The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Hearing the neuropathy calmly uttering the negative title of the temple hunters, Arecio felt a horror. He recalled the dark days of being tracked again. He returned from the Regency in the Snow Region for a few years. He was chased from the west to the east of the mainland by neurosis. He had to keep his eyes open every day to sleep and buy something on the side of the road. Will show the crazy face.

For half a year, the poor prince of blood had a home and could not go back, and was forced to move around in a human town. In the end, he couldn’t bear it. The original feeling of gratitude was completely destroyed by anger, and he fought with the neurosis, and successfully sent the other party to training for half a year, but…

Arecio sensed the horrible growth rate of neurosis.

This time he won, next time he will win, next time it might be a narrow win, and then…

This point of human beings is really terrible, and the neurosis seems to be burning a limited life, trying to catch up with the immortal him.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Arecio set his goal. He must first ensure the safety of Hitomi’s location, because the other party’s meaning to the Federation is too important to be lost. After that, he will sound the alarm, and the dark creatures in the center have been educated more or less by him. It is difficult to fight back, at least to hide.

Along the way, Arecio saw many injured and hasty staff. He asked these people to concentrate on the area he had cleaned. The staff wanted to cover him at first, but after seeing the mercenaries lying all over the floor, he was dumbfounded for a while.

Arecio’s expression was faint. He didn’t care what negative public opinion this matter would have on him. He had been scolded enough as the leader of the dark camp thousands of years ago. What he cares most now is how to protect the center to the greatest extent.

After plundering the blood of several people, the red pupils became more and more vivid, showing a deep rosy color that was extremely beautiful, Arecio stopped simulating heartbeat and breathing in order to better hide himself. The shadows under his feet sprang out, seeking enemies from all directions. Not long after, several mercenaries broke into his detection area.

The blood in the body was enough for the time being, so Arecio did not continue to plunder, but slightly raised his hand, and the prosperous rose blossoms broke out of the mercenary. The leaves of shadow, the flowers of blood, the mercenaries are fixed on the wall by these prosperous roses. They have not died, and Arecio will not let them die. These people can wait until the situation stabilizes and be arrested and convicted, or…

Become a reserve that he can draw at any time.

On the other side of the interrupted communication, Ruzius had already contacted the military. The old marshal Olsen was in town personally. He had already received a request for help from the childcare center, and immediately mobilized troops to besiege the childcare center. However, the enemy is not simple. The army’s entry is slow, and the shielding device makes it impossible for the military to understand the situation in the center. Ruzius’ communication is almost timely!

“Alessi has already entered?” Olsen had seen Arecio’s force, and was greatly excited for a while. It is a pity that no matter how powerful Arecio is, there is only one person, but the scale of the conservation center is huge.

“Can you go to where Hitomi is first…”

“Areci has passed, he will give priority to control the surrounding area of ​​Hitomi.” While talking to Olsen, Ruzius was on his way to the military headquarters, “Marshal Olsen, I am rushing to the military headquarters. , Please give me access instructions, and prepare an excellent griffon that has never been contracted.”

Olsen was a little confused by his request, but Olsen responded immediately:

“Everything will be ready.”

“I would also like to ask you to give me and Arecii permission.” Ruzius dragged the car all the way, glanced at the law enforcement robots swarming from behind from the rearview mirror, still expressionless, but his eyes were still calm, “necessary At that time, for the benefit of the conservation center, we can kill the invaders.”

“…This is natural! You must pay more attention to your safety.”

Ruzius drove the car directly into the military department, and the law enforcement robot was stopped behind him. Without any delay, he came to the Griffin prepared for him by the military department. Next to him was the Griffin’s trainer, with worry on his face.

“Mr. Ruzius, you have not previously conducted joint training with this griffon, I am afraid…”

Ruzius looked at the griffin, his memory has been restored to the end of the snowy period, at that time he had been with his griffin for several years. He understands the trainer’s worries, but such worries are completely unnecessary for him who has recovered from ten thousand years ago. The hunters of the temple always walk with risks. No one can guarantee that the Griffin companion will accompany him for life. If he loses his Griffin on the battlefield, he can do nothing, and he will die.

Griffon looked at him alertly, and suddenly saw the platinum and blond sage in front of him smile faintly.

“Ariosto,” said the saint, “this is your name.”

The Griffon roared displeasedly. It refused to accept the name and the person it had never seen before. The saint was not afraid of its anxious behavior, and directly looked at the griffon. At that moment, their spirits were connected together, and the saint made the griffon kneel and surrender in the spiritual world.

The griffin suddenly became docile, and even fell on the ground respectfully, asking the saint to step on its back.

The trainer was stunned, looking up at the saint riding on the back of the Griffin. The opponent’s cloak fell on one side, and the sword and spear were looming under the reflection of the golden thread and thorns. He seemed to be about to rush to the battlefield, and also made the trainer vaguely see the shadow of the top powerhouse ten thousand years ago.

In fact, since the recovery, Arecio has been underestimated. Everyone believes that the two resuscitators should be protected, and they have also maintained wartime caution in adapting to the world. Now that everything is clear, the resuscitators have naturally shown their edge.

[First permission granted-flight. 】

[Second authority grant—slight damage. 】

[Third authority…]

The central system of the military issued a series of prompt sounds, and Olsen undoubtedly gave Ruzius the highest authority that can be given, and all the automatic defenses of the city will not stop him. The Griffin began to flap its wide wings, a strong wind blew in the field, and the trainer had to cover his face with his hands and retreat. He couldn’t help but still look out from the gap between his fingers, only to see the white cloak of the saint and the wings of the griffon flying together, making a sharp wind breaking sound—

The saint also spoke at this time, touching the neck of the griffon with his hand, giving it a series of buffs.

