The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

I, who was still in the nursery center, didn’t know what was happening underwater. With a little worry, he went to see the new dark creatures with the caregiver. Some workers are using machines to lift a huge water tank from the transport truck. The water tank has a special setting. It looks dark now. When it is completely parked, it will be adjusted to transparent.

“According to the information, it is a water monster named Zelita.” My nurturer smiled slightly, and then his smile faded a little. The facilities there are not too advanced, and they finally stabilized a few days ago, and the headquarters made a special trip to fly it back.”

I was full of compassion and love for this frail compatriot immediately. He watched the staff carefully move the water tank into the center, and the equipment constantly monitored the water monster’s physical condition. He probed again and found that Zhu Heng was also below.

“May the doctor be on duty tonight?”

“seems like it.”

So I stopped asking more questions. He glanced again and felt that Doctor Zhu seemed very happy, and he was also happy.

Zhu Heng was naturally happy. After personally confirming Zelita’s physical condition, he followed all the way to the quarantine area to recuperate. The water monster Zerita is different from the resurrected Arecio. She is as sensitive and fragile as an ordinary dark creature, so she should stay in the center for a long time to gradually adapt, and even needs to stay in the center in the future.

After the water monsters were set up, the staff left one after another, leaving only the doctors and temporary caregivers on duty. Zhu Heng looked nostalgic for a while before finishing his things and getting off work. On the way back to the medical office, he met the oncoming me.

“I wish you doctor, hello.” As always, I was outgoing, “How is Zelita’s condition? When can we visit her?”

Zhu Heng smiled. He took out a golden candy from his pocket and gave it to me, and touched his head.

“Soon, she needs to get used to it for a few days, when she will invite some dark creatures to play.”

“Then can I come and see her with Alessi?”

It seems that they have become good friends. Zhu Heng is unsmiling. He is happy to see the relationship between the dark creatures get better, and the concentrated nurturing method of the nursery center is also conducive to the dark creatures to have a good relationship, but…

The center’s rescue method was unable to save the previous Zerita.

I was still waiting for a reply, Zhu Heng hurriedly withdrew his thoughts and responded with a smile.

“Of course, not only Alessy, but also Dongdong and Lucy… you can come and visit Zelita together.”

Come and see…Zelita who is recovering…

Zhu Heng got on the night shuttle bus at the center. He had little desire for material things, so he didn’t buy a car, and his house was allocated by the center. He really doesn’t need much, his life after being saved is all burned for dark creatures.

The bus was very quiet, and the staff who had been busy all day for the dark creatures were already very tired. Zhu Heng closed his eyes too, he seemed to have had an unpleasant dream. He dreamed of events long ago, when he was still in the southeast branch of the childcare center. Zerita was the most difficult patient he had ever contacted. The infirmity caused by the imbalance of natural elements could not be treated. By the pool, he could only watch the water monster weakening day by night.

He felt desperate.

Theo came to him in despair and revealed something to Zhu Heng. For example, although he is one of the high-level members of the Southeast Center, he is privately performing treatments that are not allowed by the center. This treatment is very radical, but it can successfully ensure the survival of most dark creatures.

【element. ] Theo said to him, [Like ten thousand years ago, we use elemental healing. 】

[By extracting excess dark elements, a balance is finally reached in the dark organism… Does it sound scary? Don’t rush to the police, I can show you some successful examples. 】

【follow me. 】

Zhu Heng followed Theo into the underground world, and after that, he remained silent. He has kept in touch with Theo and personally observed the treatment process several times. Until today, Zelita, who has recovered, arrived safely at the headquarter of the childcare center.

It seemed that he had finally put down a boulder in his heart, but it seemed heavier.

Coming back from the bottom of the emerald inner sea, Arecio greeted me and went home with the neurosis. I made a small oriental ravioli for supper. Arecio sprinkled pepper in the bowl and suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, can your light power condense a little for me?”

Ruzius stretched out his hand to him, and Arecio gave up the pepper bottle with humiliation and watched the opponent shake into the bowl.

“Yes, but what do you use it for? The power of light is so rampant in this world, can’t you just grab it from the outside world?”

