

In the center of the temple, the slanderous **** who used Theo’s body changed his face, and he looked at Arecio in surprise.


“It was you who pulled God off the court first.” Arecio said softly, “Of course, I won’t drop the price like you, and I need to do it myself.”

He raised his deep rosy eyes and looked at the saint. By coincidence, the other person was also looking at him. With only the dignified and holy appearance, he would never have thought of the dogishness inside. Arecio smiled, and he opened his arms to each other, and the Holy One immediately hugged him.

“Areci.” Ruzius lowered his eyelashes. He was not happy about the victory at the moment. He knew that Arecio had a special identity, but he had never thought that the other party would be the youngest son of the goddess. God is bound by the Goddess Covenant, and the fate of the slanderous **** caused Arecio to follow him. He instinctively felt that it was ominous.

The divine might above his head was still under heavy pressure, but the face of the **** of slander was extremely pale.

In the case of God vs. God, a God like him who is only good at playing tricks behind his back has no chance of winning at all. What’s more, this is Styx!

The Qizhi suddenly lifted into the sky, and the Styx rushed in. At the center of all the whirlpools, Arecio, who had given the saint’s blessings, closed his right eye, and the sword embracing rose tattoo suddenly appeared in its entirety. This is the favor given to him by his mother. Of course, God cannot give the favor of another god, so his mother must have a different meaning.

For example-this sword surrounded by roses!

The tattoo sword fell off and zoomed in the air, leaving only scattered roses around Arecio’s eyes. The dignified cold light pierced the eyes of the slanderous god, and he looked at the young goddess and motioned to the saint to hold the sword.

That is undoubtedly a sword that can kill the gods!

He knew that the situation was over, but he refused to catch it. He screamed at the ground, and the slander of the purple slander swarmed down with noisy whispers, and the sage only raised the sword slightly. In a moment, a sharp sword light was reflected in it. In the vision of the **** of slander.

He was hit and fell down. At this moment, he heard the voice of the young goddess.

“From me into the city of sorrow, from me into the suffering of eternal life, from me into the unforgettable crowd…”

This is a phrase that Arecio said when he liberated the Red Moon King City. Even if it is all liberated, it will only end in this sentence. These three words themselves are the life portrayal of Arecio who has been transformed into a blood clan. But this time, he continued reading, and the realm after that was undoubtedly the nobleness that did not belong to the world.

“Justice promotes the noble Creator, the divine power, the highest wisdom, the original love…”

This is about the ancient goddess Freina, who scattered the flowers of heaven in the world, so all things are alive and prosperous ever since.

“Created me, there was a creation before me…”

The red fish used to be three pillars, and loves the creatures on the earth like the goddess. When it comes to the little red fish, it is closer to the Styx.

Arecio raised his eyes, the water lingered beside him, he looked sideways and glanced at the saint. No one knows better than him what will happen in the future. His brothers are already calling out to ask him to leave the world and return to the gods.


He spit out the last words, and the Styx immediately drowned everyone.

“Except for permanent existence…”

“And I will live forever.”

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