“Take off, Ariosto.”

The saint slowly closed his eyes, as he did every time before the war ten thousand years ago.

“For the glory of my god.”

The griffin rose into the sky, the gale screamed, and the hunter’s arrow, like a white feather, left the string, and rushed to the target based on the red rope without returning!

Under the long night, the comet lifted into the sky, and Arecio, who was in the conservation center, also reached the core center. The door was closed tightly in front of him, and there seemed to be a cruel struggle going on inside, and Arecio felt some shadow of death.

The door is a special alloy, even with heavy artillery, it is difficult to break through. Presumably, the invaders close the door and are sure that the outside world will not be able to enter, but Arecio smiled for their innocence.

Heavy artillery is hard to break, he can!


He stretched out his hand obliquely behind, and a cloud of shadow instantly floated from under his feet, flowing into his palm. Then the shadows spread, and the dark and heavy handle first appeared in Arecio’s hands. Then, the downward-flowing shadow outlined a giant sickle, and the blade shimmered with a gleam of blood.

This is the first time Arecio has shown his weapon since his recovery. He thinks this door is glorious enough.

“The last time I let you out, you still killed the bishop of the temple.” Arecio said softly, and the giant sickle gleamed like a response. With the old man in hand, Alessio sneered. Without any magical blessing, the blade of the giant sickle hit the door twice! The staggered blade light directly opened the triangular entrance, and the cut door panel fell heavily, successfully attracting the attention of everyone inside.

With the blood clan sickle in his hand, he stepped on the door and walked into the wide hall, looking up at the suspended dim pupil.

“Meet again, are you okay?”

Hitomi was still, and a female technician made an accurate judgment. She cried out to Arecio about her presence.

“In order to prevent them from seizing information and controlling the network, Hitomi blocked themselves! Now they want to destroy Hitomi’s body!”

Arecio nodded slightly. He looked around. The three observation windows separated by transparent glass were mostly broken, and thick smoke and open flames could even be seen. From time to time there were fighting sounds, mixed with the smell of bright magic. . He patrolled around, and seemed to be slow or slow, but in the next second, he teleported directly to the third floor.

Augustus was doing his best to cover the technical staff’s retreat. His wing was wounded and his blood was soaked in white feathers, but the opponent became more fierce. It was obviously a mercenary who licked blood all year round.

If you simply face such an enemy, Augustus will never lose, but…

The Celestial Clan, who also had white wings next to him, smiled at him. He gave Augustus a knife behind his back and killed several technicians, resulting in the emptiness of data protection. Hitomi then sealed itself to avoid precious information. Flow into the hands of the enemy.

“Why…” Augustus insisted, “The center treats you well…”

“But the temple gives me more.” The Celestial Clan smiled, and then suddenly realized, “Oh, don’t you know what a temple is? I remember what word you use…like’thorn club’ to call noble Temple?”

Augustus’s heart sank. The other party had already revealed the name of the organization to him, and he might be more ugly today.

Seeing his expression, the Celestial Clan couldn’t help but smile. He turned to the mercenary beside him, still talking.

“Look, he knows he is going to die…”

He slowly silenced.

The blood race with black hair and red eyes was standing in the position of the previous mercenary, and the shadow rose blooming under his feet covered the strong body of the mercenary. Because the voice of the heavenly clan stopped, he was still very confused, turning his head slightly.

“Huh? Why don’t you keep talking?”

The pupils of the Celestial Clan shrank, but before he retreated, the wings behind him had been pulled by the blood clan! I don’t know where this horrible power comes from this blood clan that is not as high as his. He tore him to the ground with one hand, and even directly slammed his two wings, and then smashed his hands like flowing water. The sword in Augustus’s hand, a sword nailed him to the ground!

“Augustus,” Arecio said quietly, “I’ll leave it to you here. I’ll clean up other places.”

Before Augustus could answer, he had disappeared in place. The noise lasted for a while, and everything suddenly became surprisingly calm, with only some burning sounds in the ears, and the sound of the technicians walking in shock. Augustus dragged his badly injured body to the edge of the floor and looked down. The blood race was standing under the pupil.

“Restart, Hitomi.”

The dim planet-like eye pupils gradually began to shine, and circles symbolizing restarting appeared on him. Hitomi turned the huge black pupil and gently looked down at Arecio below. Massive calculations were being carried out inside it, preparing to **** control of the nursery center.

Arecio’s first mission has been completed. He kept going for a while, ready to sound the alarm, but the harsh alarm bell rang in the next second, echoing throughout the nursery center.

In the guard room, Ellie almost collapsed on the ground, but she couldn’t. She sounded the alarm, and the intruders would soon know that there is someone in the guard room and come to deal with it. She didn’t even have time to close the eyes of the dead guards. She had to hold back the tears and stumbled out to help gather some panicking dark creatures and staff along the way.

She walked carefully all the way to the corridor and told everyone she encountered to go to the edge of the emerald inner sea immediately. She found that some dark creatures were also running there spontaneously, even more decisive than their nurturers.

These are all taught by Arecio…Arecio…

Ellie hurriedly walked across the corridor with floor-to-ceiling windows, and couldn’t help but glance out. In the emerald inner sea, the rising clouds pressed the white fish belly, and the sun hid under the sea surface, emitting a faint emerald-colored light.

It’s going to dawn.

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