Being at their level, solidifying and separating the power in the body a little bit, it has no effect at all. In addition, after ten thousand years, the external light element is very sufficient, and he can quickly make up for the slight loss.

Arecio shook his head.

“Can’t grab it directly, it’s too complicated. I want to use the power of light to adjust the body balance for those little guys.”

As for the purity of the power of light, who can compare to the hunters in the temple ten thousand years ago? The Luzius brand filter is definitely Arecio’s first choice.

Ruzius understood that although the imbalance of the elements in the body was not common thousands of years ago, there were some cases. At the beginning, the extraction method was adopted. Although the patients recovered their health, they found that they had lost their magical ability, or were healthy but weak. This method of treatment was abandoned. In the subsequent supplementation method, elements were directly extracted from the outside world to supplement at the beginning, and after some cases of explosion and death, the use of purified power for treatment gradually became the mainstream.

Ten thousand years later, the light and darkness are out of balance, the environment is extreme, and the dark creatures have some internal imbalances. Ruzius is not surprised.

However, there are so many requirements, which is convenient for mentioning conditions. Ruzius stretched out his empty spoon to Arecio. Arecio stared at him for a long time, and finally took a ravioli from his bowl and put it into his spoon, which was counted as a confession.

“I’ll give it to you after I eat it. You can watch and use it, and remember to give it back to me.”


Yes, really dog!

The hard-earned, concentrated power of light gathered into a small ball of light, which was placed in a lunch box by Arecio. In order to be safe, Arecio himself had condensed some dark power in advance, and if he accidentally made up his head, he could still use his own power to balance it. After completing this replenishment, the dark creatures will undoubtedly be healthier and even stronger.

Really **** old father’s heart!

But, is there something else…

Lying on the bed, Arecio thought hard, but unfortunately, he is now full of minds about going to work tomorrow.


In the next half month, Arecio made up for one while he caught one in the center, and worked hard to teach Lucy the wolf cub. Now the wolf cub’s empathy has been used very skillfully, and everyone wants to see it together; Lucy…Lucy can finally control the two chicken skeletons to race.

My abilities are a bit special, it’s a unique system in the East, focusing on manipulation. Arecio doesn’t know much about this aspect, but he has quite some experience in the tempering of mental power. When will he let me float a dictionary and when to proceed to the next step, this is to increase the strength of mental power.

I:…It’s so difficult!

Arecio is extremely boring, and he is still engaged in wartime policies in the center. When the alarm goes off, all the staff have to put him in place. The staff thought they were playing a house and responded with a knowing smile, only the dark creatures in it wept collectively.

too frightening! Slowly, Alessio will be sent to give something to the neurosis. That saint is really terrifying!

However, after Alessio came to the center, the usual awkward dark creatures became healthy and lively. The center jumped around every day, and the dark creatures ran around everywhere, as if there were endless tasks every day.

Zhu Heng carefully stepped over the bone fence left by the Lich, and there was a sudden gust of wind behind him, and he quickly avoided. I saw the wolf pup leaping vigorously over the clump of bones. Even if he ran, he didn’t keep making noises like before. The wolf pup’s mouth was tightly closed and his eyes stared sharply forward. There, Ah Lei Xiou had a whistle in his mouth and a stopwatch in his hand.

“Beep—” Arecio blew the whistle to stop the watch, this time more than ten seconds faster than last time.

“Yes, you just shut your mouth and run faster.” Arecio let go, letting the whistle hang naturally on the lanyard, and said with earnestness, “The dog will bark while running.”

The wolf cub lowered his head in embarrassment, whispered a whisper, and then raised his head again. Sure enough, the hand of the blood race fell, rubbing his ears and head.

“Helgodon, remember, you are a werewolf, even if you can’t transform into a human form now, you have to be like a real werewolf, proud, tough, and charging forward. If all of us are on the same front, then you should It is the sharp knife that cuts into the enemy line first. Your positioning determines that you must be more powerful.”


“And Lucy, the bone spurs are good, and you have to learn to cooperate with Helgodon in the next step.”

The Lich nodded too.

I squatted in the corner bitterly, trying to make the dictionary float, but he could only let the dictionary float one centimeter at most and then it fell down. Arecio watched him fight against the dictionary, so he sent an inquiry message to the neuropathy first, and then walked over.

