The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

After a lapse of several months, after the adaptation period since the recovery and the battle of the flat-rolling childcare center, Arecio finally embarked on a journey to a foreign land again.

The reason for saying “again” is because Arecio himself liked to travel tens of thousands of years ago, and he also visited many places. Now this trip to the north is just another journey he is accustomed to. . Not to mention, there are many people to accompany him, which makes Arecio, who has always been used to traveling alone, feel a little fresh.

He took his own optical brain, deleted, deleted, and changed the sentences that he planned to say to the neurosis never satisfied him. In other words, it was actually what he wanted to say, which made him not confident of getting any positive answers.

[Do you want to live forever? 】

It sounds like a gift, it’s inappropriate and inappropriate.

[Can I bite you? 】

There is still a big difference between “bite” and “first embrace”, which is too vague.

[Do you mind if I be your father? 】


Arecio put down his head in despair, he temporarily gave up thinking about this problem.

Through the porthole, he saw the crystal clear snow-capped mountains in the distance. On a sunny day, the entire snowy area was like a dream. He suddenly felt a certain kind and nostalgia, which was very similar to the feeling when he met Hitomi. Arecio tilted his head. He didn’t think his feeling was an illusion. There must be something in the depths of this snowy area.

“What are you looking at?” It was probably because he had been standing in front of the porthole for too long. The saint came to him and looked in the direction of his line of sight. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.


Arecio followed the prestige, only to see a white line slowly descending from the snowy peak, and when it landed, it filled the sky, still sweeping in their direction. Arecio thought it was an avalanche at first, but soon denied this view himself. It was not an avalanche, it was too light, it was…

Light collapse.

“Lucy!” Arecio called the only lich among the three that has the ability to stay in the air. The lich immediately held the corner of his clothes, and Arecio led her to the hatch.

“Ruzius, take the rest of the people and land. Lucy and I will go over first.”


The hatch opened, and a bitter wind blew his face, blowing Arecio’s cloak up and down. With this wind, Lucy couldn’t fly too steady, so he picked up the Lich, and the wings of Shadow began to stretch out behind him. Before the wings were fully opened, Arecio had already jumped out of the aircraft. After the initial sharp fall, the bat wings opened, and he flew quickly in the direction of the light collapse.

In the current world, there has been a fixed mode of operation for dealing with light failure. The military has a special device that can capture free dark elements, neutralize the impulse of light collapse, and then supplement the regional dark power to reduce the possibility of light collapse in this area. Therefore, it is very important for dark creatures to come to the front line. As long as there are dark creatures, the dark power in this area will rise. No matter it is blocking or offsetting, it will undoubtedly be more effective.

I, who came to this front before, played such a role. The vast majority of the dark creatures in the past also helped the military in this way, but Arecio didn’t intend to go the old way.

Why go through another troublesome conversion? The dark creatures themselves are not buff generating devices. Their physical fitness and the unique dark attributes in this era can completely confront the light collapse.

Arecio lowered the height, the wind was already weak, so he let go of Lucy. The Lich immediately opened her tight bone wings and hovered in the air. Her flight practiced many times, and it was already stable. The military camp was at their feet, and they seemed to be preparing for the battle. Someone spotted them and signaled them to come down, but Arecio ignored them.

This is the reason why he has always pursued independent combat. Their trip is entirely to break the inherent concept.

In the military camp at this moment, the young general who replaced Marshal Olsen saw the blood and liches in the sky in the distant sight. The other party ignored the ground signal, but rushed towards the place where the light collapse occurred. , His expression suddenly tightened.

“It’s too dangerous! Even if His Royal Highness Arecio is there, Miss Lucy is still a child!”

He was about to send ground troops to respond immediately, but someone stopped him nearby.

“That special force has the right to operate independently.” Andre said, their aircraft had landed and the people scattered into the camp. He came immediately just to explain the situation to the generals now in charge of the northern front.

“Yes…” The young general watched the two small black spots in the sky go deeper. The long-standing concept of protecting dark creatures still echoed in his mind, but there was another voice.

“This action is fully compliant.”

“Marshal Olsen!” The young general bowed his head deeply to show respect. The old marshal said so, he could only do his life, and at most arrange more staff to take care of him.

