The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

The kinsman smiled faintly at him, this smile looked reserved and arrogant.

“It seems that you know me, so you don’t need to introduce myself.”

Although talking about the topic of self-introduction, the blood family never asked Zhu Qing’s name from beginning to end. He seemed to be watching a dead person, his eyes calm, even casual.

Zhu Qing slowly clenched his fists.

Arecio saw the tiny camera floating next to him, so he stepped aside to reveal Awei, the two metal winged camera behind him.

“It’s a coincidence,” he said lightly, “but mine is live broadcast on a regular platform, unlike you. The pheasant platform is not divided into bad traffic, and there are many overlord clauses, why bother.”

Zhu Qing’s live broadcast platform has long been discovered by the federation. The federation planned to ignore the negative impact caused by the other party and give priority to the rescue of the nursery center and Hitomi. However, Arecio appeared in the center at this critical moment, Hitomi restarted, and has now seized most of the center’s control. The Federal Public Opinion Department began to act, first to stabilize the people’s sentiments through official announcements, and then to conduct live broadcasts of part of the links to select audiences of the right age to watch.

However, Arecio decided to stop, and the next picture may not be too good-looking. So even if he got more attention than Zhu Qing, he glanced at the camera and shut it down with a password.

“Go and see other places, I will deal with the illegal live broadcast as soon as possible.”

Different from the scolding in Zhu Qing’s live broadcast room, the official live broadcast room has received unanimous praise and encouragement. Among them, the spot set up at the edge of the Emerald Inner Sea has the most dark creatures and the largest audience. Augustus sits on the edge of the inner sea, coordinating the rescue of the injured dark creatures and staff, while laying a line of defense to prevent intruders from entering the center.

Because of the need to go through the sea and the resources are leaning forward, there are not many materials and personnel that can come here. There are almost no staff and dark creatures here. The dark creatures have been very dazzling since the evacuation.

Because of limited combat power, the kingfisher began to migrate inland, replaced by sea snakes and swallow rays. Giant fish float and sink in the deep water in twos and threes, erecting bright and colorful coral horns, transforming them into huge islands. They carry the wounded who cannot participate in combat on their backs. Once the situation deteriorates, they will immediately retreat to a deeper place.

[I came back from next door, crying and trying to smash my brain, I was completely cured when I came here. 】

[It’s really orderly! All doing what they should do! 】

[Many of the staff are injured, but it turns out that the dark creatures are taking care of them…]

[I’m really…really feeling very complicated…really…]

[All are great! How many people did Klass have gotten back? 】

[Six! It’s in again! 】

The night birds flew on the promenade in the center, one by one chubby, but not slow. Whenever a wounded or dead body is found, they will scream loudly so that the person in charge of the follow-up will notice here. The guard force in the center is gradually recovering, and the rest of the medical department are also working hard to rescue. All areas on the promenade where the shadow rose blooms are safe. As Arecio deepens all the way, the safe zone continues to expand.

The manticore carried a person on his back, and the mystic snake entangled it to prevent it from falling. It stayed shortly, and returned quickly under the guidance of Nightbird. It has to be careful of the poisonous needle on its tail so as not to stab the person on its back, and whenever its attention starts to get distracted, the night bird will unceremoniously give him two wings.

The manticore whimpered faintly. Suddenly, the tip of its ears moved slightly, catching a little unusual movement.

Nightbird gave a sharp warning, and Klass turned around without hesitation and ran away. However, the invaders chased it very quickly, closely behind it, chasing the promenade near the sea, and the distance had been narrowed to the point where it could touch the manticore!

And more than one person! More people also chased up, and these intruders found a concentration point on the edge of the inner sea!

The mercenary showed a hideous smile, but before the smile widened, the secret snake on the manticore’s back turned up and spewed venom at him!

The venom of the Mystic Snake is extremely toxic, and it sprays directly into the eyes of mercenaries when it is sprayed at such a short distance. The mercenary screamed and staggered, and blood began to drip from his eyes, and the blood began to drip, but there was no sign of stopping, making the other intruders behind him shudder.

However, they had already seen the dark creatures gathered at the edge of the inner sea. Thinking of Mr. Theo’s request, he immediately broke through this refuge point at any cost!

The manticore ran out of the promenade and into the sun outside, and in the next second, the mercenaries who were still on the promenade heard the sound of large pieces of glass shattering. Swallow rays with sharp bone beaks smashed the glass in groups, and then glide away in the wind, leaving only the promenade and a piece of glass shards completely exposed.

The mercenaries felt unclear, but something called “fear” quietly clenched their hearts, and they saw the behemoths gradually approaching the shore.

“sea snake……”

Several sea snakes swam in groups, and swallow rays flew up and down beside them. The sea snakes raised their ear fins, sharp bone spurs, and open mouths full of sharp teeth, a group of bright bright things was taking shape——

A mercenary reacted with a scream and was about to flee, but every floor-to-ceiling window was smashed by swallow rays. The sea snakes arranged in an array would turn this long corridor into their fiery hell!

Augustus, who was about to rush into the promenade to fight the invaders to death, was stunned, and the guards of other centers around him were also stunned. The pupils trembling from shock clearly reflected this scene that would be recorded in the annals of history. The flame’s blocking battle!


