The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

The Oriental branch is distinguished by its single-character name, and each word contains different meanings, entrusting the care and expectations of parents and relatives. Some are called “mountains” and “trees” to protect children from natural objects; some are called “dragon” and “phoenix”, which are to be admired by totems and beasts; the most special category has the meaning of emperor in its name. The name belongs only to the most noble character among nobles——

An emperor with destiny in the east.

The emperor takes the death as the boundary for rotation, usually human beings. As the emperor, the dark creature is the first time Arecio has heard of it.

Arecio knew this, so he asked the same.

“The emperor?”

“Yes… Now only the function of etiquette…” I curled my eyes, “In fact, treat me as an ordinary person, I just have a fairly special name.”

When he was talking, the paper talisman on his forehead fluttered, and Arecio looked a little bit to laugh. I seemed to have realized something, and immediately pulled out a small clip from my pocket, pinched the paper talisman on my head, and puffed out my cheeks towards Arecio.

Arecio: …puff.

This time, Alessio came to me for something, and of course it was him for the afternoon tea. When the caregiver left, he ordered the small stove in the canteen, and the canteen made a special trip to make many kinds of oriental desserts, accompanied by fragrant tea. Although Arecio didn’t have much contact with the Eastern branch thousands of years ago, he can appreciate the food culture of various places. He is very skillful in making snacks and drinking tea. I am surprised.

“Does Alessi use chopsticks? Next time I invite Alessi to have hot pot!” He said with a smile, “I will bring special pot bottom materials, it will be very fragrant! Let’s call Helgodon and Lu WEAT!”

I am undoubtedly the most normal and extroverted dark creature that Arecio has ever seen. He even felt that he was talking to a normal dark creature ten thousand years ago. If it weren’t for the lightness of the conversation, Ah Resio almost made a mistake.

However, this level is also quite rare, giving Arecio a little more confidence in what is going to be discussed today.

“What I want to say is about the Federation of Dark Creatures.” Arecio put down the tea cup and clasped his fingers on his legs. He raised his red pupil and looked at his eyes so close, I only felt as if I was staring at a blade.

“Aili said that you are one of the vice presidents of the Dark Creatures Association. I want to ask what the Association does daily?”

I thought about it seriously.

“Organizing events and the like… Some dark creatures are very keen to be organizers, and the center will sponsor them to hold various activities, most of which are carried out for the dark creatures.”

“There are also all important decisions about dark creatures that need to be passed by the Federation. The “Federal Dark Creatures Protection Act” was finally passed by the Federation.” I am obviously familiar with these, and he said again. As an example, “Lucy no longer has any caregiver until she is mentally stable. This decision was also passed by the Federation.”

Arecio listened carefully, and finally, he asked:

“Have you vetoed any bills or decisions?”

I was stunned, but immediately, he showed a faint smile.

“I see what you mean, Areci.”

He lowered his head to think, as if he was organizing words, and after a while he lifted it up again and glanced at the direction of nurturing people. At that distance, his caregiver was chatting with Ai Li, and didn’t care about the dialogue in this direction. Of course the dark creature has freedom of speech, he just… doesn’t want to hurt his nurturer, because before Arecio appeared, all his thoughts could be called apostasy.

Maybe some people want to laugh, they are already worrying about food and clothing, and they are already eye-catching. What changes do they want to change? But I feel that at least among the dark creatures he knows, there are many hopes to change the status quo.

Arecio is like a kind of fire. It has recovered from ten thousand years ago and is about to ignite the fire of this change.

He has seen the future of Liaoyuan.

“Areci,” he asked softly, “Do you want to change?”

Arecio turned his eyes to look at him, only to see me slowly getting up, wide sleeves like bird wings curled up. Across a round table, he brought the best-looking snack in front of him to Arecio. Arecio was a little inexplicable. He didn’t know what I meant, so he hesitated to take the snack.

“I’ll give it for nothing!” I simply said, “Take me one!”

Unexpectedly, he was given a wave of vain, Arecio looked dazed, he subconsciously picked up a snack and put it in his mouth. The opposite I was sure that Alessio had eaten his snack, sat down again in peace, and began to fumble around.

Finally, he found out a stack of business cards and sent one to Arecio. Arecio took it over and saw that the business card was actually handwritten, which seemed to be the result of a division of labor and cooperation, with a line of text written in the round bold font—

[Dark Creature Alliance. 】

My name should be smaller, affixed below, Arecio looked at the position, still the deputy leader, disrespectful and disrespectful.

“Although I am the vice president of the Federation, I want to say that the Dark Creatures Federation has almost no decision-making power and execution power. It is an organization that exists only in name.” I first made a foreshadowing, and his tone seemed very reliable at this time. Calmly, “No investigation was conducted, no multiple meetings were held for a certain proposed bill, no one opposed it at the only meeting, no one put forward a better opinion, and no one even abstained…”

“I don’t understand politics or anything, but I know that this is the result of the vast majority of dark creatures voluntarily giving up thinking.”

His original tone was heavy, and he had counted the various shortcomings of the Dark Creatures Association, and suddenly he changed his conversation and suddenly became lighthearted.

“But our dark creature alliance is very reliable!”


“Wow, you’re so indifferent! Shouldn’t it feel a bit overwhelming at this time!”