[Arecio: Do ​​you know anything about the capabilities of the Eastern Division? 】

The other side replied to him after a while.

[Ruzius: The Oriental branch has been away from the world for a long time, and I have only read some fragments here. Among them, I think there are two poems that are very interesting. 】

[Ruzius: The emperor has a domain, and everything is psychic. 】

As a favored person, Arecio is very sensitive to “domain”. He pondered for a while, and asked me, who worked hard to temper his mental strength:

“I, do you have any natural tattoos on your body?”

The dictionary fell to the ground with a “click”, I turned my head in surprise, and then smiled.

“This news should not have been released to the outside world. How did Areci know?”

Sure enough!

I got up, with wide sleeves hanging down, red line tassels colorful and elegant.

“The emperor of the Eastern branch has the god-given black bird pattern from generation to generation.” Because it is not convenient to display, he seems apologetic, “It is a bird with tail feathers and a crest on my back.”

It’s the gods, yes, Alessio now knows how to teach me.

After a worry, Alessio turned his head, Zhu Heng seemed to have been there smiling and waiting for a while.

“I wish you doctor, sorry, I’ve been waiting for a long time.” Arecio nodded slightly, “What’s the matter?”

Zhu Heng shook his head lightly to show that he didn’t care, he looked at me behind Arecio.

“You can already visit Zelita, I asked me before, so…”

“I want to go!” I was happy, “Can I only visit? Can I go with other people?”

Seeing that he had been looking at Alessi, Zhu Heng couldn’t help but smile, and nodded in agreement.

“Of course, Zelita’s mood has stabilized, and other people can also go together.”

This can be counted as an intermission, so Arecio did not block. With a string of tails behind him, he and Zhu Heng walked and talked, and soon reached the area where the water demon was.

I went ahead and entered the room. Inside the room was a pool of moderate size, quiet and quiet. Suddenly a fish tail flashed across the water, and there was a slight sound. The water monster had already held the wall of the pool and looked out timidly. After seeing some dark creatures, there seemed to be a purple light in her right eye. Flashed.

The remotely controlled Theo laughed, and after waiting for so long, the dark creature finally arrived.

Yes, that’s it, come and see poor Zelita… It would be better to come alone…

Suddenly, he straightened up, his heterochromatic pupils widened as never before, staring at the person who appeared in Zerita’s field of vision.

The blood race with black hair and red eyes came in last. Several dark creatures gathered around him and raised their heads to say something to him. The blood race then cast their gaze to the pool and touched the water monster staring at him. The deep rosy eyes were calm. Bo, the tattoo on the right eye with Jian Huong Qiangwei is very beautiful.

It turned out to be Arecio!

Theo became excited with the water monster he manipulated. The water monster stood up from the water and reached out to Arecio eagerly, as if asking for a hug. Theo doesn’t know why he cares so much about this resurrected blood race. He only knows that even if the overall plan collapses, he must immediately use Zerita to bring Arecio back… Bring back…

Arecio looked at the water monster who was almost crying in the water, and even though he was a little inexplicable, he slowly walked over. He stretched out his hand and was about to touch the top of the water monster’s hair——

With a sound of his light brain, Arecio stopped immediately. Considering whether it would have any negative effects on the water monster, he directly withdrew from the room and then picked up the communication.

“What’s the matter? Suddenly dialed the communication.”

“It’s nothing, I grabbed a coupon, shall I go out to eat at night?”

Ruzius reported the name of the restaurant, and Alessio immediately became excited. He wanted to eat this restaurant for a long time!

“go with!”

“Then I pay a coupon and you pay the rest.”


Dogs or dogs, this crazy!

After angering each other, Arecio hung up the communication. Seeing a few small ones who came out with him because he left, a little apologetic, he rubbed my head.

“Don’t play for a while?”

“No.” I smiled, “I’ll go back and study it again. I can definitely make the dictionary fly higher!”

Liches and wolf pups also expressed their desire to continue learning, which made Arecio very pleased.

Of course, gratification is one thing, skipping work and going out to eat still have to continue!

In the room, the water monster sank to the bottom. On the other side, Theo buried his face deeply in his palm, and her pupils trembled in the exposed Violet right eye.

Just…a little…

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