Everything is burning, the air is hot and distorted, and the sea snake continues to breathe flames. This flame was originally a must-see marine landscape for all tourists who love dark creatures. Against the backdrop of the fire, the sea snake’s vertical pupils are cold and sharp, and the promenade has completely turned into a **** on earth, and the invaders have turned into a pool of scorched earth after the initial struggle.

The dark elves moved their pointed ears, and all the breath of life announced their disappearance.

“You can stop!”

The sea snake stopped breathing, but the flames raged, even breaking through the building and spreading towards the shore.

“Fight the fire!” Augustus stunned, and if this continues, the fire will burn the wounded who cannot move.

At this time, he saw the dark creatures on both sides of the clearing, retreating to the sides again. At the beginning, Augustus was very surprised why he divided the position into two parts, leaving a large open space in the middle. Now he vaguely understood what, looking up, a sharp white line pushed rapidly from the depths of the inner sea to the shore. Come!

Two bright coral horns appeared in the white waves. The giant fish kept flicking and sprinting forward. Before reaching the shore, he slammed the brakes, turned his body sideways, and pushed the huge waves to the land and to the flames!

What the sea snakes spit is not the purified flame. The ordinary fire is extinguished in the sea water, and thin drops of water are scattered on the refuge point on the shore, and some young dark creatures point in the air.

“Look! Rainbow!”

【rainbow! It’s a rainbow! 】

[Really great! awesome! Who came up with such an interlocking plan? 】

[It is the first time that I know that the flames of sea snakes are so powerful. I saw what travel agencies advertised before is still good for seeing flames for a hundred years. 】

[Puff, it makes sense, burn to death if it doesn’t fit together. 】

[The devil in front? Goose, goose, goose, goose, goose! 】

Everything is proceeding according to Arecio’s plan, including the fact that he will face the leader of the invader, which is also in his expectation.

The sun is shining on the promenade, the gray screen has been destroyed by these mercenaries, and the blood race is standing in the remaining shadows. Zhu Qing’s heart suddenly loosened slightly. He remembered the weakness of the blood race. Even if it seemed to be strong, such a long and sunny road was enough to make Arecio completely weak.

He sneered, and the gun in his right hand pointed at the side of Zhu Heng and Lucy Helgodon.

“The resuscitator from ten thousand years ago, even if he has strong strength, what can he do?” He tilted his head, seemingly relaxed, but the string that felt dangerous was always tight. Zhu Qing’s instincts have always been accurate. Although there is already a long sunny road behind him, he still feels a little fear.

Yes, fear. Zhu Qing himself was a little surprised. He hadn’t felt this way for a long time. Even in the face of the moody Theo, he knew that he himself was useful. Theo wouldn’t kill him easily, so he had no fear.

But at this moment, he felt scared, so he had to speak, hoping to use words to dilute this strange feeling.

“Powerful creatures have constraints, and the drawbacks of blood races are even more widely known.” He said more and more fluently, and his tight heartstrings gradually loosened, and laughed mockingly, “Or I will shoot in a few seconds, you try… …Climb over?”

He smiled to himself, but the blood clan on that end had no expression.

Arecio glanced out the window. Although it was not noon, it was still sunny today. It is true that the blood family fears the sun. Sunlight can cause irreversible trauma to the blood family, including but not limited to peeling of the skin and bleeding of a large amount of stored blood. If you stay in the sun for too long and the five internal organs are burning, then this blood family can Declared dead.

But that is just a general rule.

He smiled softly, and Jian Huong Qiangwei with the fascination in his right eye appeared after he became a blood clan. Unlike human beings, dark creatures with long life spans have the opportunity to receive the gods throughout their lives, and the gods will give them a special ability and a domain with personal characteristics. Beings with gods are all powerful beings without exception. This is the last kindness of the gods left on the earth.

Alessio recalled that the day he got his favor, it was also in such fine weather. He was taken back to the blood moon castle of the blood clan. He stood at the front door, looking at the light close at hand and the rose blooming in the light. Behind him were other blood clan sneers in a low voice.

[You said, will he go out? 】

[After every human being is transformed, there will always be a period of unwillingness to give up, let him try, and then crawl back. 】

[Hahahaha! 】

He has never been in power, is helpless, and can’t stop the kinsmen who are accustomed to publicity. But even if he was teased, even if he was ridiculed, he wanted to walk into the light outside like a human being and be embraced by the light and warmth.

He didn’t hesitate anymore and walked out, the boundless bright sunshine hugged him.

However, he didn’t have any pain, he only felt warm, and the ridicule behind him was a little bit quieter, and in the end it was completely silent. Arecio looked at his hand, no burns, no bones exposed, and his pale skin was covered with a warm color in the sun. He raised his head again, only feeling a slight warmth on his right eye, and the goddess in black and red dress descended in the light and kissed his eyes affectionately.

[I take care of you, Alessi. 】

The sword pierced through the eyes, and the rose was growing in the surrounding area. Alessio opened his right eye, the sword was hidden. Only the beautiful rose tattoos remained around his eyes.

He turned his head back, and the father of the blood family who had come here was watching him quietly, his eyes were complicated, and finally he showed a gentle smile.

[What a wonderful favor you have, my child. 】

The hand of the second-generation blood hung on his side tightly, but his face was smiling.

[You are the only one of the blood clan…]

【Daywalker. 】

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