There was a roar that was still somewhat childish, and the wolf pup turned into a giant silver wolf. He glanced at Arecio flying in the sky, and slammed out amidst the exclamations of everyone!

—In front of him is a huge light collapse.

Arecio noticed that Helgodon had followed, and he adjusted his strategy slightly, leading Lucy to speed up to the top of the light collapse. There are dense elements of light floating in the air. Ordinary people will definitely be burned here, but dark creatures will not. The power of darkness spontaneously flows around the body, forming a seemingly weak but exceptionally effective protection outside, which makes it even more so. Reciou strengthened the determination that the light collapse should be the main force of the dark creatures.

He asked Lucy to stand up as much as possible to block the light burst after a while, and then cast his gaze to Helgodon on the ground.

“Helgodon, follow me!”

The Silver Wolf roared, the bat wings of the blood clan moved inward, and then erupted at a terrifying high speed. He plunged into the tide of light like a sharp sword, and the light broke out like snow melt wherever he went. Arecio squinted his eyes, the intensity of the light collapse is indeed not small, Lucy’s bone prison may not be able to face it, he needs to weaken this light collapse a little more in order to exercise.

He slowed down a little, and let Helgodon, who had already charged forward with the light on the ground, ran ahead of him. Arecio turned around, and the black sickle appeared in his hand. He looked calm, estimated the strength of the light collapse, and then cut the ground in a round!

“Just… stop here.”

He stated for granted that behind it was a turbulent wave of light, and on the ground, from the position where the black sickle fell, a large area of ​​shadow rose began to grow, and the imposing light was instantly intercepted. The light element made a sharp whistling sound due to squeezing, and rushed into the sky, but no matter how high the light flies, how high the shadow rose can grow, completely stop it!

It was like drawing a knife to cut off the water, and finally rushed to the Lich, only a wave of aftermath remained.

For Lucy, these are the extent to which it takes a lot of hard work to cope. Arecio put away the black sickle, flapped the bat wings a few times, and caught up with Helgodon, who was still sprinting forward. He lowered the flight altitude and gave a voice guidance:

“Breathing messed up!”

“You didn’t make you a hard top all the way! Learn to avoid moderately!”

With him escorting on the side, Helgodon was extremely brave for the first time in the face of the glare. He adjusted his breathing and pace, and more appropriately mobilized the power of darkness, all of which made him run farther! If someone looked down from a high altitude at this time, they would be shocked to discover that under the guidance of the blood clan, the silver wolf galloped in a blazing light, and the black power around him wandered like a blade tearing the white curtain.

Arecio stretched his bat wings, and the light in the sky would not fall on Helgodon. Helgodon’s lesson is just a charge. If the enemy is also attacked from above, I am afraid that he will not be impulsive, so he has to act as an umbrella for the time being.


The closer you get, the more familiar and intimate feeling becomes. The vague song of the Werewolf according to the agreement is as thin as a gossamer in the strong noise of the light, but it always lingers in Areciou’s ears. Just when he was in a trance, Helgodon below also let out a special roar, Arecio lowered his height, and Helgodon yelled to him a few times.

He also heard the singing, and to him, it was more like a long call.

The light on the face had begun to weaken, and finally, Helgodon panted and stopped, and Arecio landed beside him. The light had dissipated, and together they looked at the distinct mountains that appeared in front of them.

“I have to go in and have a look sooner or later, and go back now.” Arecio didn’t think today was the right time.

They returned the same way, filling the power of darkness along the way. Although the main force of the Light Collapse has been dissipated, the light from the four lower reaches still poses a threat. Arecio witnessed some light forces being thrown high, and then falling to the ground like a meteor. When they arrived at the military camp, Lucy had completed the mission. The bone barrier stretched for several kilometers, blocking the aftermath, and only some light meteors were still falling.

There was a barrier in the important area of ​​the camp. Ruzius stood outside the barrier and kept looking at the direction Arecio was flying away. Finally, he saw the two returning figures, so he narrowed his focused gaze slightly.

A meteor of light began to land on him, his fingers moved, but he didn’t make any movements.