“This is our collective organization founded by dark creatures who are interested in changing the status quo! Because I gave it for nothing, it is equivalent to you! Alessi! One more pair of wings!”

With a pair of wings, Arecio held his forehead in one hand and a business card in the other, silently watching my enthusiastic Amrita join the group. Although it is a good thing to know that some dark creatures have changed minds, the reliability of the alliance that I said is different from the Federation is really worrying.

He turned his business card to me and pressed a word with his fingertips.

“This word is spelled wrong.”


I put the paper talisman on my head down again to cover my face, lying on the table, Alessio pushed back the snacks that I had provided him, so that the other party could also eat. I shook my head, and after being decadent for a while, I regained my spirit.

“Today is a bit late, tomorrow, I will take you to the Emerald Inner Sea to meet our leader, even if you join the organization!”

Arecio’s gaze then turned to the Emerald Inner Sea through the floor-to-ceiling windows. There are also a large number of dark creatures inhabiting the inland sea, but most of them, like sea snakes, do not possess human intelligence unless…

With superior vision, Arecio saw the two bright and huge “corals” standing still on the sea.

He seems to… know what race the leader is.

“Then Areci, we will meet here tomorrow.”

I thought I had sold it a little bit, so I happily bid farewell to Alessio. His nurturer is a beautiful woman with a very oriental charm, and also owes farewell to Arecio. When I walked out of the cafeteria, there were people greeted him along the way. He was able to call everyone’s name and even talk about each other’s current situation.

Arecio watched him leave and looked down at the round table. There was a slanted paper crane on the table, which seemed to be folded from some book page, covered with words. He unfolded this page, thinking it was something similar to a hand-painted business card, but after seeing the content, he paused.

The dinner that night was a bit different. It was not delivered by the center. Instead, it became a dinner that I bought myself and made myself.

As for the taste…

After the meal, Ruzius threw the bowl into the dishwasher, and when he turned his head, he saw the kinsman lying dead on the sofa.

“…It’s delicious.” Arecio was still inexplicably, “I have another bowl.”

Ruzius glanced at him faintly, and took out the washed bowls and arranged them one by one.

“Half a week’s stock has been eaten. Should I be glad that you are a blood clan? You won’t be crushed to death.”

Arecio has a short mouth, shut up and doesn’t like him.

“How do you think of cooking by yourself?” After a while, he finally couldn’t help being curious and asked.

“Since I can find food by myself, why be a chick waiting to be fed.” Ruzius tidyed the kitchen and came out with a plate of fruit. The fruits are placed on the table, and the Holy Light seal is specially applied, and only two are allowed a day, just to prevent the blood from eating them all tonight.

Alessio thinks about it, why bother to send food to the center, a saint who has completed all bridal courses is living with him.

“As a price for me to cook and clean up the kitchen, tomorrow you will go to the flower garden to loosen the soil.”

“…Why do you have to let me loosen the soil?”

“I want to cultivate the relationship between you and the turnips, so that you don’t plan them out to make potted plants.”

Arecio is not convinced, isn’t his potted plant pretty good-looking!

“I know you are not convinced.” Ruzius said calmly, “but do you know how old the improved tomatoes will grow? From now on, when you get up every day, the tomatoes are within reach… I feel happy when I think about that scene. , Yes, send it to you.”

Arecio doesn’t want it at all now!

Because the tomato potted plants were torn apart for a while, Arecio remembered the business thing he was going to say, and he took out the page I gave him.

“I have a new idea.”

Ruzius nodded slightly, “It just so happens that I have something to show you too.”

Exchange information. Arecio first picked up the documents, which seemed to be related financial forms, and didn’t know where the neuropathy came from. Arecio flipped through the pages. He has experience in various industries, and his expression gradually became heavier as he flipped through them.

How much of the money for the so-called construction of the Dark Creature Rehabilitation Center is actually used for this project?

This is still a resolution passed by the Federation of Dark Creatures. Even if it becomes a tool for some people, many dark creatures still live ignorantly and naively.

Soaked in honey… his poor and lovely compatriots…

Fortunately, according to what I said, there are already some dark creatures who are alert and trying to change.

Ruzius also read the page. The paper was torn from the “Federal Act on the Protection of Dark Creatures.” Although it is not the latest version, Ruzius determined that the decree that is applicable has not changed. Over.

That is, dark creatures have the right to decide their own lives and are responsible for them.

He also understands Arecio’s thinking. With this law escorting him, Arecio will bring a few dark creatures who want to change the status quo to the north to earn military merit. They will open up the situation.

“Hergodon has realized one of the werewolf’s talents, and has a common sense, although the object is a skeleton with a roast chicken; Lucy has made rapid progress in undead magic, and more practice can start to form a small skeletal army; I…I I don’t understand, but this line of thought is the result of his prompting me. He has also been to the northern front several times.”

Arecio dropped the documents that made him angry, leaned back and relaxed, feeling that the future was bright.


The neuropathy is as shallow as he is. Where did you get this information?

Alessio asked, and picked up an apple, ready to chew and listen.

Ruzius glanced at him.

“I suggest you don’t eat apples and listen.”

Arecio lazily took another bite of the sweet and sour pulp.


“The temple has come to win me.”

“Cough cough cough!”

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