Arecio saw the meteor that was falling towards the neurosis at a glance. He had seen the power of this thing many times on the way, and it really landed in a pit! So after discovering that the neuropathy didn’t act immediately, Alessio raised his mind and immediately teleported behind the neuropathy.

He pressed his hand on the neurotic shoulder, and the huge bat wings were fully stretched and closed on top of both of them. The meteor smashed on it, and it instantly collapsed, turning into dots of light scattered around.

“Did you not see?” Alessio was a little angry, and the saint still steadily returned to him.

“It won’t be a problem if you hit it on the head, it will be swallowed by me.”

Arecio thought about the scene for a while, he actually wanted to see the neurosis being smashed to the head.

“I regret it a bit.”

“…Gloriously.” The sage reprimanded both lightly and lightly, as if casually reaching out and grabbing his main wing bone, from the place where it was grabbed, gently stroked it, and finally his fingertips hooked. His wingtips.

Arecio folded his wings in one second.

“What are you doing?”

“Touch it.”

“Don’t touch it!”

“Already touched.”

dog! Really a dog!

Alessio grinned at the neuropathy. Why didn’t the neuropathy touch his fangs? Absolutely opening your mouth is a mouthful!

The eyes of the saint lit up suddenly.



Alessio was angry every day, and then looked around. Lucy and Helgodon were tired and resting, but where did I go?

“It should be lost in the investigation.” Ruzius said lightly, “We applied to build a separate barracks when we landed. The military has sent some people to get along for a long time. I am with those people.”

Arecio was relieved. My abilities are very special, especially the one that has recently appeared. It should definitely be a good hand in the investigation.

“It seems that I can sleep peacefully today.” He laughed.

I, whom they talked about, are indeed in their own camp that is being built right now. He still wears the traditional costume of the East, even his hair rope is shiny, as if dangling aimlessly in the camp, and after greeting everyone, he squatted down and watched a soldier tidy up. Temporary camp built.

“You worked hard.” He smiled, “Ah, it’s a dark creature. When you get acquainted in the future, you may have a chance to take it away, so you don’t have to stay in this **** ghost place anymore.”

The soldier who heard his heart was horrified. He subconsciously wanted to draw his gun, but someone had pointed the gun at him.

“Don’t move!” Noah sullen. “The military will come over right away.”

Knowing that it was exposed, the soldier seemed to have made up some determination, but before he could make any moves, he was shocked to find that he could not move. His gaze is hanging down to the ground, where there are some unresolved remnants of snow, as well as my sleeve ends with long tassels.

“Don’t think about suicide.” I was still smiling, and he lifted his sleeves, and the fringe swayed briskly in the soldier’s eyes.

“Just stand here obediently, and wait for Alessi to come back…Alessi!”

As soon as Arecio entered the camp, he felt the obscure breath and raised his eyebrows slightly. I ran to him and showed him my merits very lively.

“Alessi said that there can be no frail ordinary people in the open domain. There are no frail people here. The entire camp is already shrouded in my domain!”

His psychic realm, the more creatures there are, the more terrifying it can be. Before this trip, he had already awakened [Mind Reading], as long as the other party is not much stronger than him, he can know the other party’s voice. [Control] I’m not doing very well now, just like just now, I need to ask Noah to help scare the opponent, and when the opponent loses his mind, can he seize all the control of the opponent’s body.

He raised his head for praise, and he got a touch of his head, and he was immediately satisfied.

“However, among the soldiers on the northern front, there has been an internal response who wants to take away the dark creatures…” I opened my eyes wide, and he was very keenly aware of something.

“Yeah.” Alessio replied, his red pupil narrowed slightly. “The possibility of light collapse is artificially increased. It is possible to create such a large light collapse and maintain it. In the mountains of this snowy area, there may be Something interesting… what do you think?”

He asked Ruzius for his opinion.

The saint didn’t say much, just took something out of his pocket and handed it to Arecio.

“Found around the camp.”

Arecio took the thing, looked at it for a while, and recognized the name of the thing.

“Eternal Dark Stone?”

This is a mineral deposit that existed in the last epoch, and its characteristics are—

Store the power of darkness.

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